"Through seva (selfless service), you realize that all beings are waves of the ocean of divinity. No other sadhana (spiritual discipline) can bring you into the incessant contemplation of the oneness of all living beings. You feel another’s pain as your own. You share another’s success as your own. To see everyone else as yourself and yourself in everyone is the core of the sadhana of seva. "
—Sri Sathya Sai Baba, November 15, 1975
With love, reverence, and gratitude, the Sri Sathya Sai International Organisation (SSSIO) offers the 2023 Annual Report at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima, 2024.
Baba, the embodiment of love, has exhorted that the best way to love God is by loving and serving all. His life is His message—and His message is love. Accordingly, SSSIO members, officers, and volunteers from more than 110 countries have continued to undertake many service activities in education, healthcare, humanitarian relief, and community welfare. We express gratitude to all the SSSIO officers and volunteers for their dedicated selfless service and contributions to the divine mission in ten Zones of the SSSIO worldwide. The purpose is the transformation of the heart, leading to one’s Self-realization. Another goal of the SSSIO is to share Swami’s love and message with others, leading them to the path of Self-realization. We are grateful to Lord Sai, our Guru, Guide, and God, for founding, nurturing, and guiding the SSSIO, and inspiring to perform outstanding service in His name, and share His message, His teachings, and His works around the world.
The SSSIO organized the International Conference on ‘Love and Service’ from April 20 to 23, 2023, in Riverside, California, USA. More than 700 participants from 35 countries attended the Conference at Sai Prema Nilayam, a newly acquired venue that formally opened on April 20, 2023. In September 2023, SSSIO Zones 4 and 5 held an international conference with the theme of ‘My Life - His Message,’ at the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, attracting over a thousand participants from 16 countries. The Sai Institute of Education West Indies (SIEWI), in collaboration with the ISSE-USA and the Canadian ISSE, organized a landmark International Conference on ‘Strengthening Values Education’ in Barbados from October 12 to 14, 2023, involving stakeholders from 17 Caribbean countries.
In 2023, as the world emerged from the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, SSSIO members resumed educational activities with zest through 28 Institutes of Sathya Sai Education (ISSEs), 39 Sathya Sai Schools, and other establishments. Many community and government organizations recognized the schools for their academic excellence and service to the people.
In the medical field, healthcare professionals continued to deliver free healthcare with love and compassion through medical camps, clinics, mobile clinics, workshops, and other avenues. In June 2023, a team of medical specialists from many countries of the SSSIO, supported by local volunteers, conducted medical camps in Nigeria and Benin, serving an astounding 2,504 patients in only six days and providing free medicines and eyeglasses.
In 2023, the SSSIO Young Adults (YAs), led by the YA Committee, Subcommittees, and Zonal YAs, showed remarkable achievements. The Sri Sathya Sai International Leadership Program (SSSILP) brought together 109 YAs from 30 countries, concluding with a grand finale of virtual graduation. Memorable YA events described in this report include the SSSIO International Conference in Sri Lanka hosted by Zones 4 and 5, the Fifth European Sai Young Adults Camp in Greece, and Hong Kong's compassionate community service initiatives spearheaded by the YAs.
In addition to the ongoing activities mentioned above, the SSSIO has taken up the SAI-100 initiative to intensify these efforts as a token of love and gratitude to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba for His 100th Birthday in 2025. As part of SAI-100, 13 inspiring projects are underway for over 12 months. Major highlights include planting over a million trees as an environmental initiative, with over 300,000 trees already planted around the world. Another initiative in the healthcare sector well underway is holding a thousand medical camps and operating medical clinics to serve needy communities. It is a great tragedy that about a billion people worldwide are affected by mental health issues. To address this challenge, the SSSIO has started mental well-being workshops incorporating human values, such as the EASE (Exercise regularly; Positive Attitude; Sleep well; Eat responsibly) program. EASE workshops have been successfully held for many communities in North and South Americas, Europe, and Asia. All these offerings are based on the universal and eternal teachings of Bhagawan Baba, the founder of the SSSIO. SAI-100 initiative also includes public outreach programs for SSSIO officers and members to share Bhagawan’s teachings with the public in all parts of the world.
Details of many inspiring and uplifting projects and services are presented in this report, along with illustrations and pictures of the programs. But the goal of all service projects and individual sadhana programs is to realize the oneness of creation and see and experience divinity in all. Swami exhorts us to realize that the purpose of human life and the purpose of the Organisation that bears His sacred name is Self-realization and to help others realize their innate divinity. Let us thank Him for giving us the privilege to play a role in His divine mission as part of the SSSIO.
I pray to Swami to bless us with renewed strength and wisdom so that we can continue to serve Him and His creation selflessly, with unconditional love, until our last breath.
Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu (May All the Worlds Be Happy)
Jai Sai Ram.
Narendranath Reddy, M.D.
Chairman, SSSIO