Here are some things that might have changed since your last look.
- 15 Apr. Subscribe to the Sathya Sai International Organisation Bulletin
Pre-World Conferences - 3 Apr. Prashanthi Nivasam - Sri Sahtya Sai Prashanthi Nilayam - Online Room Reservation Portal
4th volume of "Teachings of Sai" is available.
- 8 Mar. SSE Conference Registration
1 Jan New Year Greetings from Prasanthi Council Chairman
- 6 Dec. Sathya Sai International Organization Annual Report is available.
- 27 Nov. 3rd volume of "Teachings of Sai" is available.
- 25 Oct. 89th Birthday Celebrations of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Programme Schedule is available.
- 22 Sep. 2015 calendar of events is available.
- 7 Sep. Study Guide on Love and Selfless Service.
- 22 Apr. Sathya Sai Universe is a website that contains articles, pictures and videos of spiritual, educational and service activities rendered by volunteers in 126 countries around the world. A video overview of the website can be found here.
- 27 Mar. Letter from Prasanthi Council Chairman - Observing Mahasamadhi Day on April 24th
- 17 February
Conference on Sri Sathya Sai Ideal Education in Prasanthi Nilayam, July 6th-8th, 2014
Dr. Narendranath Reddy New Year's Eve Talk 2014
Hospitality Committee Guidelines and Presentation
Announcement of Website for Disaster Relief in the Philippines
Reports/Documents page updated
- 29 Dec. has links to470 mp3 files for Sathya Sai Speaks discourses (to listen to or download). has a new video: Memorable Moments with Swami in Trayee Brindavan.
The Reports/docs page has a new look -easier to find what you want.
- 14 Dec. Intl Sai Org Annual Report is available.
2nd volume of "Teachings of Sai" is available.
How to help with Philippines disaster relief.
Read the missive Follow the Divine Command.
Dr. Reddy's talk "The Five Mandates" available on and as pdf
23 Nov. Union Minister of State for Communication & Information Technology (IT) Killi Krupa Rani released a commemorative stamp on Sathya Sai Baba on the occasion of his 88th birth anniversary celebrations held at Puttaparthi (Anantapur district) on 23 November 2013.
New committee on media coordination announced.
- 23 Nov. is beginning to provide mp3 files of discourses to listen to or download. For example, look at Sathya Sai Speaks volume 42 for 2009.
- 10 Nov. Super Typhoon Haiyan disaster relief in Philippines
- 24 Oct. Program for Birthday celebrations in Prasanthi Nilayam
- 30 June. Prasanthi Council program for Guru Purnima celebrations in Prasanthi Nilayam.
Articles in India newpapers about Sai Organization relief efforts in Uttarkhand.
- 28 June. Prasanthi Council letter concerning the relief fund for the floods in the states of Uttarkhand and Himachal Pradesh in Northern India.
- 27 May. A new link in the left-hand column, to Sathya SaiWith Students, a blog from the Sai college students.
Many more videos on and service stories on
- 21 Apr. Schedule of events leading up to the Mahasamadhi day (doc file).
More high-resolution pics of Sathya Sai Baba's Mahasamadhi.
- 07 Apr. Changes in the membership of the SSSWF Education Committee. (letter)
- 10 Mar. Avatar Day: 20 October. Mahasamadhi Day: 24 April. Also now on the calendar.
- 04 Mar. Interview with Sri Chakravarthi, previous Secretary of Central Trust, now a Trustee. pdf file saicast video
- 20 Feb. New website for the Sai org in the Philippines. Chakravarthi interview on
- 14 Feb. Center guidelines and manual are available in French.
- 06 Feb. Letter from Prasanthi Council regarding celebrations on Mahasamadhi Day.
- 31 Jan. Letter from SSSWF about new Zone Chair and Education Committee Chair appointments.
- 02 Jan. New World Foundation and Prasanthi Council subpage.
From the Chair of the Prasanthi Council: New Year's message and Way Forward (pdf) . has some new videos: Christmas memoeries, talks, etc.
- 21 Dec. Merry Christmas. has some new videos: Christmas at Prasanthi Nilayam in 1994 and 2001.
- 10 Dec. Annual Report of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust (pdf file)
- 03 Dec. Annual Report of the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization is available. It's large --34MB for the web-reading version. We willl try soon to get a smaller version.
Center Guidelines an Center manual are available in English and Espagnol (Spanish).
- 26 Nov. Gary Belz becomes chair of the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation, replacing Dr. Michael Goldstein, who served in that position for so long and so well. Here is a 24 November letter about this from Narendra Reddy, Chair, Prasanthi Council.
- 26 Nov. has a number of new videos —discourses, bhajans with Swami, talk, etc.
- 07 Nov. has a new discourse from 25 July 1996.
- 23 Oct. has a lot more vidoes —discourses, past talks, as well as talks given last week by Srkanth Sola, cardiologist at Swami's superspecialty hospital in Bangalore.
- 11 Oct. Visit website for dicourses by Swami to students and books by students.. This is Sai Publications, a Division of the Sri Sathya Sai Society for Senior Students, in Prasanthi Nilayam. This new bookstore is now displayed in our subpage on bookstores.
- 11 Oct. Fanibunda's complete talk in 1991 is now on
- 02 Oct. The website for Swami's discourses and the Vahinis,, has a new discourses from 24 July 1996 that is not in the Sathya Sai Speaks series. Click on "Sathya sai Speaks English" and then on volume 29. Or use this link:
- 30 Sep. Center Guidelines are available.
- 22 Sep. The 2013 Calendar of events is available.
- 18 Sep. has more videos: Some of Swami's discourses from 1996, talks from the 1990s by the Sharon and Sam Sandweiss, Charles and Faith Penn, and Anne Sohani, and "Jhoola (swing)" darshan from 1990.
