Monday, October 4, 2021
Even a small act of charity will assume immense significance in the eyes of God, if it is done with purity of heart. One teaspoon of cow’s milk is better than barrels of donkey’s milk. God is pleased even if you offer a teaspoon of milk with love. God always observes your feelings. God’s valuation is always perfect, none can match Him in this respect.
Sunday, October 3, 2021
Embodiments of Divine Love! Experience the Love Principle. Thereby you will rid the world of hatred. Once hatred goes the world will be free from violence and strife. For all the cruelty and violence that we find in the world today, the root cause is selfishness. This has to be eradicated. Cultivating the Love Principle and manifesting love in all your thoughts and actions, you will experience the bliss of Love.
Saturday, October 2, 2021
People should realize that God responds only to deep and genuine devotion. Verbal supplications will not suffice. The devotee must acquire the yearning that will melt the heart of God. Even butter which is so soft melts only when heat is applied. Likewise, the warmth of love of the Lord has to be applied to the butter of the human heart to make it melt.
Friday, October 1, 2021
Love is associated with immortality. It is nectar itself. There is nothing in the world comparable to it. It is to teach mankind the truth about this Divine Love that Love itself incarnates on earth in human form. The scriptures declare that the Divine descends on earth to teach mankind the ways of Dharma, Justice and Truth.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Mind control, restraining the senses, transcending the worldly dualities, forbearance, unwavering faith, and equanimity are the primary virtues that must exist in a true spiritual aspirant. In addition, there must be an intense longing for liberation (Moksha).
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
God can do anything. He can go anywhere. He can change anything. Do not give room for doubts. One who doubts divinity will certainly be doomed. Develop unwavering faith and follow the Divine command. True dharma lies in following the Divine command. When you follow God, you will be blessed with all goodness and auspiciousness.
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
God can do anything. He can go anywhere. He can change anything. Do not give room for doubts. One who doubts divinity will certainly be doomed. Develop unwavering faith and follow the Divine command. True dharma lies in following the Divine command. When you follow God, you will be blessed with all goodness and auspiciousness.
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
You may have the best of vegetables, you may be the most capable cook, but, if the copper vessel in which you prepare the vegetable soup is not tinned, the concoction you cook will be highly poisonous! So "tin" your heart with truth, right conduct, peace and divine love (Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi and Prema), it will then become a vessel fit for repeating holy name or symbols, meditation, religious vows, pilgrimage, ritualistic worship and the other dishes that you prepare in it.
Monday, September 27, 2021
You must carefully think over the consequences of whatever you do, talk, or execute. In whatever way you want others to honor you, or to love you, or to behave with you, in the same way you should first behave with others, and love and honour them. Then only will those honor you.
Sunday, September 26, 2021
God is not far from you, or away in some distant place. He is within you, in your own inner altar. Man suffers because he is unable to discover Him there, and draw peace and joy from that discovery. Of course, you have to be in the world, but you need not be of it. The attention has to be fixed on God, the God within. Man must keep the Goal of God-realization before him, while engaged in the noisy, hilarious procession of life.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
People regard God as some remote entity attainable only by arduous spiritual practices. God is everywhere. There is no need to search for God. All that you see is a manifestation of the Divine. All the human beings you see are forms of the Divine. Correct your defective vision and you will experience God in all things.
Friday, September 24, 2021
God is pleased by inner feelings not outward display. He sees the feeling behind your actions. The world is interested in outward show, but God is interested in your feeling. Hence, purify your feelings in the first instance.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
A family is the most important functional unit in the world. If the family is running on sound lines, the world will also run smoothly. If the unity among family members suffers even to a small extent, the world will face the repercussions. Unity gives strength to the lives of the family members. Therefore, every family should strive for achieving unity and harmonious relationship among its members.
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Realisation, which is not possible through logic, through offering sacrifices and through discussion and other disciplines, can be achieved only through love.
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
The sweetness that attracts people is Love. This love may be manifested in many forms, maternal love, filial love, fraternal affection, marital love, friendly love and so on. Divine Love is the basis of all these forms of attraction. It is a powerful magnet. It is present everywhere including in every human being.
