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Thought for the Day |
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Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai Baba |
Swami is in
Your Heart |
Below is an extensive index of the Sathya Sai International Organization website.
If you think there is something missing, let us know. |
Click on an entry to access the major page (or file) for that entry. Also, as you pass the mouse over an entry, a "tooltip" pops up. The tip gives general information and tells you how you could have reached that entry using the links on this page.
Discourses by Sai Baba
India Today
Sai Organization
Sathya Sai Baba
Times of India
Website information
On 23 Nov 2012, the Indian government released a 5-rupee stamp with Swami's picture on it.
A blog by students at Sai's university.
Website of Sri Sathya Sai Soc for Senior Students, Prasanthi. Has discourses to students and books by students.
Guidelines of 2012 September, for all centers and groups.
On 23 March 1967, Sathya Sai Baba signed a declaration stating that He had no worldly attachments and had adopted Holy order. This pdf file contains that document, a notarized statement by Indulal Shah that it did indeed happen, and an explanation by Satyajit.
See images of Obama speaking in House of Blues with Swami's picture presiding over the event.
The Muddenahalli campus of the Sri Sathya Sai University is new, and it has not been fully integrated into the university website. Clicking this link brings up a pdf file with some information for applicants and new students.
Click to visit a webpage in a new tab or window that gives tutorials for Vedic chanting, as done in Prasanthi Nilayam. It's a service of the Sadhana Trust Publications Division.
Click Reports/Docs in the navigation bar at the top of page to find a link to Walk for Values.
On 22 April 2011, President Abdul Kalam of India wrote an article in the Hindustani TImes about Sai Baba. Click to read it.
One month after Swami left His body, the National Congress of Venezuela passed a declaration extolling Swami.
Sai Baba had three ashrams: Prasanthi Nilayam, Brindavan, and Kodai Kanal. Click Sai Ashrams in the left column for information on them.
The Sri Sathya Sai University has four campuses: Prasanthi Nilayam (for men), Brindavan (for men), and Anantapur (for women), and a new one in Muddenhalli. Click to visit the campus webpage in a new window.
Website for the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School in Puttaparthy.
Website for the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School in Puttaparthy.
Click the What's New link near the bottom of the lefthand column to find out what changes have been made to this website. Actually you can scroll down an see changes back to 2003.
The Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini program is aimed at integrating values into the school curriculum. It seeks to reflect Swami's guidance through Education in Human Values and connects the same to the school curriculum.
Click the link Sai Institutions & Service Projects -> Educational Institutions to visit a page that discusses this and other education projects.
Sai Baba instituted several projects to help the poor --"village service", disaster relief operations, homes for the aged, and so on. Click the link Sai Institutions & Service Projects -> Relief To The Poor in the lefthand column to visit the Central Trust webpage for these projects.
Sathya Sai Baba has developed extensive water supply projects in several states of India. Click the link Sai Institutions & Service Projects -> Water Projects in the lefthand column to visit the Central Trust webpage for these projects.
Reach this webpage for the Sai Youth of India using link Organization WIngs -> Young Adults in the lefthand column.
Website for the medical services (hospitals, mobile hospital, etc.) of the Central Trust. Access it using link Sai Institutions & Service Projects -> Medical Institutions in the lefthand column of links.
Website of the Sri Sathya Sai Easwaramma Women's Welfare Trust, a non-profit organization officially founded on 18 Feb 2005 under the direct supervision of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust.
The Sai Organization wrote a Charter in 1981. Access the Charter using link Reports/Docs in the upper horizontal navigation bar.
Click the link Resources -> Devotion Wing and scroll down to visit a page that gives the nine-point code of conduct.
Click the link Resources -> Devotion Wing to visit a page with devotional material --songs (bhajans), prayers, chants, mediation, study circles, etc.
We have a search engine for all of Sai Baba's discourses and writings Click the link Discourses/Writings in the top navigation bar and click once more on the page that opens.
