Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Each devotee has his own conception of the Divine. No single specific form can be ascribed to the Lord. The Lord's grace is conferred on each devotee according to the level of his spiritual consciousness.
Monday, March 28, 2022
Sow the seed of love in your hearts and it will grow in due course into a big tree. God is one. Do not entertain any differences of creed or caste. Carry the message of unity to every home. Regard Love as your life breath and as the sole purpose of your existence.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Men aspire for liberation. True liberation means freedom from desires. Today men cannot go to forests for penance or engage themselves in meditation and other spiritual exercises. The easiest spiritual path for all people is to dedicate all their actions to God.
Saturday, March 26, 2022
Spirituality does not mean preoccupation with meditation, worship, etc. It involves total extinction of the animal and demonic qualities in man and the manifestation of his inherent divinity. When the attachments and hatreds in which man is enveloped are removed, the inherent divinity in man, the Being-Awareness-Bliss (Sat-chit-ananda) in him will manifest Itself.
Friday, March 25, 2022
Men are developing their intellectual abilities but are using their intelligence for wrong purposes. Knowledge without right action is useless. Mere action without knowledge is foolishness. Hence it is necessary to combine knowledge with the cultivation of character.
Thursday, March 24, 2022
You must feel that God dwells in the heart (Hridhayavasi). You must develop compassion in the heart because without it the heart is only a stone.
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
There is nothing greater than Divine Will. Everything is God’s will. The foremost duty of a human being is to realize the will of God and submit himself to that Divine will. Those who developed faith in the will of God were protected, while others were not. Hence, faith is the basis for everything.
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
First of all, strengthen your faith. Without faith all kinds of worship and all spiritual disciplines are of no use, they are a waste of time. To begin with, cultivate love. Everything grows out of love. That love will reveal to you your true self. That love will confer bliss on you.
Monday, March 21, 2022
Some people develop faith when their desires are fulfilled. If their desires are not fulfilled, they lose faith. This type of attitude is not good. Keep your faith firm, irrespective of whether your desires are fulfilled. Preserve your faith carefully. Faith can work wonders. It can make a blind person see, a dumb speak. Do not at all doubt the power of faith.
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Men must firmly adhere to the idea that "Love is God and God is Love." Live in Love. This is the task before everyone. Where love prevails, peace will grow. To promote love, the first requisite is faith.
Saturday, March 19, 2022
In every human being, love is present as an effulgence that shines in his feelings. Love is life and life is love. Even as the power to burn is natural for fire, and the power to cool is natural for water, love is a natural trait for man. Without it, he ceases to be human.
Friday, March 18, 2022
To a worldly person, a God-intoxicated man will appear mad, and the person will laugh at him for it. But to the God-intoxicated man, the worldly appear insane, foolish misled, blind. Of all the insanities that harass people, God-madness is the least harmful, the most beneficial.
Thursday, March 17, 2022
When the obstacles in the path of truth are laid low, deliverance is achieved. That is why liberation is something that can be won, here and now. One need not wait for the dissolution of the physical body for that. Action must not be felt as a burden, for that feeling is a sure sign, indicating that it is against the grain. No action which helps your progress will weigh heavily on you. It is only when you go counter to your innermost nature that you feel it a burden. A time comes when you look back on your achievement and sigh at the futility of it all.
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Mutual regard, equal mindedness and forbearance are basic qualities necessary for every human being. Only the person with these three qualities can be regarded as a true man. It is essential that everyone should cultivate these three sacred qualities.
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
It is by constant control of thoughts and desires that man can purify himself and raise the level of his consciousness. To the extent man reduces his desires, his will power (Ichcha sakti) will grow.
Monday, March 14, 2022
Man is a product of his mind. The mind consists of a bundle of thoughts. Thoughts lead to actions. Actions are the source of joys and sorrows experienced in daily life.
Sunday, March 13, 2022
There is only One God and He is Omnipresent! There is only One Religion, the religion of Love. There is only One Language, the language of the Heart. This God has to be visualized by means of constant spiritual discipline.
Saturday, March 12, 2022
There is no need to search for God anywhere, since God resides in every being. The body is, therefore, to be considered as the temple of God.
Friday, March 11, 2022
The entire creation has its origin in God. There can be no air, sun, rain or plants without God. Knowing this truth, we still tend to forget God. On the other hand, we remember everything else. This is not correct. You should never forget God. If you forget God, it amounts to forgetting everything. For, God is the source and cause for everything.
Thursday, March 10, 2022
The 'I' is in everyone. It is the individualised Atma in each, it is the Universal that is reflected in the particular. So when you say, "I do it for my pleasure," you do it really for the pleasure of the 'I' (Atma) within you, namely, God.
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Bring devotion and lay it here and take from here spiritual strength! The more such business is done, the more pleased am I. Bring what you have, namely, your sorrows and griefs, worries, and anxieties, and take from Me joy and peace, courage and confidence.
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
For all forms of bliss, love is the source. A heart without love is like a barren land. Foster love in your hearts and redeem your lives. Whatever your scholarship or wealth, they are valueless without love. Without devotion, all other accomplishments are of no avail for realizing God.
Monday, March 7, 2022
One who is having constant remembrance of God, with love and devotion, will ever be happy whether he is in a village or a city, flying in the sky or in a forest, because God dances in his heart and confers delight.
Sunday, March 6, 2022
Devotion and faith are the two oars with which you can take the boat across the sea of worldly life. A child told its mother when it went to bed at night, “Mother! Wake me up when I get hungry.” The mother answered, “There is no need, your hunger will itself wake you.” So too, when the hunger for God comes, it will itself awake you and make you seek the food you need.
Saturday, March 5, 2022
There are three types of devotion. The bird method where, like a bird swooping down upon the ripe fruit on the tree, the devotee is too impatient and, by that very impatience, loses the fruit, which falls from his hold. The monkey method where, like a monkey that pulls toward it one fruit after another and by sheer unsteadiness is not able to decide which fruit it wants, the devotee hesitates and changes his aim much too often and thus loses all chances of success. The ant method, where like the ant that slowly but steadily proceeds toward the sweetness, the devotee moves direct, with undivided attention, toward the Lord and wins His Grace!
Friday, March 4, 2022
When devotion is just emerging as a sapling, a fence is needed to protect the tender plant. That fence is Eternal Religion (Sanathana Dharma) and its rules, regulations and restrictions, directions and commands.
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Devotion is the easiest way to win His Grace and also to realize that He pervades everything, in fact, is everything! Total surrender, leaving everything to His Will, is the highest form of devotion.
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
It is for the well-being of the world that Siva swallowed the poison. Again, it is for the sake of the world's good that Siva contained the Ganga in His matted locks. Siva bears the moon on His head to confer peace of mind on mankind.
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
This is the Day (Shivaratri Day) when Siva consumed the deadly poison that threatened to destroy the world and saved mankind from perdition. The aspirant for Divine grace has to remember this day with gratitude. He must not exult when his happiness is promoted, nor be disheartened when misery becomes his lot. "Thy will, not mine" shall be his constant assertion to himself.
Monday, February 28, 2022
The message of this holy Shivaratri is to live in unity and harmony with everyone. Particularly, the brothers in a family should never fight, they must be united, like the Pandavas. Only by their unity could the Pandavas obtain the divine grace of Lord Krishna. Anything can be achieved with unity.