Monday, September 20, 2021
Be assured that God is the embodiment of Love. He has no hatred toward anybody. It is to teach this principle of love that the Navaratri celebrations have been started. Different people worship God and sing His glory in different ways. I have no difference at all! I wish that all should live as embodiments of love and like brothers and sisters. Men are more valuable than all the wealth of the world. All are God’s children.
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Assign to your mind the task of serving the Lord and it will grow tame. You do not hand over the goldsmith an ornament that is quite nice; you give him for repairs or reshaping, the ornaments you feel have been broken or dented or gone out of fashion. So too, give the Lord your mind that certainly needs repair, if not complete reconstruction.
Saturday, September 18, 2021
To experience the Divine within you all you have to do is to dedicate all your actions to the Divine. No other spiritual exercise is necessary. This does not mean you should give up other forms of worship like repetition of the Name. The basic equipment is that whatever spiritual exercise is done it should be performed wholeheartedly, with full concentration.
Friday, September 17, 2021
Whatever you do, do it with the feeling that you are doing it for the pleasure of the Divine. Thereby, you will accomplish all your desires. You will experience bliss. See the Divine in everything.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
We must think of God every moment of our lives. It is in that spirit that everyone is enjoined to offer all actions as designed to please the Divine.
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Mind control, restraining the senses, transcending the worldly dualities, forbearance, unwavering faith, and equanimity are the primary virtues that must exist in a true spiritual aspirant. In addition, there must be an intense longing for liberation (Moksha).
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
You may have the best of vegetables, you may be the most capable cook, but, if the copper vessel in which you prepare the vegetable soup is not tinned, the concoction you cook will be highly poisonous! So "tin" your heart with Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi and Prema (truth, right conduct, peace and divine love), it will then become a vessel fit for repeating holy name or symbols, meditation, religious vows, pilgrimage, ritualistic worship and the other dishes that you prepare in it.
Monday, September 13, 2021
You must carefully think over the consequences of whatever you do, talk, or execute. In whatever way you want others to honor you, or to love you, or to behave with you, in the same way you should first behave with others, and love and honour them. Then only will those honor you.
Sunday, September 12, 2021
God is not far from you, or away in some distant place. He is within you, in your own inner altar. Man suffers because he is unable to discover Him there, and draw peace and joy from that discovery. Of course, you have to be in the world, but you need not be of it. The attention has to be fixed on God, the God within. Man must keep the Goal of God-realization before him, while engaged in the noisy, hilarious procession of life.
Saturday, September 11, 2021
People regard God as some remote entity attainable only by arduous spiritual practices. God is everywhere. There is no need to search for God. All that you see is a manifestation of the Divine. All the human beings you see are forms of the Divine. Correct your defective vision and you will experience God in all things.
Friday, September 10, 2021
God is pleased by inner feelings not outward display. He sees the feeling behind your actions. The world is interested in outward show, but God is interested in your feeling. Hence, purify your feelings in the first instance.
Thursday, September 9, 2021
The Love Principle is the essence of Krishna Principle. It is associated with the Divine. Worldly love cannot be equated with Divine Love (Prema). The term Love is used in ordinary parlance to describe what is really worldly attachment. People are attached more to names and forms than to the inner spirit of things. To get over this false attachment to external forms and names, it is essential to cultivate love in its purest form. There is no greater path to the Divine than this love.
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Gopikas, dedicated their hearts to one person alone. All their thoughts were centred on Krishna. All their senses were dedicated to the Divine. They spoke only about God. Their thoughts were centred on God. They listened only to the Divine words. Their hands were engaged in Divine work. All their limbs and senses were dedicated to the Divine. They did not consider anything as their own. Krishna was their all.
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
God can do anything. He can go anywhere. He can change anything. Do not give room for doubts. One who doubts divinity will certainly be doomed. Develop unwavering faith and follow the Divine command. True dharma lies in following the Divine command. When you follow God, you will be blessed with all goodness and auspiciousness.
Monday, September 6, 2021
Performing work as worship is also tantamount to meditation. You must perform all actions as offering to God. Also, when you have the feeling that Divinity is within you, you will not think, see, hear, talk or do any evil. Having complete faith in the Divinity within is self-confidence. This is the foundation on which the walls of self-satisfaction have to be raised and the roof of self-sacrifice laid, so that the mansion of Self-Realization is complete.