- 02 Sep.
Talks by Narendra Reddy and V. Srinivasan of 25 August are on, along with Swami'sBirthday discourse in 1976 and a talk by Anne Sohani in 1992.
- 23 Aug. has a new video of a talk given by Hal Honig in 1993.
- 16 Aug. The website for Swami's discourses and the Vahinis,, has a dozen new discourses from July 1996 that are not in the Sathya Sai Speaks series. Click on "Sathya sai Speaks English" and then on volume 29. Or use this link:
Three discourses from the First World World Youth Conference (1997) are now on
- 08 Aug. See a picture of President Obama talking at the House of Blues in New Orleans on 25 July under the watchful eye of Swami.
- 01 Aug. has a Bock film on the 60th Birthday (1985).
- 27 July. Chinese New Year to be celebrated on 15-16 February 2013. It is organized by Zone 4, but all Chinese (and oter devotees) throughout the world are encouraged to attend. Announcement (pdf file). Registration form for zone 4 participants (xlxs zipped file).
- 21 July. has a new look on its home page, designed to let you see easily what is happening in Prasanthi Nilayam, with new videos, and with new description of service projects on
Look also at the new index for! Use it to easily find what you are looking for.
- 20 July. The Planetarium has a new show titled "Space Opera of Timeline360 featuring a voyage across the Solar System and beyond. produced by Gustav Holst. It will be shown at the Sri Sathya Sai Space Theatre regularly on Thursdays and Sundays..
- 11 July. has new material --talks and interviews by people, some videos from the 1990s, and so on. We will be updating it regularly from now on, at least once a week and usually more, with new videos. has more descriptions of Sai service projects.
- 24 Feb. The 114-page special issue of India Today, titled "Divine Grace", is available as a pdf file with bookmarks (9.3 MB). We are working on scanning it in better and may update the file in 2 weeks.
- 23 Feb. A new website,, is now available. It presents descriptions of Sai Center and individual selfless service projects throughout the world --not many yet, but everyone who has a "story" to tell can offer to author the story. Take a look at this site!
- 24 Jan. The sheet music on our website has been updated with new songs.
- 23 Dec. Live videos from Prasanthi Nilayam during Christmas.
- 7 Dec. Alert! The website purports to be a website of a Trust founded by Sathya Sai Baba. It blatantly asks for donations. It is a fraud. This site has nothing to do with the Central Trust. Do not donate as requested on that website. Swami has never asked for money like this.
- 28 Nov. Annual Report of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust. 3.7 MB pdf file.This is a must-read to learn about the ashram, Sai schools and university, hospitals, Sathya Sai International Organization, the All India Service Organization, etc.
- 21 Nov. A new website, the Prasanthi Reporter, hosted by the Publications Division of the Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, has started. It is an excellent source for official news and information about the daily eventsin Prasanthi Nilayam. Click the link in the column to the left.
- Article on Sathya Sai Baba and his divinity, Sri Lankan newspaper
Dana Gillespie sings at a concert in the Sri Sathya Sai International Centre in Delhi, on 27 November.
- 12 Nov. Resolutions from 2nd Youth World Conference (13-14 July 2011)
Sai Pilgrimages
- 4 Nov. Article about the Sai School in Chatsworth, South Africa
- 11 Oct. The 2012 calendar of festivals is available.
- 15 Sep. Dana Gillespie sings at two Sai concerts, in a new format designed to let people know about Swami and His teachings. Fiyer (pdf)
- 5 Sept. VIctor Kanu, co-founder of the MIracle Sai School in Zambia, passes.
- 17 July. See pictures of new Mahasamadhi (Swami's resting place) --can be downloaded in high resolution form. Also, some articles, press releases, etc.
- 29 June. The Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust issues a press release dealing with its accounting as well as mis-information produced by the media.
- 4 June. Nepal's website is available.
- 29 May. The Venezuelan Government has issued a proclamation extolling Swami as a great soul of India, a Mahatma. has new videos --talks by Warden Naramsimha Murthy and Prasanthi Council member Narendranath Reddy and other videos.
The Central Trust has released a statement saying that the normal festivals will contnue to be celebrated as before, beginning with Guru Purnima. Conferences, training programs, cultural programs, etc., will continue as before.
We have resdesigned the home page of The image of His temporary Mahasamadhi has been placed in the lower left, and clicking it will give information surrounding His last days in a Physical Body and hapennings directly thereafter. The blue link "Prasanthi Info" will take you to a page where we will keep current information about happenings in Prasanthi Nilayam.
- 09 May. Letter from Prasanthi Council Chair, Dr. Michael Goldstein.
- 09 May. Buddha Purnima will be celebrated. The Youth conference will take place on 13-14 July. From now on, the Calendar webpage will maintain information on events in Prasanthi Nilayam.
- 09 May. There have been many rumours about Prema Sai. The information about Prema Sai is not consistent. Please read this page about Prema Sai. Then, don't get involved in long debates about Prema Sai and when and where He is coming. It will happen when Swami wants it to, some time in the future. Sit back and watch it unfold in His time --and love His Uncertainty!
- 03 May. Visit the Prasanthi page to learn about accommodations, schedules, special events in Prasanthi Nilayam There will be a special event on 4 May. On 6 May, Easwaramma Day festivites are expected to take place. Read Dr. Goldstein's message of 25 April and Special Musng by Prof. G.V. Venkataraman on 29 April.
- 02 May. a new darshan video, "My Sweet Lord", with beautiful devotional songs.
- 30 April. The Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust has issued an important press release regarding the Trust, the operations it manages and oversees, and its funding.
