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Proceedings of the
Sri Sathya Sai World Youth Conference 2007

Proceedings: His Message — Love

The Sri Sathya Sai World Youth Conference was held in Prasanthi Nilayam. The Proceedings of the conference contains Bhagavan's discourses, all the talks at the inaugural and valedictory functions, the workshop sessions, and highlights.

Here is a low-resolution pdf file of the discourse (33.1MB) and the same file, zippped (28.8MB). This version is good to read the web but not so good to print out.

Below are high resolution files of the various pages of the Proceedings, all pdf files zipped up, which are suitable for printing:

outside cover 23MB
inside cover 36MB
front matter 23MB
pages 001-016 34MB
pages 017-032 52MB
pages 033-048 43MB
pages 049-080 65MB
pages 081-099 50MB
pages 100-101 28MB
pages 102-103 40MB
pages 104-105 42MB
pages 106-109 32MB
page 110 17MB