Sunday, May 1, 2022
Whichever may be the religion, its emphasis is on unity, harmony, and equal-mindedness. Therefore, cultivate love, tolerance and compassion, and demonstrate the Truth in every daily activity. This is the Message I give you with My Blessings.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Buddha made proper use of the five senses, experienced bliss and shared it with others. But, today all five senses are being misused. Actions are based on thoughts. So, man has to cultivate noble thoughts. Hridaya (heart) is the temple of God. Thoughts, words, and deeds will be pure, steady and selfless only when man has a pure heart and noble feelings. Purity, patience, and perseverance are very essential for mankind. Without firm faith, man cannot achieve anything in life.
Friday, April 29, 2022
God is omnipresent. He has hands, legs, mouth, faces everywhere and pervades the entire Universe. Where is the need to search for Him? Such a search may be termed as folly. All forms of God are in you. Any time is auspicious to realize this.
Thursday, April 28, 2022
One should have confidence in his own inner Self that is the Atma. If one has this Self-confidence, he will have Self-satisfaction, which will lead to Self-sacrifice. Self-sacrifice leads to liberation or Self-realization. Everything is based on "Self" and everyone is an embodiment of the Self.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
When you think of a material object, it gets object oriented but if you turn the mind towards the Divine principle, it makes the life sacred. If you turn it towards the world, it is binding you to the world. If you turn it towards Awareness, which is Divine, you become Divine.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
There is a constant quest for peace. Everyone is seeking it. But peace is not to be had from the external world. Peace is within you. Only the divinity within you is the basis of peace within.
Monday, April 25, 2022
God is everywhere at all times; He accomplishes everything. He accomplishes the minor feat of assuming human form, and growing up with men and women and being in their midst to win them over to the path of truth. He gives humanity a chance to savor His sweetness and have a glimpse of His glory. He acts despite the absence of any compulsion, so that human beings may choose to act likewise!
Sunday, April 24, 2022
What does Aaraadhana (Divine Adoration) mean? It is not mere offering of worship with the paraphernalia of rituals. Aaradhana is unification of the Hearts. To attain Oneness through Unity is Aaraadhana. To experience the Bliss of the Self is Aaraadhana. Recognizing unity in Diversity is Aaradhana.
Saturday, April 23, 2022
People should learn to give. They should not try to grab all that comes his way. The body is given to us to do good to others. One attains merit by serving others and commits sin by hurting them. Do not always accept the service of others, rather, try to serve others to the extent possible.
Friday, April 22, 2022
Only love is permanent in this world. Fill your life with love. You can love others only when you have love within you. Your innate love is your divinity. If you have love in your heart, nobody will hate you. Others will hate you only when you have selfish desires. Never hate anybody, never feel jealous of anybody and never get angry with anyone.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
God tests His devotees only to lift them up to a higher level in the spiritual ladder. A true devotee leads a sacred life which is sanctified when he faces the obstacles and problems with full faith in the Divine. The body is only for leading a sacred life.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
There are multitudes of waves in the Ocean that are not all alike and vary in shapes and forms, but there is no difference in the sea water that is contained in every one of these waves. Similarly, names and forms of people are different but the spark of Divinity that is Being Awareness Bliss (Sat-chit-ananda) is the same in everyone. Everyone, in fact, is an embodiment of Being Awareness Bliss (Sat-chit-ananda). When we realize this, sacred feelings will prevail and no petty ideas will arise in the mind.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Speak softly, sweetly and truthfully. There are two eyes to see different things, two ears to hear good and bad, there are two hands to do good and bad, but there is only one tongue to speak only the Truth.
Monday, April 18, 2022
When you become all-embracing infinite Love, the Divine will manifest in and through you. Try to be like Jesus. Jesus was a person whose only joy was in spreading Divine Love, offering Divine Love, receiving Divine Love and living on Divine Love.