Timings of Vedam and Bhajans are rescheduled to what they were before. Visitors are welcome to stay in the ashram accommodations, with the continuing limit of about 10 days so that more devotees may have a chance to visit.
- 27 April. has a video of the Last Rites, performed in the morning
French Translation of Dr. Goldstein's letter of 24 April.
- 27 April. Read a short description of the funeral and why the events and why live streaming has not been possible. Every moment captured, and videos will appear on and as soon as possible.
- 26 April. Saicast has a video of Swami's body being brought into Sai Kulwant Hall and lying in state.
Swami lies in State in Sai Kulwant Hall until midnight Tuesday. Funeral expected to be 9-9:30AM Wednesday.
Letter from Michael Goldstein, M.D., Chair, Prasanthi Council
Discussion of Swami's age when He left His body.
- 24 April. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is no more with us physically. He left his earthly body on Easter Sunday, 24 April 2011, at 7:40 a.m. due to cardio-respiratory failure.
Bhagawan Baba's Body will lie in state at Sai Kulwant Hall for two days (Monday and Tuesday). Arrangements will be made for Darshan after 6:00 p.m. today, at Sai Kulwant Hall.
We appeal to all not to rush to the hospital but to remain calm and have Darshan in an orderly manner.
This announcement also appears on the Pres release page and the
- 03--23 Apr evening. Updates on swami's health.
Article on Swami by former President of India Abdul Kalam (and as a pdf file)
Comprehensive interview with Prof. Vekataraman and Dr. Narendranath Reddy on Swami's health.
Important message about Bhagawan's Health from Michael Goldstein.
- 22 Apr. Easter Special: Saicast discourse on Jesus, faith, and love, from 2007 December.
- 16 Apr. has a documentery, "Team Player".
- 08 Apr. has a documentary on educare and a video of the Middle East pilgrimage on 8 August 2010.
- 31 Mar. Update on swami's health.
- 30 Mar. Mauritius Sai Organization has a new website. Learn about the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini project.
- 23 Mar. Estonia has a new website.
- 13 Mar. Announcing the publishing of
The Compendium, developed under the direction of Sri Indulal Shah. A must-have for everyone!
Sri Sathya Sai Digvijayam (The Glorious Journey of Sri Sathya Sai Avatar).
Ashta Pushpanali (Garland of Eight Flowers of Virtues) by Sri Sarla Indulal Shah.
- 06 Mar. has the musical program by devotees from Czech and New Zealand on 25 January.
- 15 Feb. has videos of the Sports festival of 11-12 January.
- 02 Feb. Slovakia (Slovenkso) has a new website.
- 14 Jan. Dr. Michael Goldstein's introductory talk at the 9th World Conference is now available, and all six talks at the conference can be seen on
- 15 Dec. Information about the 9th World Conference, 20-21 November, including four talks, is now available.
- 30 Nov. Bhagawan's Convocation Discourse (22 Nov. 2010)
- 26 Nov. DownloadThe Universal Sai -- Times of India Supplement, Nov 22, 2010 (pdf, 13.8 MB)
- 25 Nov. For a historical perspective, we have made available the Sathya Sai International Organization website on 27 March 1997. The website was proposed to Swami in Jun 1995. You can see the proposal here.
- 23 Nov. has the videos of the Birthday festivities!
- 22 Nov. has three new videos: 2 concerts from 15 and 17 Nov and the Primary School Children's drama from 18 Nov.
- 15 Nov. Calendar of Birthday Festivities, World Conference Agenda, and Transportation from Bangalore Airport to Prasanthi Nilayam.
- 22 Oct. Message of the Lord. In celebration of the 85th year of the Advent of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Radio Sai Global Harmony has developed a series of 30 videos called "Message of the Lord". Four videos have been made available --se them now.
- 11 Oct. The 2011 calendar of events in Prasanthi Nilayam is available.
- 25-26 Sep. West Bengal and Nepal performances are now on
- 24 sep. UK singing event is on
- 20 Sep. Swami inaugurates new dormitories in Prasanthi Nilayam.
- 14 Sep. The Sai International Centre for Human Values, in New Delhi, is starting an online Certificate Programme in Education in Human Values. Visit for details.
- 05 Sep. Proceedings of the October 2009 Conference on Spirituality in Health Care (SSSIHMS, Whitefield) is available. Must reading for all!
- 01 Sep. Indulal Shah's new book "Sri Sathya Sai Avathar, His Life is His Legacy" can be downloaded as a pdf file.
- 31 Aug. Several videos of cultural events in Prasanthi Nilayam have been placed on in the past two weeks, including plays and singing by the Canadians, the Sri Sathya Sai Sathyanarayana vratham, and the Northern european choir.
11 Aug.The East-Godavari musical-dance-drama, Navavidha Bhakthi Sumanjali, performed on 3 July, is on
- 10 Aug. 85 hours of bhajan. As part of the Sathya Sai Baba 85th birthday celebration, akhanda bhajans will go on from 12 August (5AM) to 15 August (6:05PM) in Brindavan, Whitefiled, Bangalore. All 85 hours will be broadcast live on TV. See You can also watch it on the web at this URL:
- 08 Aug. The Mumbai play Veda Math Gayathri is on
- 30 July. The Russian skit and Rusian singing are on
- 27 July. Significance of Omkar —chanting of 21 Oms, as done in Prasanthi Nilayam every morning.
- 18 July. Saicast has videos of the USA play "All Our Relations" (11 July) and the USA Sai Choir (10 July).
- 05 July. Saicast has an hour-long video of the unison singing in Sai Kulwant Hall on 29 July by the first US pilgrimage.
- 26 Jun. Saicast has an hour-long video of Swami's interaction with the Croatian group after their musical performance on 28 Deceber 2009.