Radio Sai Global Harmony, the website that brings you in the airways and over your computer and more. Click link Radio Sai Global Harmony in the lefthand column of links to visit our
webpage that tells you a bit about it and gives a link to the website itself.
Click the link Sai Organizations at the top of the lefthand column. The page that opens has a righthand column, which contains links to pages that describe the beginnings
of the Sai movement in various countries. If you want to write one for your country, contact us!
Click the link Sai Organizations at the top of the lefthand column to visit a page that shows all zones of the Sai Organization as well as regions within the zones and countries within those regions.
Tooltip content goes here.
The Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust runs the ashram, Sai service projects, and everything else. Click SSS Central Trust in lefthand column to visit its website.
Website of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, which runs the ashram, Sai service projects, and everything else.
Click the link Sai Organizations at the top of the lefthand column to visit a page with links Sai Organizations in various zones, regions, and countries.
Click the link Music in a navigation bar above to visit a page that gives access to mp3 files of Sai Baba singing, texts of hundreds of bhajans (devotional songs), sheet music, an Italian website with many devotional songs and music, and more.
Click Contact Us just below Sai Baba's picture in the upper right to visit a page with email addresses for many Sai Organizations.
The major book was developed by devotees throughout the world. It gives the status of Sathya Sai Education in 2007 and was distributed late July 2007. Access it through either the Reports/Docs link in the upper navigation bar or through the link Organization Wings -> Education in the left column.
This report on the 2001 Education Conference, a pdf file, contains presentations, recommendations, Sai Baba's inaugural and valedictory message, three discourses, and more. Access through either the Reports/Docs link in the upper navigation bar or through the link Organization Wings -> Education in the left column.
Held on 20-22 July 2008, this SSSWF Education Conference was a major one. Access through either the Reports/Docs link in the upper navigation bar or through the link Organization Wings -> Education in the left column.
Click to get to a website that briefly describes the pre-conferences for this 2008 SSSWF Education Conference.
Conference held in Anaheim, California. Click on the Reports/Docs link in the top navigation bar.
Obtain this by clicking on the Reports/Docs link in the top navigation bar.
Website of the Prasanthi bookstore (Sadhana Trust Publications Division). Click the link SSS Sadhana Trust, Pubs Div in the left column of links.
This website of the Sadhana Trust Publications Division brings you constant news and information about what is happening in Prasanthi Nilayam. Click the link Prasanthi Reporter in the left column of links.
This collaboration between the Intl Sai Org and the Sadhana Trust Publications Division contains all of Sai Baba's discourses and writings (the Vahinis), with a search engine.
Please refer to entry "service", above.
This website contains descriptions of service projects around the world. You can contribute! Click the link Sai Love In Action in the lefthand column.
Website for videos --discourses, events in Prasanthi Nilayam, interviews, talks by others, etc. Use link Saicast (Videos) in the left column of links.
Use link Organization Wings -> Young adults to visit a page for YAs.
Click Reports/Docs in the top horizontal navigation bar to find out more.
Since the parents group of the Sai School in Toronto held a Walk for Values parade
in 2001, such walks have spread to other cities and countries throughout the world. Click Reports/Docs in the top horizontal navigation bar to find out more.
Extensive public meetings were held throughout the world in 2004-2006. Click Reports/Docs in the top horizontal navigation bar to read about them.
Sai Gita, Sai Baba's elephant, born some time in early 1970's, passed away on 27 May 2007. Click Reports/Docs in the top horizontal navigation bar to read about Sai Gita.
Besides English, discourses are available online in German, Hebrew, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Portugese. Click the link Discourses-Writings in the top horizontal navigation bar.
This is believed to be not a real discourse by Sai Baba but a series of sentences crafted from previous discourses by N. Kasturi. Click the link Discourses-Writings in the top horizontal navigation bar.
