Past Sai Messages for the Day
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
A block of chocolate has sweetness, weight, and shape. The three cannot be separated, one from the other. Each little part of it has sweetness, weight, and shape. We don’t find shape in one part, weight in another, and sweetness in a third. And when it is placed on the tongue, taste is recognized, weight is lessened, and shape is modified, all at the same time. So too, the individual soul (Jiva), the Atma, and the Supreme Lord (Parameswara) are not separate. They are one and the same.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
In fact, you see God in the form of people all around you. Your vision becomes sanctified only when you develop the feeling that all are the embodiments of God. Everything in this creation is sacred. All that you see is only the manifestation of God.
Monday, June 6, 2022
All are one, all are essentially divine. Give up multiplicity to attain unity. The Vedanta declares that the Atmic principle is the underlying unity in diversity. Bulbs are many but the same current flows in all of them. Likewise, the Atmic principle exists in all. Man’s inability to understand this principle of unity is the cause of his ignorance. True humanness lies in understanding unity in multiplicity. You have to develop sacred vision in order to develop unity.
Sunday, June 5, 2022
Sacred vision is the first step toward liberation. Consider all that you see as divine. Let your vision be suffused with love. Vision filled with love is the hallmark of a true human being. All are one, be alike to everyone. You can understand unity in diversity only when you develop sacred vision. Sacred vision makes you realize the presence of divinity in all.
Saturday, June 4, 2022
All of you are Embodiments of Divinity. Your forms are divine. You and God are one. You are not different from God. Experience this unity. Ekam Sath (truth is one). Unity is truth. Unity is divinity.
Friday, June 3, 2022
There are no differences whatsoever. The Atma that is present in you is present in everybody. It is attributeless. In order to realize this Atmic principle, you should fill your heart with love. The heart is like a vessel. Fill it with the qualities of truth, love and sacrifice. Then you don’t need to ask for peace. It will automatically manifest from within. In fact, love, truth, etc., are within you. You should manifest them from within. You cannot acquire them from outside.
Thursday, June 2, 2022
When one understands the truth that the same divine principle is present in all, there will be no room for differences and troubles. Therefore, always focus on the Divinity of humanity. All our difficulties arise when we multiply our differences, forgetting our Divinity. Therefore, we should firmly install the divine principle in our heart, which is the same in everyone.
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
When one understands the truth that the same divine principle is present in all, there will be no room for differences and troubles. Therefore, always focus on the Divinity of humanity. All our difficulties arise when we multiply our differences, forgetting our Divinity. Therefore, we should firmly install the divine principle in our heart, which is the same in everyone.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Your enemies are not outside. Your bad thoughts are your worst enemies and thoughts based on Truth are your best friends. But today, people do not befriend the thoughts based on Truth, which are essentially divine. You have to make friendship with sath, the eternal truth. Sath means Being, the ever-existent God. The worldly friends and enemies change with the passage of time, but sath is the true and eternal friend. This friend is always with you, in you, around you, above you, below you and protects you just as the eyelid protects the eye.
Monday, May 30, 2022
It has to be said that the mere reading of a book or journal will not grant discrimination (viveka). That which is seen, heard, or read must be put into practice in actual life.
Sunday, May 29, 2022
By conscious effort, habits can be changed and character refined. People always have within them, within their reach, the capacity to challenge their evil propensities and to change their evil habits. By selfless service, renunciation, devotion, prayer, and reasoning, the old habits that bind people to earth can be discarded and new habits that take them along the divine path can be instilled into their lives.
Saturday, May 28, 2022
One’s present is but the result of one’s past and the habits formed during that long period. But whatever the nature of the character that one has come by, it can certainly be modified by changing the accustomed process of thought and imagination.
Friday, May 27, 2022
People must first of all get rid of self-interest and self-centeredness. They must develop love, forbearance, and compassion. They must try to live harmoniously.
