Past Sai Messages for the Day
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
It is for the well-being of the world that Siva swallowed the poison. Again, it is for the sake of the world's good that Siva contained the Ganga in His matted locks. Siva bears the moon on His head to confer peace of mind on mankind.
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
This is the Day (Shivaratri Day) when Siva consumed the deadly poison that threatened to destroy the world and saved mankind from perdition. The aspirant for Divine grace has to remember this day with gratitude. He must not exult when his happiness is promoted, nor be disheartened when misery becomes his lot. "Thy will, not mine" shall be his constant assertion to himself.
Monday, February 28, 2022
The message of this holy Shivaratri is to live in unity and harmony with everyone. Particularly, the brothers in a family should never fight, they must be united, like the Pandavas. Only by their unity could the Pandavas obtain the divine grace of Lord Krishna. Anything can be achieved with unity.
Sunday, February 27, 2022
The ultimate goal of this Shivaratri is to develop unity among humanity, whatever be the obstacles, whatever be the difficulties and whatever be the provocations. You should never make use of harsh words while speaking to others. Always speak sweetly and softly, with a loving heart.
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Holy days like Shivaratri are marked out in order to impress upon man's mind his duty to impose a 'fast' on the senses and a 'vigil' on his intelligence to keep away polluting impulses and inclinations.
Friday, February 25, 2022
If you wish to attain happiness, live in happiness. The universal family of Lord Shiva, Mother Parvati, Subramanya, and Vinayaka are the perfect example for this principle. Cultivate their example. Worship them. But a caution, you may worship a picture as God, but not God as a picture. Therefore, you worship the Easwara family by following their example.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
In the divine family of Lord Siva, there are only four members, namely, Lord Easwara, his consort Parvati, and the two sons, Subramanya and Vinayaka. This is an ideal family. There is no difference of opinion whatsoever either between husband and wife or the two brothers. There is perfect accord and harmony in their family. Mother Parvati and Lord Parameswara wanted to set an example to the whole world in the matter of a most harmonious, perfect and loving relationship between a wife and husband and between brothers.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Once Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva asked Him, "How can people recognise the divine consciousness, which is said to be all-pervasive?" Easwara replied that the same consciousness that is immanent in Him permeates all the living beings.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
There is no need to search for the omnipresent Divine in any specific place. When you are yourself divine, why search for the Divine elsewhere? It is a mark of ignorance.
Monday, February 21, 2022
The Divine Will is the determinant of the destiny of the individual or of society. Society itself is a reflection of the Divine Will. It is only when man conducts himself on this basis that he will be able to discharge his duties free from ego. Hence man's supreme duty is to act according to the Divine Will. Duty (Dharma) is the spiritual expression of the Divine Will in relation to society.
Sunday, February 20, 2022
I wish to advise you that you should never give scope for ego to dominate your actions. Wherever there is ego, there lies danger. Therefore, shed your ego and cultivate pure and selfless love toward one and all.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
There is nothing in this world that cannot be achieved with love. I conclude My discourse with the blessing that the divine vibrations of today's singing of the Divine name (namasankirtanam) spread to the whole world and grant good qualities, good practices, and good behaviour to all people.
Friday, February 18, 2022
We consider Love as relating to the world. We consider it to be physical. In fact, it does not at all relate to the physical realm. It is truth, verily. “You are not one person, but three. The one you think you are; the one others think you are and the one you really are. “What others think is all imagination. The Self within you is the only truth. Who is this Self? That is “I”. This “I” is the same in all.
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Truth is one, regardless of the nation or religion. Truth or Divinity cannot change according to place or circumstance. That is why it is said: Truth is God. That Truth is within us. The transcendental knowledge has described it as Being-Awareness-Bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda). The names and forms of human beings may vary, but the Supreme in them, the Being-Awareness-Bliss, does not vary. It is eternal and changeless.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Lord will be the Guide of whoever installs Him as his Charioteer (Sarathi). He will not consider that position inferior. He is the Eternal Charioteer (Sanathana Sarathi) come to be the Charioteer of all. He is the Lord, for all who seek a Master, a support. The soul is the Master in every one.
Monday, February 14, 2022
One who is having constant remembrance of God, with love and devotion, will ever be happy whether he is in a village or a city, flying in the sky or in a forest, because God dances in his heart and confers delight.
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Pleasure is an interval between two pains. Reduce your worldly desires. Develop desire for God. Inculcate love for God and thereby increase your happiness. If desires increase, your suffering also increases, and happiness too decreases proportionately.
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Only those who can pour out compassion to fellow men can claim a place in the Grace of God. This is also the highest spiritual discipline.
Friday, February 11, 2022
Consider yourselves as the children of one God. You may worship God in any form of your choice, but recognize the truth that God is only one. The observance of holy days like Christmas is an occasion for realizing the importance of love and harmony among human beings.
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Strive, that is your duty. Yearn, that is your task. Struggle, that is your assignment. If only you do these, sincerely and steadily, God cannot keep back for long the reward of Realization.
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Everyone should regard himself as a Messenger of God and try to lead an ideal life. This means that one has to give up selfishness and self-interest. This may not be easy. But with God's Grace, it should be possible to progress towards Self-realization gradually.
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Always meditate on the divine name, don’t just contemplate, meditate. Meditation should be with love for God. Without love, your meditation will not achieve the desired result. Your love for God should be continuous through day and night.
Monday, February 7, 2022
The root cause of all difficulties experienced by man is forgetting his spiritual reality and identifying himself with his body. The body is only the vesture of the Indwelling Spirit. By immersing himself in body-consciousness, man develops egoism and possessiveness, which result in promoting many bad qualities.
Sunday, February 6, 2022
More than education, the spiritual life will protect a person in every way. Devoid of spiritual outlook, all your education and academic degrees are a mere waste. Their value is zero.
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Fill your lives with devotion to God and develop the outlook “I am not this body. This is a vesture taken upon by Me. There is God inside who is conducting my life.” God is “in you, with you, around you, above you, below you”. Develop full faith in Divinity. Then you can achieve anything in life.
Friday, February 4, 2022
You are like fully ripened fruits. But, the fruits must contain sweet juice. Without that sweet juice, it cannot be a fruit. You must all have the sweet juice of love. If there is no sweet juice, people will just bite the fruit and throw it away. Hence, fill your hearts with the sweet juice of love.
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Develop faith as your foremost quality, irrespective of whether it brings you the desired results. Add love to that faith. “I am you and you are Me, I and you are one”.
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Whatever be the name and form, develop faith in God. God has many names, but God is only one. The ornaments may be many, but gold is one. Do not lose sight of the gold. Without gold, you can not make ornaments.
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Some incidents happening in this world may shake your faith in God. But, if you hold on to your faith firmly, you can boldly face any situation.
Monday, January 31, 2022
Entrust to the Lord, before it is too late, your mind and let Him shape it as He likes. Assign to your mind the task of serving the Lord and it will grow tame. You do not hand over the goldsmith an ornament that is quite nice, you give him for repairs or reshaping, the ornaments you feel have been broken or dented or gone out of fashion. So too, give the Lord your mind that certainly needs repair, if not complete reconstruction.