- 19 Mar.The "God Is" poster.
- 26 Mar. See the Times of India supplement Beacon of Love (3.8MB)
Saicast has the musical presentation of Southern Europe on 28 December 2009.
The SSSWF Haiti Relief website is up and running:
- 31 Jan. Saicast has the discourse of Ladies Day 2001.
- 16 Jan. Saicast has Christmas morning and 26 December choir/play.
- 14 Jan. Information has been posted regarding Pre-World Conferences, including study materials.
- 03 Jan. Saicast contains a video of Christmas Eve celebrations.
- 30 Dec. Christmas Discourse (25 Dec). Saicast contains two videos from the November Birthday celebrations.
- 11 Dec. Longterm visa problem. If you have a long-term visa for India, new rules say that after leaving India, you can't come back for 2 months.
- 02 Dec. The Serbian Sai Organization has a new website.
- 28 Nov. Read about Arathi and its English translations.
- 27 Nov. Convocation discourse (22 Nov).
- 12 Nov. has videos of the presentations at the Sri Sathya Sai International Medical Conference held in Annaheim, California, 10-11 October. Nine of the 32 presentations are available; the rest will be made in available in the coming days.
- 03 Nov. Pictures at an exhibition: Anout 50 posters presented at the Sri Sathya Sai International Medical Conference held in Anaheim, California, on 10-11 October 2009.
- 02 Nov. Swami took a 5-day trip to Maharashtra. Read some newspaper articles about the trip, and read more about it here:
- 27 Oct. The book Sathya Sai Global Health Mission, produced for the Sri Sathya Sai International Medical Conference held in Anaheim, California, on 10-11 October 200, can be read on the web.
- 20 Oct. Akhanda Bhajans have been changed from 14-15 Nov. to 7-8 November.
- 02 Oct. Dasara discourse (27 Sep).
- 05 Sep. Onam discourse (2 Sep). 2010 calendar of festivals.
- 02 Sep. Discourses of 25 August and 29 August.
- 14 Aug. Due to interest, the registration deadline for the Sri Sathya International Medical Conference on 10-11 October in Anaheim California has been changed to Sunday, 12 Sept., and registration has been extended to include physicians, dentists, fellows, residents, and medical students. Read about it and get the website address to register here.
- 4 August. We have the Supbratham text and mp3 files, in Sanskrit and English.
- 25 July. Physicians and dentists from around the world! Attend the Sri Sathya International Medical Conference on 10-11 October in Anaheim California. Read about it and get the website address to register here.
- 25. July. Discourse of 20 July.
- 25 July. has vidoes of the Brazil and African singing in Sai Kulwant Hall at Guru Purnima.
- 14 July. Discourse of 7 July.
- 12 July. Discourse of 6 July.
- 04 July. Visit the new site La Rádio Sai Harmonia Global Brazil (, the official radio site of the Sai Organization of Brazil, broadcasting in Portugese.
- 18 June. has he videos of the Hungarian choir singing on 16 and 20 February.
- 08 June. now has the audio of the important discourse from 23 November 1968, in which Swami spoke almost for the first time in a major discourse about His being the Avatar and proclaimed His mission on earth.
- 27 May. A new reports/documents page is now available, to let you get easily to new and old reports and documents.
Click the link "Reports/Docs" in the column to the left, or click the same link in the upper right navigation bar on
the home page.
Two new documents are there: Sathya Sai Ideal Healthcare (collection of 20 discourses) and the proceedings of
the Education Conference in July 2008.
- 20 May. Kodai Kanal discourse of 29 April.
- 17 May. Walks For Values are taking place, from Canada to Australia to New Zeland to the US.
Look at our Walk for Values News Page to get the latest, with pictures and links.
- 08 Apr. Sri Rama Navami discourse (3 April)
- 07 Apr. has two videos of the Holi celebrations (11-14 March 2009)
- 16 Mar. has 4 new Sivarathri videos: darshan, speeches, bhajan, and chanting
- 08 Mar. has the video of the Sivarathri discourse (3 Jan)
- 01 Mar. Sivarathri discourse (23 Jan)
- 27 Feb. Discourse on 21 Jan
- 18 Jan. Makara Sankranthi discourse (14 Jan)
- 07 Jan. New Year's Discourse.
- 02 Jan. has videos of Christmas Day and Boxing Day..
- 30 Dec. Christmas discourse.
- 27 Dec. has a video of the singing in Sai Kulwant Hall Christmas Eve.
- 29 Nov. has 3 videos on the Sahasra Poorna Chandra Darshana Santhi Mahotsavam performed on 15-17 Nov.
- 28 Nov. Discourses from 22 and 23 November!
- 21 Oct. has the video of Easwammar Day Celebrations, 6 May 2008.
- 12 Oct. Dasara discourse (from 9 October).
- 4 Oct. has the video of the Austrians singing in 19 July 2008.
- 3 Oct. Prasanthi bookstore has a webpage for learning Vedic chants, as they are chanted in Prasanthi Nilayam.
- 15 Sep. Onam discourse, on 12 September.
Hear the college boys chant Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavanthu.
- 10 Sep. Bhagavan directs us to chant Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavanthu instead of Lokha Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu.
10 Sep. has a video on the inauguration of the Education Exhibition, 20 July 2008.
- 8 Sep. Here is an announcement of a special program for the well-being of mankind in Prasanthi Nilayam on 15-17 November, with a week of talks beginning 10 November.
- 6 Sep. Calendar of festivities/events for 2009 available.
- 14 Aug. The book Sathya Sai Educare – Human Values of 27 discourses on education, distributed at the World Education Conference on 20-22 July, can be downloaded in text-only form and as a beatuifully designed book.