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Jesus declared that there was nothing great about returning good for good. One should do good even to those who harm them.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
The Christians worship the Cross (†). The cross is a symbol exhorting people to get rid of ego. No one is different from you. Hence, you must always bear the truth that all are One (I).
Friday, April 15, 2022
People talk of the sacrifice of Christ as evidence by His crucifixion. Let us pay attention to the sacrifice that Jesus made while free, out of his own volition. He sacrificed his happiness, prosperity, comfort, safety and position; he braved the enmity of the powerful. He refused to yield or compromise. He renounced the 'ego', which is the toughest thing to get rid of. Honor Him for these. He willingly sacrificed the desires with which the body torments man; this is a sacrifice greater than the sacrifice of the body under duress.
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Love is the very form of God. Love is God. Live in love. Love is present in all. Even the person whom we think of as wicked has love for his wife and children. If you have love in your heart, you will find love everywhere. If you love a dog or a cat, they will also reciprocate your love. You will not have fear of even wild animals if you do not harm them. As is the feeling, so is the result. Everything depends on our feelings.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
The seed of Divinity has to be fostered by human effort and steady care, in order that it may blossom and fructify. Remove from your mind all traces of desire to harm others, by thought, word and deed. The reaction you will encounter by indulging in such temporarily satisfying behavior will be disastrous. Each such act is a seed planted in your own mind, a weed that will grow wild and destroy your peace and joy.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Man is enclosed in five sheaths, the physical, vital, mental, intellectual and Blissful. This Blissful is the core. So, man need only explore within himself for infinite Bliss. Bliss has to be sought not through accumulation but through sacrifice and promotion of the welfare of others.
Monday, April 11, 2022
Love is God. It transcends all human relationships based on attachment. Develop divine and selfless love which is enduring and infinite. A true lover of God will experience no sorrow.
Sunday, April 10, 2022
The truths propounded in the Ramayana are relevant to all mankind. Rama represents the exalted state of the human heart. Rama is the treasure-house of compassion. Where can you find such truth, compassion and grace? All thoughts arise from the heart and lead to actions. Hence for all thoughts, words and deeds, the heart is the source. What should be the condition of the heart? It should be full of compassion.
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Restrain your desires. Experience the bliss of the Divine at all times. That is true humanness, which manifests itself when you think of God. Happiness is union with God. How much bliss can you experience if you see God in yourself and in everybody! Let all differences cease. Recognizing the divinity that is present in all, you should foster the principle of love and develop compassion in the heart.
Friday, April 8, 2022
When you have achieved the consciousness that God is in you, with you, for you, that awareness must re-shape every thought, word, and deed, and make you wish good, speak good, and do good.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Search for bliss (Ananda), the bliss that emanates from love with no blemish of attachment. Be like bees hovering on the flower of the glory of the Lord, sucking the sweet nectar of grace, silently and joyfully.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Among the qualities that make up a flawless character, love, patience, forbearance, steadfastness, and charity are the highest and have to be revered. The hundred little deeds that we indulge in every day harden into habits. These habits shape our intelligence and mould our outlook and life.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Without character, wealth, education, and social status are of no avail. Character is the fragrance of the flower, it gives value and worth. Poets, painters, artists, and scientists may be great, each in their own field, but without character, they can have no standing in society.
Monday, April 4, 2022
Character makes life immortal, it survives even death. Some say that knowledge is power, but it is not true. Character is power. Even the acquisition of knowledge demands a good character. So, everyone must yearn to attain flawless character, without any trace of evil.
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Do not waste even a single moment in your life. People today strive to attain materialistic gains and intellectual growth and to satisfy the senses, but nobody is making an effort to attain self-realization. How long do the sensual pleasures and bodily pleasures last? They are all momentary and fleeting. Only what is heartfelt is lasting. Therefore, make efforts for satisfying your conscience. This is possible only by associating yourself with good company.
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Faith and Love are the two primary requisites for leading a godly life. These two are as important for man as the two wings for a bird or the two wheels for a chariot.