Sunday, September 5, 2021
The Path of Worship (Bhakti marga) is the name given to the path of surrender to the Lord's Will, the merging of the individual Will in the Will of the Universal. Lakshmana is the classic example of this spirit of surrender that saves. Once during his exile in the forest, Rama asked Lakshmana to put up a leaf-hut on a site of his choice. Lakshmana was shocked, he was struck down with grief. He pleaded with Rama: "Why do you ask me to select the site? Have I any individuality left? Can I choose? Will I select? Don't you know that I have no will of my own. You decide and I obey, you command, I carry out the order." That is real surrender, real devotion. This can be acquired by constant practice of detachment.
Saturday, September 4, 2021
See Him in all, worship Him through all, for He is all. Engage in activity, but, fill the activity with devotion. It is the devotion that sanctifies.
Friday, September 3, 2021
As a spark of the divine, you have to behave like the Divine. Do not give room for grief. What use is there in turning over the beads of the rosary while your mind is thinking of mundane matters? First of all, purify your mind. Dedicate all actions to God. Free yourself from all attachments. Treat all things as gifts from God for which you are the custodian and not the owner.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Lack of faith in God really means you have no faith in your own self. Faith in yourself leads to faith in God. This is the secret of greatness. Faith in God alone will help you.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Identify yourself with the name and form of the Divine of your choice. You may carry on all your normal daily duties, but keep in mind always the name of the Lord. That is the injunction of Krishna. Do not allow any evil thoughts to enter your mind. Then the good thoughts in you will find expression in good deeds.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Whatever you do, remember the omnipresence of the Divine. Do every act to please God, out of love and not out of compulsion. Divinise every act. The Lord declares in the Gita: "Having been born in this transient and unhappy world, worship Me."
Monday, August 30, 2021
You can chant ‘Sai Rama’ or ‘Sai Krishna’, with love for Swami. You may pursue any type of education and acquire high academic degrees, yet, you should not give up chanting the divine name. You should not forget the Divine name.
Sunday, August 29, 2021
When we are filled with devotion, the Lord is ready to serve us as our servant. The Lord is ever prepared to subject Himself to any kind of difficulty or ordeal to protect or help His devotee.
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Love of God is the means and the goal. This is the secret to be learnt from the gopikas. They saw love in everything. The Divine is in every one. But to realize it, there is only one way. It is to cultivate intense love of God. Only that day when one strives to develop such love for God is the day of Krishna's birth.
Friday, August 27, 2021
To plough the heart, prepare it for receiving the shower of Grace, to grow the seeds of Love, weed it of all evil thoughts which smother the crops of joy and to enable it to gather the harvest of Wisdom. That wisdom finds its fulfilment in Krishna Himself, for Krishna also means the Pure Essence, the Supreme Principle, the Sat-Chit- Ananda.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
A person might master all the scriptures along with all the learned commentaries written on them by experts, or propitiate all the gods by performing the prescribed modes of worship and ceremonies. But this cannot grant the boon of liberation. Just like a person who may have every ingredient needed for cooking, but if fire is not available, can he prepare the meal? Success in acquiring self-knowledge alone can confer salvation.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Pray wholeheartedly for the welfare of humanity, May all the worlds be happy (Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu). You can be happy only when the world is happy. There is an intimate and inseparable relationship between you and the world. Chant the Divine Name. Pray for the welfare of the world and participate in service activities.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
The recitation of the Name is like the operation of boring, to tap underground water. It is like the chisel-stroke that will release the image of God imprisoned in the marble. Break the encasement and the Lord will appear, cleave the pillar, as Prahlada asked his father to do, and the Lord who is ever there, will manifest Himself.
Monday, August 23, 2021
Campaign against the temptations of the senses, conquer inner foes, triumph over your ego. That is the Victory for which you deserve congratulations, not the others. That is what I refer to as True Freedom (Swarajya).
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Parents ought to advise the children: "Be convinced that there is a God, guiding and guarding us. Remember Him with gratitude. Pray to Him to render you pure. Love all; serve all. Join good company. Visit temples and holy men."