- 10 Aug. Discourse of 6 August, on the occasion of a change of VIce Chancelor.
- 08 Aug. Guidelines for Sathya Sai Schools and Institutes are now available.
- 05 Aug. The school panels are now available on the Exhibition page (see news of 2 Aug).
- 02 Aug. Take a look at all the panels (posters) from the Exhibition in the Purnachandra during the World Foundation Education Conference! This temporary website will be replaced later with more images.
- 01 Aug. Volume 39 (2006) of Sathya Sai speaks is now available on
- 28 July. Listen to or download hundreds of Indian bhajans, Italian songs, and prayers like arathi and Loka Samastha. Also, download a songbook with chords, etc.
- 25 July. Three discourses of 20, 21, 22 July at the Education Conference. has a new introduction to Swami: "Who is Sai Baba?".
- 21 July. Guru Purnima discourse (18 July).
- 14 July. Videos of three concerts on 8 July 2006 are now on
- 6 July. Discourse of 28 June 2008.
- 30 June. Read about the St. Louis Walk for Values (and others, too).
- 23 June. Sheet music. Have you ever looked at the sheet music that is available? (Also, access it from home page by clicking "Music".) It contains western-style sheet music for hundreds of Sai songs (tunes and chords, etc.) in English, Sanskrit, French, and other languages. It has just been updated to include some Spanish songs and more English songs.
- 18 June. Greek version of the Global Overview of Sathya Sai Education is available.
- 15 June. has a new video, "Hridaya Vani", a drama performed in the Purnachandra on 22 Nov 2007 by the University students.
- 13 June. June 7 is proclaimed St. Louis Medical Camp Day on the occasion of a Sai Organization medical camp.
31 May. Two new videos on US youth music program, 01 Aug 2008, and Kerala Bal Vikas play "Krishna Kripa", 25 Aug 2008.
- 29 May. Discourse given on 1 May in Brindavan.
- 18 May. High-resolution pdf files of 2007 World Youth Conference Proceedings
- 14 May. Easwaramma Day Discourse.
- 11 May. Look at information on Walk for Values in Australia, Canada, and the US. Also, learn about the logo.
Global Overview is available in French.
- 04 May. Bhagavan's Tamil New Year discourse (13 April) has three videos from Sivarathri (March 6-7)
- 16 Apr. Proceedings of the 2007 Sri Sathya Sai World Youth Conference is available in pdf form
- 11 Apr. Richard Bock's "Universal Teacher" is on
- 31 Mar. The Sathya Sai School of Thailand needs teachers.
- 28 Mar. The Italian version of the Global Overview of Sathya Sai Education is available: VISIONE D’INSIEME DELLA EDUCAZIONE SRI SATHYA SAI
- 14 Mar. West Indies has a new website.
The Croatian version of the Global Overview of Sathya Sai Education is available: SRI SATHYA SAI ODGOJ I OBRAZOVANJE GLOBALNI PREGLED
- 12 Mar. Two Mahasivarathri discourses.
- 09 Mar. has two videos of the 2008 New Year's Day festivities, including Swami's discourse.
- 06 Mar. Slovenia has a new website.
- 02 Mar. Fiji has a website.
- 25 Feb. The Spanish translation of the Global Overview book is available: LA EDUCACIÓN SRI SATHYA SAI EN EL MUNDO: VISIÓN GENERAL.
- 16 Feb. has videos of the Croatian music session on 25 Nov. 2007 and the Southern-Cal/Hawaii play and singing on 27 Dec. 2007.
- 20 Jan. Sankranthi discourse (15 January).
- 10 Jan. Christmas video 2007 is on, including part of Swami's discourse on 26 December 2007.
- 07 Jan. Bhagavan's New Year's Day Discourse.
- 04 Jan. Sai cast contains the Children's Choir from Christmas Eve 2007.
- 26 Dec. A new video, The message I bring, is on All vidoes can be downloaded.
- 21 Dec. German translation of the Global Overview of Sathya Sai Education is here.
- 20 Dec. Chinese New Year to be celebrated on 12-13 February in Prasanthi Nilayam.
- 19 Dec. Divine discourse on 15 December.
- 15 Dec. The book Global
Overview of Sri Sathya Sai Education (July 2007) can now be read on the web without downloading.
For the German translation as word documents (until it is formatted appropriately), email US07 (at)
- 01 Dec. The Ladies Day video is on, and many more videos can now be downloaded.
- 28 Nov. Convocation discourse. now has the video on the Birthday festivities.
- 27 Nov. The inner web pages of this site are getting a new look! he same content, but a more pleasing design. It will takes several weeks to make over the whole site.
- 27 Nov. Akhanda bhajan discourse.
- 27 Nov. Saicast contains 82nd Birthday video.
- 19 Nov. Birthday present: Search engine site contains two new Sathya Sai Speaks volumes, volumes 3 and 38.
- 21 Oct. Vijaydasami discourse.
- 14 Oct. Three videos from Ashadi July 2007 are now on Also, 8 more videos are downlodable.
- 10 Oct. Notice of trademark protection of the Name and the logos of the Sathya Sai International Organization in India, Canada, European countries (acc. to the Madrid agreement and protocol), and the United States is now available.
- 7 Oct. The 2008 calendar of festivals and events is here.
- 22 Sep. has two videos of the Jul 26-28 World Youth Conference, including large parts of Swami's divine discourses. Both videos can be downloaded.
- 22 Sep. The Sai movement in Peru is now available.
- 9 Sep. Hariharan concert from 24 July is now on
- 4 Sep. Discourse on 24 August during a visit to the Book Trust office.
- 3 Sep. Discourse on 22 August during the 21st anniv. of the MBA program.
