23 Nov .Commemorative stamp. Union Minister of State for Communication & Information Technology (IT) Killi Krupa Rani released a commemorative stamp on Sathya Sai Baba on the occasion of his 88th birth anniversary celebrations held at Puttaparthi (Anantapur district) on 23 November 2013.
- 4 Aug. Shree A. Ramakrishna - Exemplary Instrument of God (pdf file)
- 3 Aug. Sanathana Sarathi (pdf file)
- 3 Aug. Presentation on Communication (pdf file)
- 3 Aug. International Youth Festival (pdf file)
- 3 Aug. Information Technology Committee (pdf file)
- 2 Aug. Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation - New Appointments and Changes (pdf file)
- 1 Aug. Guru Purnima Celebrations 2013 (pdf file)
- 2013_06 Disaster Relief - Uttarkhand Flood Relief Project (pdf file)
- 2013_05 Steen Piculell - Man of Unflinching Faith (pdf file)
- 2013_03 SSSWF Members of the Education Committee (pdf file)
- 2013_02 Prasanthi Council - Mahasamadhi Day Celebrations (pdf file)
- 2013_02 Prasanthi Council - Avatar Day Celebrations (pdf file)
- 2013_01 SSSWF - New Appointments (pdf file)
- 8 Aug. Obama holds a fundraiser in the House of Blues in New Orleans on 25 July, under the watchful eye of Swami.
- 27 July.
Chinese New Year to be celebrated on 15-16 February 2013. It is organized by Zone 4, but all Chinese (and other devotees) throughout the world are encouraged to attend. Announcement (pdf file). Registration form for zone 4 participants (xlxs zi pfile).
11 Dec. Longterm visa problem. If you have a long-term visa for India, new rules say that after leaving India, you can't come back for 2 months.
 23 July. The Sri Sathya Sai International Medical Conference will take place
in Anaheim, California, USA, on 10-11 Oct 2009. Interested in attending? Visit the website saiconference.org/MedicalConference/.
16 Aug.
Due to interest, the registration deadline has been changed to Sunday, 12 Sept., and registration has been extended to include physicians, dentists, fellows, residents, and medical students.
The theme of the conference is "Sri Sathya Sai Ideal Healthcare and Sri Sathya Sai Global Health Mission." The delivery of comprehensive state-of-the-art health care will be discussed at this international medical conference.
This conference is for all interested physicians and dentists, not just those from the U.S.A. Space is limited and only registered people may attend. Register on the website by 15 August.
Click on the image of the poster to obtain a large, higher-resolution version.
Aug. Look at reports and images, listen to audios, and
see videos (coming) of the Ati
Rudra Maha Yagnam.
 4 June. 12 cities in Canada had a Walk for Human Values on
27 or 28 May. Three cities proclaimed the day to be
Human Values Day. In Toronto, 3,000 people marched. You can listen
to a statement made in the Ontario Provincial Legislature.
31 May. USA Tustin bookstore has a
website, and you can order online using a credit card.
01 May. Conference on Information Technology for Societal Advancement and Integration to be held 15-17 Jul 2006.
10 April. Kumudini Lakshman receives
Educator of Distinction Award in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.