Past Sai Messages for the Day
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Love is expansion and expansion is Divine Life. Sow Love, it blossoms as compassion and tolerance, it yields the fruit of Peace (Santhi).
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Cultivate love. Love is the form of the Divine and God can be realized only through love. Of all the myriad names given to God, the one which is most to be cherished is Being-Awareness-Bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda).
Monday, December 27, 2021
The Christians worship the Cross (†). The cross is a symbol exhorting people to get rid of ego. No one is different from you. Hence, you must always bear the truth that all are One (I).
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Jesus attained the highest level of spirituality, having gone through all tests. Jesus was not merely a human form. He was the Embodiment of Divine Self, verily.
Saturday, December 25, 2021
This Day (Christmas Festival Day) marks the beginning of the Christian Era, the year of Christ. Christ sacrificed His life for the sake of those who put their faith in Him. He propagated the truth that service is God, that sacrifice is God.
Friday, December 24, 2021
In his 12th year, Jesus and his parents (Joseph and Mary), happened to go to a Jewish festival in Jerusalem. In the jostling crowds Jesus got separated from his parents. After a frantic search, Mary found him in a temple listening to a speech of the High Priest. When Mary told Jesus about the anxiety that they felt when they missed him, Jesus replied: "Why should you worry about me? When I am with God, who is my Father, why should you have any fear on my account?" Jesus thus revealed that he regarded himself as the Son of God.
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Jesus grew up at Nazareth till He reached thirty. After Joseph's passing, Jesus sought his mother's permission to embark on his Divine mission. He got baptized by John, the Baptist, and spent forty days in penance in a forest. During the penance, he prayed to God for three things: 1) He should be blessed with the quality of loving equally everyone. 2) He should have the strength and forbearance to suffer patiently any indignity or persecution that he might be subjected to by anyone, and 3) He should be enabled to use his God-given body wholly in the service of God.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Two different characteristics are to be found among men. One characteristic, which is rather common, is for one to delude himself that he is a good man, with many virtues, intelligence and talents. The other quality which is rare, is recognition of the good quality in others, their merits, abilities and good deeds, and appreciate their ideals. Jesus belonged to the second category. He saw the good qualities in others, rejoiced over their virtues and shared his joy with others.
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Love is another name of Brahman. In fact, love, atma, prema, aham or brahman, all these names carry the same meaning. There is nothing in this world except love.
Monday, December 20, 2021
You will have everything in life if you have love in you. Do not hate anybody. This should be the main ideal of your life. This is My message for you. Love is My only wealth. All these magnificent edifices are not mine, they all belong to the devotees. The only property I own is unbounded love for all of you.
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Man is not only invaluable, he is a noble being too. His heart is very valuable, his mind is sweet and his life-principle is eternal. Everyone should recognize this truth and develop sweetness in heart. The most important fortune that you have to aspire for today is love.
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Be always saturated with divine love (prema), do not use poisonous words against anyone, for, words wound more fatally than even arrows. Speak soft and sweet, sympathize with suffering and loss and ignorance, try your best to apply the salve of soothing words and timely succour.
Friday, December 17, 2021
If only you observe the disciplines and purify the Consciousness, you can see the God installed in your heart. There is sugar in the cup, but the water is insipid, for you have not stirred it well. There is God in the world, and by stirring the Divine well into every drop or atom thereof, you can make the world a sweet thing to live by. Intelligence is the spoon, spiritual practice (Sadhana) is the process of stirring.
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Purity follows unity and from purity, divinity is attained. To attain divinity, you have to cultivate purity and for purity you should live in harmony with all. Only then will you get positive results.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
The moment you go to your places, do not think that Swami is there (Prasanthi Nilayam), while I am here. Always develop the feeling “He is with me, in me, around me, above me and below me.” All are one.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Today in this hall are gathered people from many countries. They speak different languages and adopt different religions and culture and have different dresses, manners and customs. Forgetting all these differences, they are all moving here as brothers and sisters because of their love for Sai, which has unified them. They are expressing the joy of oneness because of the love in their hearts.
Monday, December 13, 2021
There is a Creator for this marvellous and beautiful cosmos, consisting of moving and unmoving objects. He is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent. He has been worshipped as God by many names and in many forms by various people.
Sunday, December 12, 2021
The essence of all religions is the principle of Oneness, the principle of Love. When you cultivate this principle of love, there is no room for hatred.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Realize that the love that is present in everyone is common to all. It is love that has brought you all together. It is the cord of love that has bound all of you. It is the unifier, the motivator and the bringer of joy to all. Therefore, develop love.
Friday, December 10, 2021
If you want to be respected by everyone, you should respect everyone. Whether one is rich or poor, noble or ignoble, everyone has self-respect. One should put in effort to safeguard one’s self-respect. One who has true self-respect respects everyone.
Thursday, December 9, 2021
God has no preferences and prejudices. His is but reaction, reflection and resound! He comes, to confer Divine Bliss, to foster Divine Bliss, to teach ways of acquiring and activating Divine Bliss. He takes upon Himself the pain and sorrow of the world, in order to prepare the Hearts of men for Love!
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
When there is peace in our heart, we will be able to witness peace all round. Unrest, sorrow, anger, etc., are the reaction, reflection and resound of the state of our inner being. Sorrows and difficulties, anger and unrest are of our own making and creation. They are not natural phenomena in the world.
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Love is the foremost quality of a human being. And faith is the basis for that love. The spelling of the word love is LOVE. Here ‘L’ stands for ‘Lord’. Thus, Love is born out of the Lord (God). The entire creation is a manifestation of God’s love, be it a tiny ant or a mighty elephant. Everything is the creation of God.
Monday, December 6, 2021
If you follow the teachings with firm faith in Swami, you will achieve success in all your endeavours. You should have faith in Swami’s teachings, love them, adore them and follow them.
Sunday, December 5, 2021
Embodiments of Divine Love! Strike down the walls that separate man from man. Get rid of differences based on caste and creed. Develop firm faith in the oneness of humanity. Cultivate love in your hearts. Only then will the nation be united, prosperous and happy.
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Where there is faith there is Love. Where there is Love there is Peace. Where there is Peace there is Truth. Where there is Truth there is Bliss. Where there is Bliss there is God. Hence, faith has to be strengthened.
Friday, December 3, 2021
When there is no love there is hatred. Faith in God promotes love. Love leads to peace. Peace prepares the way for truth. Living in truth, man experiences bliss, which is Divine.
Thursday, December 2, 2021
If one is blessed with God's love, he can surmount all problems of life. Without faith in God, all scholarship, wealth or name and fame are of no avail. He cannot experience bliss.
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Wherever you may be, in whatever country, do not give room for religious differences. Do not give up religion. Get rid of differences based on religion. Adhere to your faith and your traditions. When differences between religions are given up, love will develop in you. When love grows, you can have a direct vision of God.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
If you are resolute in achieving your aims, objectives, or desires, you should never give up your efforts till your objectives are achieved and you should not be swayed by all kinds of passing thoughts. Only then will you be a true devotee!