- 31 Aug. Letter from Michael Goldstein, Chair, Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation, regarding the Post World Youth Conference Program.
- 13 Aug. is beginning to allow downloading. It
starts with just two videos —the newest one and "Pure Love", but
more will be added steadily
- 03 Aug. The book Global
Overview of Sri Sathya Sai Education,
distributed at Guru Purnmima 2007, can now be downloaded in pdf form.
This book is the result of a year's work by the Education Committee
of the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation, with help from devotees throughout
the world.
- 02 Aug. Fixed mistakes to the Youth
Conference discourses accesssible.
Sorry about the mistake!
- 01 Aug. Inaugural
and valedictory addresses at the Youth Conference,
26-28 july.
- 20 July. A lovely article
on the Walk for Values in Toronto,
taken from H2H.
Swami's Guru Purnima discourse from 2 July 2004 is now on
- 8 July. Histories of the
Sai movements in Chile and Puerto Rico are now available.
- 29 June. The beautiful and moving film "Pure Love" is
now on
- 23 June. Swami
provides water to parched villages around Puttaparthi.
A 1968-70 video by Richard Bock, "His Life is His Message", is now available on
- 18 June. Walk for Values took place in Canada and Australia.
- 28 May. Easwaramma Day (6 May 2007) discourse
- 27 May. In memory of Sai Gita, who passed away at 18:00 on IST on 22 May 2007, we present an article that appeared in Heart 2 Heart in Jan 2007 and a
short article from SSSBPT on her passing.
- 20 May. A talk to westeners in 1991, Kodai Kanal, is now
- 18 May. Swami returned to Prasanthi Nilayam from Kodai Kanal.
- 09
May. A
new documentary on saicast: Healing with Love.
- 27 Apr. Tamil new
discourse (14 April).
- 22 Apr. A new Saicast video, on selfless service in Africa.
- 16 Apr.
The list
of Sai bookstores as
been updated to contain 31 stores.
- 12
Apr. Take a look at the history of the Sai
movement in Uruguay
- 10 Apr. Ramanavami discourse
(March 27).
- 04 Apr. Evening
discourse on Ugadi, 20 March.
- 01 Apr. We have started a collection of clipart. Supriya Kharod has
produced some wonderful pictures of various buildings in Prasanthi
Nilayam and Bangalore, and we are proud to be able to display them
here, for our use. If anyone else has clip art, such mail it to the
- 26 Mar. A discourse given in
the Chennai Ati rudra Maha Yagna on 27 January and the Ugai discourse
of 20 March are
now available.
- 26 Mar. Saicast has a video with
an important discourse from 23 Nov 1968, narrated in English by Kasturi.
- 17 Mar.
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has given His Approval for the Buddha
Poornima Celebrations to be held in the Divine Presence on May 21-22
in Brindavan.
- 17 Mar. Radio Sai Harmony now streams over the internet in three
different programs, one for Asia, one for Africa, and one for the West.
Look at this webpage for details.
- 17 Mar. We have redesigned the home page. Please
let us know whether you like it! The rest of the pages will be redesigned,
although the structure of the site will remain the same.
- 17 Mar. Here's a link to the Youth Conference Website.
- 17 Mar. Take a look at the history of the Sai
movement in Bolivia.
- 17 Mar. The Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning and been
renamed he Sri Sathya Sai University.
- 02 Mar. Second Mahasivarathri
- 20 Feb. Mahasivarathri discourse.
- 18 Feb. New discourse, from 11 February.
- 17 Feb. The Sathya Sai School in Toronto
ranks at the top in Ontario,
Canada, along with 26 other schools.
- 20Jan. The latest updates
on Bhagawan's visit to Chennai and the Athi Rugna Maha yagna can
be seen on this website:
- 19 Jan. Swami flew to Chennai today. Makara
Sankranthi discourse.
- 15 Jan, Read the story of the Sai
movement in the Dominican Republic.
- 12
Jan. On our list-of-Sai-Organizations
page, see articles on the
Sai Movements in several Latin America countries, originally in Heart2Heart.
Other countries who would like to help write such articles for their
countries, please email the webmaster.
- 05 Jan. Christmas discourse.
- 25 Dec. Merry Xmas! SEE SWAMI ON TV. As of 25 Dec 2006, It
is possible to see programs on Swami on Thursdays, 9PM to 9:20PM
IST (India Standard Time --which begins at 3:30PM GMT) on the Sanskar
satellite channel. The program is produced by Prasanthi Digital Studio,
in Prasanthi Nilayam. Sanskar broadcasts on the Thaicm3 satellite.
We have been told that the service has been expanded to the US now.
More technical details are available at
- 11 Dec. Sanathana Sarathy is now available in
Spanish: Eterno
Conductor! We ask you to click to our books and newsletter
page; there, you will find a link to the Eterno Conductor website.
- 05 Dec. Birthday evening video on
- 28 Nov. Birthday discourse (23
25th Convocation discourse (22 November)
- 26 Nov. New
video on the 23 Nov celebration on
- 25 Oct. New video on
Ramadan cultural event, 2004.
- 7 Oct. Dasara Discourse of 01 October is available.
- 6 Oct. Dasara Discourse of 29 September is available.
- 4 Oct. Dasara Discourses of 27 and 28 September are available.
- 30 Sep. The last vidoes of the Athi Rudra Maha Yagna are on
- 13 Sep. Onam day discourse.
- 06 Sep. Two new videos of the Athia Rudra
Maha Yagna are on
01 Sep. First part of Report of the 8th World Conference, held in Prasanthi Nilayam on 20-21 November 2005, is available.
- 01 Sep. South Africa has a new
- 27 Aug. The pdf files for discourses
in 2006 are now in a nice, printable
2-column format in 12 point, with Sanskrit in italics.