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Whatever you do, do it not for pleasing others, but for pleasing the Indweller in your heart, for your inner satisfaction. This means acting according to the dictates of your conscience. Every such act will please the Divine.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
The Lord is a Mountain of Love (Prema). Any number of ants carrying away particles of sweetness cannot exhaust His Plenty. He is an Ocean of Mercy without a limiting shore.
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
I want that you should follow every word of what I say with reverent attention, for your joy is My food. You can get joy (anandam) only by following the advice I give you, and this is why I am particular that you should listen carefully and take to heart all that I say.
Monday, May 23, 2022
Human life is noble since it is essentially divine. In fact, man and God are not two different entities, they are one and the same.
Sunday, May 22, 2022
Man can rise to the level of the Divine only through the path of service. When man is not able to understand humanness, how can he understand Divinity? First, know thyself.
Saturday, May 21, 2022
The best way to love God is to love all and serve all. Man’s foremost duty is to serve his fellowmen and make them happy. Your life will be redeemed only when you involve yourself in the service of society. The highest sadhana (spiritual practice) is to transform love into service.
Friday, May 20, 2022
Faith in God is very essential for man. You may question who God is and where God is. Truth is God. Truth is one and the same for everyone, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, language, nationality, and ideology.
Thursday, May 19, 2022
The Buddhist prayer must be properly understood. When the Buddhists say: "Buddham sharanam gachchami, Dharmam sharanam gachchami, Sangham sharanam gachchami," the real meaning of the prayer is: You must divert your mind (Buddhi) towards right conduct (Dharma). And the right conduct should aim at serving society. When this is done, society gets purified.
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Buddha considered the spirit of sacrifice as true yajna. Sacrifice is the means for attaining freedom from the bondage of mundane existence (Nirvana).
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
What is meant by Samadhi? It means treating pleasure and pain, gain and loss alike. Equal mindedness (Sama-dhi ) is "Samadhi". To look upon light and darkness, pleasure and pain, profit and loss, fame and censure with an equal mind is Samadhi.
Monday, May 16, 2022
Buddha declared that everyone should aim at the achievement of the highest good (Samyak-Sadhana). Sadhana (spiritual practice) means the elimination of the evil tendencies in man and acquiring good and sacred qualities. True sadhana is the eradication of all evil in a man.
Sunday, May 15, 2022
After purity in vision and thought, the third requirement for every man, is pure deeds (Samyak-Karma). Everyone should do pure deeds. Through pure deeds, man is able to recognize his human essence. Man is not merely an embodied being. By his capacity for developing good vision, entertaining good thoughts and performing good deeds, he has the power to transform humanness into Divinity.
Saturday, May 14, 2022
The first requirement for every man is Samyak-Dhrishti (Sacred Vision). The second quality that is needed is pure thoughts (Samyak-Sankalpa). Everyone should have pure thoughts. Only the person who has developed purity in vision can have purity in thoughts.
Friday, May 13, 2022
Buddha declared that everyone should cultivate at the outset a pure vision (Samyak-dhrishti). It is only when man has a pure vision that he can get rid of impurities in the body, speech and mind.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
No benefit accrues from acquiring such information, which does not lead you to the goal of life. There are thousands of intellectuals, scholars, and eminent educationists in the world today. But all the worldly knowledge and skills will be a mere waste if one does not know oneself. The primary duty of man is to understand who he really is.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Embodiments of Love! Goodness means good behavior, good conduct, good discipline, and good character. Truth, righteousness, peace, love and nonviolence are verily the five life principles (pancha pranas) of man.
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
With sacred feelings and divine thoughts, cultivate the spirit of love in you. God is not found separately in a temple or in an Ashram, etc. Truth is God. Love is God. Dharma is God. When you worship God by following these principles, He will manifest Himself then and there. There is no doubt about this. Love God wholeheartedly. Pray to God and make friends with Him. You can achieve anything if you have God as your friend.