In this discourse from 9 June 1974, Sai Baba talks about God, the religion of Love, and his Avatar-hood. He explains why He materializes rings, etc., and gives them to people, and He explains what "Sai Baba" means. Click the link Discourses-Writings in the top horizontal navigation bar.
Discourse at FIrst World Conference, 17 May 1968. In the last part, Sai Baba states plainly and directly that He is an incarnation of God, come to restore righteousness. Click the link Discourses-Writings in the top horizontal navigation bar.
An important discourse on 6 July 1963. Swami heals himself from an 8-day stroke and announces his third incarnation as Prema Sai. Click Discourses-Writings in the top horizontal navigation bar.
Discourses by Sai Baba given in summer schools. The link takes you to
a website for them with a search engine. Find them using the link
Discourses-Writings in the top horizontal navigation bar.
Series of volumes of about 1500 discourses by Sai Baba. Find them using the link
Discourses-Writings in the top horizontal navigation bar. You'll find some html versions and a link to a website with all of them in pdf form.
16 books written by Swami. This website has them as pdf files with a search engine. Find it using link Discourses-Writings in the top horizontal navigation bar.
Glossary of people, places, and Sanskrit words in the Vahinis, showing
conventional and phoentic spelling. FInd it using link Dictionary in the top horizontal navigation bar.
This 1995 US program, The Earth Help Ever Hurt Never, provided a monthly discussion of some environmentally friendly project. Still relevant! Find it in either the link Organization Wings -> Service in the lefthand column or the link Reports/Docs in the top horizontal navigation bar.
Find this in either the link Organization Wings -> Service in the lefthand column or the link Reports/Docs in the top horizontal navigation bar.
Service is one of the wings of each Sai Center. Therefore, use
link Organization Wings -> Service in the lefthand column of links.
Four documents from 2008 provide guidelines. They were developed by the Education Committee of the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation.
2011 Guidelines for all Sai Organization websites.
This website of the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation was created in 2009.
On 25 May 1947, at age 20, in response to a letter from his brother, Sathya Sai Baba wrote his letter, which disclosed his mission.
Click Calendar of Events In the navigation bar at the top of the page to get major events in Prasanthi Nilayam for the current year.
You can see the dates of events back to 2003.
The news page shows major happenings in the Sai World that we have recorded, since 2004.
A special 85th BIrthday Celebration issue, a Prasanthi Nilayam initiative, and printed by Times of India.
Click the link Reports/Docs in the upper navigation bar
Click the link Reports/Docs in the upper navigation bar for information.
Continual (24-hour) bhajans goes on all over the world on a Saturday-Sunday 2-3 weeks before Sai Baba's birthday.
Click the link to read excerpts from Sai discourses about akhanda bhajans. Click Calendar of Events in the top navigation bar to find out when it is.
In celebration of the 85th year of the Advent of Sai Baba, Radio Sai Global Harmony developed a series of 30 videos called "Message of the Lord". Click to access them.
The First World Conference of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization was held on 15 May 1968. Since then,
they have been held generally at 5-year intervals. Click the link Reports/Docs in the upper right navigation bar.
Times of India supplement on 22 Nov 2010, for Sai Baba's 85th birthday. Click the link Reports/Docs in the upper right navigation bar.
Ashta Pushpanjali (Garland of Eight Flowers of Virtues), a book by Sri Sarla Indulal Shah, founder of and National Coordinator for Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas (India). Click the link Reports/Docs in the upper right navigation bar.
A two-part book on Bhagavan's Life and Journeys. Click the link
Reports/Docs in the upper right navigation bar.
A compilation of the work undertaken by Sai Organizations since during 1965-2011. Click the link
Reports/Docs in the upper right navigation bar.
According to Swami, there will be third incarnation: First Shirdi Sai, then Sathya Sai, with Prema Sai to come. Click the link to find out what we know about Prema Sai.
Click link for an uplifting news article on this school, in 2011
Every day, a quote from Swami is written on a blackboard in in Prasanthi Nilayam. This thought can be viewed by
clicking the link "Thought for the Day" near the bottom of the lefthand column.