- 26 Aug. Two
discourses from
18-19 August are available.
- 24 Aug. Three discourses from 14-16
August are available.
- 22 Aug. Four discourses from
May 2006 are available. They are from Easwaramma Day, Buddha Purnima,
and two youth camps.
- 21 Aug. A video made on the inaugural day of the Athi Rudra
Maha Yagna is on
- 19 Aug. Two more Ati
Rudar Maha Yagnam discourses are now available.
- 15 Aug. Ati
Rudar Maha Yagnam discourses are now available.
- 14 Aug. 2007
Calendar is
- 13 Aug. Reports, images, audio,
and video of the Ati
Rudra Maha Yagnam.
- 9 Aug. Nigeria
website is now available.
- 8 Aug. now
has the musical "The
Ten Commandments",
performed by the Sai children from the Mumbai area, performed on Ashadi
Ekadashi, 7 July 2006.
- 7 Aug. Volume 36 (2003) is now on,
with a search engine.
- 1 Aug. Information about the upcoming ritual (Yajna) can be found
- 30 July. Guru Purnima symphony can now be seen on
- 8 June. Swami just arrived in Prasanthi Nilayam.
- 4 June. 12 cities in Canada had a Walk for Human Values on 27 or 28 May. Three cities proclaimed the day "Human Values Day". In Toronto, 3,000 people marched, and you can hear a legislator talk about it.
- May. Tustin bookstore website is up and running. You can order using a credit card.
27 May was Human Values Day in Edmonton, Canada!
- 29 May. Saicast has a video on Swami's 2006 April trip to Kodai Kanal
- 13 May. A new website for Zone 6, Southern Europe.
- 03 May. Conference on Information Technologyfor Societal Advancement and Integration, to be held In Prasanthi Nilayam July 15 - 17, 2006.
- 28 April. Sri Rama Navami discourse (7 April)
- 19 April. Ugadi discourse (30 March)
- 10 April. Kumudini Lakshman wins Educator of Distinction Award in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- 09 April. On this day, Swami traveled from Prasanthi Nilayam to Kodai Kanal.
- 09 April. 28 May is Human Values Day in Regina, Canada.
- 19 March Report and pics of the Eighth World Conference
- 19 March. We link to a new Sai Organization site for Ireland (Eire).
- 05 March. Address to students (23 Feb)
- 01 March. Sivarathri discourse (26 Feb)
- 01 March. Pictures of Sivarathri
- 21 February. On the main pages, we added links in the top part of the left column to Heart 2 Heart. On all other pages, we added links to The Prasanthi books store site, Heart 2 Heart, Saicast, and Prasanthi Bulletin. It will take a while for the changes to migrate to all pages, but this should make it easier for you to find what you want efficiently.
- 15 February. The date for Vijayadasami has been corrected. Two dates have appeared in various places, 2 October and 11 October. We checked with the ashram and it is 2 October.
- 17 January. Sankranti discourse (14 January).
- 27 December. Christmas video on
- 26 December. Alert. There may be a few downtimes on Saicast over the next week as we move our servers to another host.
- 06 December. Pics of the Sai Intl Choir in November
- 27 November. The Sai Miracle School in Zambia nees a science teacher.
- 27 November. Convocation and Birthday discourses.
- 22 November. There will be no live broadcasts of the Birthday Festivities.
However, by midnight on 23 November (India time), we hope to have a streaming
video of the festivities in the stadium on 23 November morning
That will be about 1:30PM EST.
- 22 November. Ladies day discourse.
- 30 October. Discourse 22 October, at the Children's Festival of Joy.
- 23 October. Sai Vijayam: Prayers, mantras, 108 names of God sung in beautiful 3-part and 4-part harmony.
Dasara discourses (8 and 11 October).
- 18 October. Dasara discourse (10 October).
- 16 October. Dasara discourse (9 October).
New website for Sri Lanka .
- 11 October. Dasara discourse (7 October) .
- 11 September. This day is proclaimed Sathya Sai Baba Day by the Mayor of St. Louis, USA.
- 8 September. Medical conference discourse (from 3 September)
- 23 August. Information on singing in the International Sai Choir during the Birthday celebrations.
- 21 August. Educare conference discourse (17 August)
- 11 August. Saicast has the video of the Guru Purnima Symphony Orchestra Concert.
Mexico Sai Organization website now available.
- 3 August. For those attending the Medical conference in September 2005, here is the website.
- 24 July. Guru Purnima discoures
(21 July)
- 15 July. The Sathya Sai School
of Zambia is looking for volunteer teachers
- 13 June. The Sathya Sai School
of Zambia --the Miracle School-- wins an award
- 13 June. Images
from an Educare Exhibition
- 12 June. Buddha Purnima Discourse
(23 May)
- 23 May. New Brazilian Sai Org webpage
- 19 May. Eswaramma Day discourse
- 18 May. The film "His Work" can now be seen on
- 25 April. Rama Navami discourse of 18
- 21 April. Photos
of trip to Kodai Kanal
- 18 April. Seva dal conference discourses
on 11 and 13 April.
- 13 April. Ugadi discourse on 9 April.
- 21 March. Discourse on 16 March.
- 14 March. Three Sivaratri discourses:
8-9 March.
- 1 March. Discourse of 24 February:
Inauguration of new Vice Chancellor.
- 20 February. Videos from 2004 Christmas
festival on Saicast.
- 16 February. 10 February discourse
--Bheema Ratha Santhi
- 10 February. This
announcement on the Sathya Sai Baba books and Publications Trust
says that Swami will not produce a lingam at Sivarathri
this year.