Saturday, August 21, 2021
If you perceive yourself as Divine, you become Divine. If you consider yourself a human being, you will remain so. While your form is that of human being, there is the Atmic principle in you. To recognize this Atman, you have to keep your heart pure and empty. To purify our hearts, we celebrate festivals. The main aim of these festivities is purification of the mind.
Friday, August 20, 2021
Happiness lies in union with God. Hence contemplate on God incessantly. Never give scope for anxiety or worry thinking. Have faith in God. Do your duty and face any situation with courage. Then, the result is bound to be good. Love is everything. Love is God. Live in love.
Thursday, August 19, 2021
From today onwards, develop noble feelings. Follow the sacred path. Then your future will certainly be safe and secure. With prayer to God, you can achieve anything in life. I want you to pray. I am always with you, in you, above you, and around you. Make efforts to instill such faith and devotion in fellow human beings. That will make Me very happy.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
You must be unaffected, ever in calm joy, in the inner depths, it does not matter if the waves play on the top, heaving and falling, for that is but the action of wind upon water! Do not lose the inner equanimity, maintain it with all your strength.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
You must always be happy and blissful. Sweet smile should dance on your lips. You should not put up a "castor oil face" under any circumstances. You must always be smiling. When others see you, they should also feel happy. Thus, you should always lead a happy and blissful life with a sweet smile on your face. You should be happy and at the same time make others happy.
Monday, August 16, 2021
People boast that they are interested only in inquiry and reason, that they follow only the path of spiritual knowledge (Jnana). They aspire to be liberated persons possessing spiritual knowledge (Jnanis)! But spiritual wisdom cannot be won without a pure mind. He must discover who he is, before he ventures upon the inquiry, "Who is God?" Once he has discovered who he is, there is no need to know who is God, for, both are the same.
Sunday, August 15, 2021
When you follow your Heart, you will achieve victory. Therefore, follow God. The one who is under the control of one’s senses is under bondage. When one gets freed from the control of senses, one will become independent. Therefore, external independence and internal freedom is the true hallmark of humanity. God pervades externally and one’s internal self. For the humanity to achieve independence, control of senses, kinship and friendship with God, and the broad hearted nature of humanity should be recognized.
Divine Discourse, August 5, 1985
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Embodiments of Divine Love! Realize that you are not separate from God, who is the very embodiment of Love. God can be attained only through Love and not by any other means.
Friday, August 13, 2021
The sea has a vast expanse of water, but can it quench the thirst of man? Similarly, however much a man may possess, if he has not cultivated detachment, it is but arid waste. Detachment from sensual pleasures and objective pursuits helps the growth of Love towards God and the Godly.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Do not grieve, nor be the cause of grief. The very embodiment of Bliss (God) is in you, as in others, as in all else. In spite of a multiplicity of containers, the contained is the same. That is the principle of Being, Awareness, Bliss (Sat, Chit and Ananda). The minutest atom, the mightiest star, both are basically one. All are, in Truth, Divine (Brahman).
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
First of all, you have to realize that divinity is present everywhere. Let all your actions be pleasing to God. You have come from God and are living in God. All your actions should therefore be dedicated to God. When you follow such a sacred path, you will ultimately merge in God.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Neither youth, nor wealth, nor wife and children are permanent. Only truth and righteousness are everlasting. You must base your lives on truth and righteousness and should be prepared to face any challenges with courage and confidence.
Monday, August 9, 2021
The chief duty of man is investigation into Truth. Truth can be won only thorough dedication and devotion. And they are dependent on the Grace of God, which is showered only on hearts saturated with Love.
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Do all acts as offerings to God. Do not classify some as "my work" and some as "His work." All work is His. He inspires, He helps, He executes, He enjoys, He is pleased, He reaps, He sowed. He alone exists, for, all this manifoldness is but He, seen through the mirror of Nature! Everything is for the attainment of the Supreme to be utilized for that high purpose.
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Develop the inner eye, not the exterior sight. Try to sense the commands of God, which will set your feet on the path of silence and steady sadhana.