Mahasamadhi means not only the conscious departure from the physical body of a realized soul but also the shrine where the physical body is buried. To read about Swami's Mahasamadhi, click the link/image in lower left of page.
114-page Special Issue of India Today on Swami, in early 2012. Find it by clicking on Reports/Docs in the upper navigation bar near the top of the page.
Refers to the Sai School started by Victor and Genoveva Kanu in Ndola, Zambbia. People from the government called it
a miracle school because of what it accomplished. It has won international awards. This was news in 2005: Click "What's new" and scroll down.
Sai Baba approved development of the Intl Sai Org website in June 1996. To see
what it looked like when it started in 1997, click Resources -> Website as of 1997 in the left column of links.
We do have some clip art: Click Resources -> Clip Art in left column of linke. Do you have clip art to contribute? Email the Sai Org webservant.
The verbal symbol of God, from which all sounds emerge. It appears in the logo of the Intl Sai Org
--click Resources -> logo in the left column of links to read about it. Look at entry "Omkar" to learn about chanting it.
The cross appears in the logo of the Intl Sai Org.
To learn a little about it, click Resources -> logo in the left column of links. Also read about a materialization of the
cross for Jack Hislop by clicking Photos in a navigation bar at the top and then clicking Materializations.
The Islamic crescent and star appear in the logo of the Intl Sai Org.
To learn a little about it, click Resources -> logo in the left column of links.
The fire symbol appears in the logo of the Intl Sai Org.
To learn a little about it, click Resources -> logo in the left column of links.
The Buddhist wheel appears in the logo of the Intl Sai Org.
To learn a little about it, click Resources -> logo in the left column of links.
The logo of the Intl Sai Org is shown in the upper left corner of the home page.
To find out more about its components, click Resources -> logo in the left column of links.
The name Sathya Sai Baba and the logo of the Sai organization are trademarked in many countries, to help protect against misuse.
Find out about trademarking by clicking Resources -> Trademarks in the left column of links
Click this link to read words of assurance, written in the 1990's, about why the Sai movement is not a cult.
The Prasanthi bookstore is operated by the Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division. Click to visit its web page in another window or tab.
Hundreds of photos and links to other websites with photos
A website of the Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust Publications Division to bring you Sai photos directly to your home through the online medium. Click Photos in a horizontal navigation bar above.
This monthly journal, started in 1958, is published from Prasanthi Nilayam (the Abode of Highest Peace) and acts as a mouthpiece of Sathya Sai Baba's ashram. Sanathana Sarathi means Eternal Charioteer. Click the link Sanathana Sarathi in a navigation bar above to visit a page that accesses this newsletter in several different languages.
Click to visit a page that lists Sai bookstores and newsletters, including Sanathana Sarathi, the monthly magazine from the Books and Publications Division of the Central Trust.
This Centre, a Unit of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, has as its basic aim the grooming of persons of character in society through education and training. Click to open its webpage in a new window or tab.
Founded in 1981 as the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, it was renamed the
Sri Sathya Sai University in 2006. Click to visit the webpage in a new window or tab.
Click Organization Wings -> Education in the left column of links.
A separate website lists all Sai schools and institutes. Click this link to visit it in another window or tab.
Click Organization Wings -> Devotion in the left column of links and scroll down.
Prayers/chants are part of devotion and thus the devotion wing. Click Organization Wings -> Devotion in the left column of links and look under meditation.
Click Organization Wings -> Devotion in the left column of links and scroll down.
Prayers, chants, and devotional songs are part of devotion and thus the devotion wing. Click Organization Wings -> Devotion in the left column of links
Videos are on Click third link in the left-column list of links.
Website for descriptions of selfless service projects around the world.
Click to read a short history of Sai Baba, His basic message, works (education, health, etc.), teachings, next incarnation as Prema Sai, and assurances about the Sai movement.