- 07 February. The link "Prasanthi news" on the home page
(in the middle below Swami's picture) takes you to a page of the Sri
Sathya Sai Books & Publications Trust, which has the latest reports
from Prasanthi Nilayam.
- 01 February. News from
Prasanthi 23-28 Jan (pdf file)
- 28 January. Tsunami
relief report.
- 23 January. New form of news page
makes it easy to look at past and present events.
- 17 January. Sankranti discourse
(14 January). New video
on the Chennai water project.
- 13 January. Download MP3 songs/bhajans
in many languages. Help by uploading yours (if you have the copyright).
- 13 January. New
Year celebration pictures. Sports
day pictures.
- 10 January. Christmas 2004 video
now available
- 3 January 2005. Sai's
water project for Chennai delivers water! A 150 km canal to deliver
water to Chennai (previously Madras) has been rebuilt under the direction
of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, and the water is flowing.
- 29 December. Christmas discourse.
- 08 December. Over 1900 photos
collected by the College Boys, 200 pixels/inch, downloadable.
- 01 December. Report
on birthday celebrations, 19-23 November.
- 29 November. Birthday discourse.
- 26 November 2004. Videos
on demand! The Sathya Sai International Organization, in cooperation with
Sai Global Harmony, have begun to stream videos on demand. At the moment,
three videos are available, but we will put more on this site in the
future. The videos are on two servers in Los Angeles.
. - 26 November 2004. Pics of Gramma
Audio, video-clips, photos of Birthday celebrations
- 14 November 2004. Thailand website
and email now available.
- 5 November 2004. In collaboration with Sri Sathya Sai Books &
Publications Trust, we have created a
new website that contains Sathya Sai Speaks vols 1-35 (through 2002)
and all the Vahinis, with a search engine. The Summer Showers will be
put there as well.
- 5 November 2004. Discourse, 25 October.
- 30 October 2004. Website for Sai Org
Israel available.
- 29 October 2004. More info on public
Sheet music updated.
- 26 October 2004. More Dasara discourses
- 21 October 2004. Dasara discourse
- 20 October 2004. Information
about public meetings
- 15 September 2004. Discourse to students
- 18 September 2004. Ganesh Chaturthi
- 14 September 2004. Second Krishna Janmashtami
- 10 September 2004. Krishna Janmashtami
- 07 September 2004. Listen to excerpts
from the Krishnajanmashtami discourse
- 03 September 2004. Onam Discourse.
- 30 August 2004. Listen to excerpts
from the 28 August Onam discourse
- 27 August 2004. Information on
trademarking has been added to the site. Find it by clicking "trademark"
in the upper left corner or the sentence about trademarking on the "Other
Sai sites" page.
- 26 August 2004. Discourses of 21 and
23 August.
- 14 Aug 2004 2005 Calendar of events
- 12 July 2004. Guru Purnmia discourse
- 16 June 2004. New websites for
Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Macedonia
- 15 May 2004. News of Public Meetings
- 15 May 2004. Easwaramma Day discourse
(6 May)
- 25 Apr 2004. Ugadi discourse (21
- 22 Mar 2004 Prasanthi Books & Publications Trust has a website
- 27 Feb 2004. Report on Sivarathri festivities
(18-19 Feb 2004)
- 24 Feb 2004. Sivarathri discourse
(19 Feb 2004)
- 21 Feb 2004. Sivarathri photos (18
Feb 2004)
- 30 Jan 2004. Sankranti discourse
(14 Jan 2004)
- 18 Jan 2004. Sankranti discourse
(12 Jan 2004)
- 05 Jan 2004. New Year's discourse.
(01 Jan 2004)
- 29 Dec 2003. Christmas discourse
(25 Dec 2003)
- 26 Dec 2003. Christmas photos
- 30 Nov 2003. Birthday discourse
Convocation discourse (22 Nov)
- 15 Nov 2003. Radio Sai Harmony is now available
on the internet!
- 15 Nov 2003. Discourse of 28 October
(Vice Chancellors Conference)
- 27 Oct 2003. Discourses of 20 and 21
- 23 Oct 2003. Discourse of 17 October
- 20 Oct 2003. Message concerning
charlatans from the overseas chairman
- 05 Oct 2003. Vijaya Dasami discourse
- 15 Sep 2003. News about Swami
from the overseas chairman
- 04 Sep 2003. News about darshan
and Swami.
- 28 Aug 2003. Krishnashtami discourse
(19 August)
- 23 Aug 2003. Report
and photos of Krishnashtami festival (19 August)
- 22 July 2003. Why do we say "Sai
- 22 July 2003. Report and photos of Doctors'
Day, 12 July evening, and Guru Poornima.
- 18 July 2003. Guru Purnima discourse of 13
July 2003. Photos
of Swami arriving in Brindavan; report and photos of Ekadasi celebrations
- 08 July 2003. Swami's discourse of 5
July 2003.
- 26 June 2003. Swami gives darshan
- 13 June. Medical Institution site
has been redone
- 08 June. Information on Sai Educational
- Easwaramma Day discourse (6 May
- Photos from Brindavan, May
- 26 April. A
central site for Sai Schools and Institutes
- 11, 14, 15 Apr discourses (Rama
Navami, Tamil New Yeark, Vishu celebrations)
- 2 April discourse (Ugadi)
- 29 March. Radio Sai now broadcasts
to Africa an Europe.
- 21 March. Discourse of 16 March
- 11 March. Pictures of Shivarathri
- 06 Mar. Two Sivarathri discourses
- 02 Feb. The Prasanthi subsite
now has pictures of places outside the ashram.
- 01 Feb. Please read this if your
browser's text size is too small or too large
- 18 Jan: Sankranthi discourse (14
- 17 Jan 2003: more sports festival. pics
- 08 Jan 2003: New Years discourse