Past Sai Messages for the Day
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Do not laugh at others or delight in insulting or demeaning them. There is no more heinous sin than hurting the feelings of others. Deserve the grace of God by helping the weak and poor, the diseased and the disabled, the distressed and the downtrodden.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Life is not bestowed for just eating and digesting, roaming and reclining, but, for a far greater purpose - the realization of the divinity in us, in all that exists around us and even in all our sensory experiences. To waste such a life in vain pursuits, and in mere sense-pleasures is not the sign of an intelligent person.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
The true goal is to always maintain a perfect state of equanimity and not to get caught in "sorrows and joys". Pleasure is an interval between two pains. Therefore, we need not go in search of pleasure. It is very much within us. In fact, you, yourself, are the embodiment of bliss.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
The service activities and the bhajans that you perform alone are not enough. You should give up the feeling that you are serving others. That is very important. You are serving your own self when you serve others. You should consider all as yourself. In fact, others are not others but are the very forms of God. Hence, service rendered to humanity is service rendered to God.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
People have to develop two qualities: fear of sin and devotion to God. To cultivate devotion to God, always endeavor to mix with good persons, engage yourselves in repetition of the Divine name (namasmarana).
Monday, January 27, 2025
There is no being without a trace of love. Love leads to bliss (ananda), pure and lasting. Many seek this bliss through their relationships with other individuals, others try to attain it by amassing fame, power and riches, and a few attempt to gain it by renunciation of material possessions and the desire for worldly pleasures. Detachment alone can confer spiritual bliss.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
The present Age, often condemned as Kali Yuga, is in fact, the age in which one can attain liberation most easily. This is revealed in every scriptural text. These texts reason that one can be liberated now by the spiritual practice of singing the glory of the Lord and listening to the Name being sung (nama sankeerthana).
Saturday, January 25, 2025
All the capacities given by God should be used in the service of the divine. There is no need to go in quest of God. God is all the time searching for the genuine and steadfast devotee.
Friday, January 24, 2025
God desires no offerings from any devotee. God is the only friend who confers benefits on devotees without expecting any return. Nevertheless, people do not readily accept such a friend. Only the person who accepts God as such a friend and is guided by His advice can understand the full meaning of divine friendship.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
There is no greater friend for anyone than God. He is unaffected by praise or censure. He does not give up on people, even if they fail to come up to His expectations. That is why God has been given the appellation, a good friend.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
The primary requisite in the quest for supreme knowledge (jnana) is intense yearning. The second requisite is the undertaking of spiritual exercises. Thereby one achieves the fitness for acquiring the knowledge.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
People in their ignorance ask the question: "If God is omnipresent and all-pervasive, why is He not visible to us?" When the sun is shining, clouds which have been caused by the sun's heat hide the rays of the sun. When the sun is not visible because of the clouds, can you say that there is no sun? Likewise, the clouds of doubts and delusion, which arise in human beings, owing to their conceit and ignorance, hide the Divine from them.
Monday, January 20, 2025
The divine is the nearest. There is nothing in the world nearer to one than the Divine. God is very much nearer to you than your mother, and dearer to you than your father. You cannot afford to forget such a God. Bear this good counsel in mind.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Although living beings may vary from each other, God is One and indivisible. The sun shines over the water in the lake, in a well, in a vessel, in a river or over the ocean. Although the sun is one, he is reflected in different ways. The containers are varied, but God is one and the same in all beings.
Saturday, January 18, 2025
The Lord pervades everything in the cosmos with His myriad feet, hands, eyes, faces and ears. But people, not recognizing the fact, imagine they are the doer and indulge in all kinds of activities, thinking that no one knows about them. The Lord sees everything. No one can conceal anything from Him. He dwells inside and outside every living thing. Hence nothing can be hidden from Him. God dwells in all beings in one and the same form.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Human birth has not been gifted to man merely to indulge in worldly pleasures. None of the worldly pleasures is capable of conferring true satisfaction. They only increase your desires more and more. Therefore, people should give up worldly desires and recognize the principle of divinity.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
People assign value to everything in this world, but they are unable to recognize their own value. Then how can they ever understand the value of divinity? First of all, people have to realize the value of human life. Only then will they be in a position to understand divinity. God does not reside in paradise or Kailasa. These are His temporary camping stations. The true dwelling place of God is the heart of a human being.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
What is the true ornament of humanness? Lotuses are the ornaments of lakes. Houses and buildings are the ornaments of villages and towns. The waves of the ocean are its ornaments. The moon beautifies the sky. Character is the true ornament of a human being. The loss of this ornament is the source of all their suffering and misery.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Uttarayana Day (winter solstice, when the sun starts northward) has an outer and an inner significance, the inner having greater value for aspirants for spiritual progress. I do not attach much value to the outer meaning: the sun taking a northward direction from today. The six months from now on being holier than the six that ended today and therefore the Uttarayana being better suited for spiritual practices. One’s life must be a perpetual spiritual practice, and any day is a good day for starting spiritual practices, whether it falls in the southward or northward movements of sun.
Monday, January 13, 2025
On the banks of the river near Lucknow, there was a sage who addressed dogs, crows and men equally as God. He had realized the unity of all in the Divine Essence. That is the result of Divine knowledge, or intense devotion, where you see your Chosen Deity in everyone and everything. Be ever in that Divine Bliss, the bliss that comes from God consciousness, always and everywhere.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Do everything with as much love as if you were doing it for God Himself. In truth, you eat for the satisfaction of the 'I' in you and dress up to please the self-same 'I.' The husband loves his wife for the sake of the 'I' and the wife adores her husband for pleasing her 'I.' And who is this 'I' that is persistently inherent in everyone? It is God Himself.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Science discovered for man the secrets of nature and the cosmos. But what is the benefit we derive from knowing these secrets? Knowledge is one thing; its proper utilization is a different thing. Of what avail is it to know the power of the atom if we have not learnt how to put it to good and beneficial use? The knowledge derived from science should be used for sacred and righteous purposes.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Vyasa has declared that service to man is the highest form of worship. Do not offend or harm anyone; that is true adoration of God. In truth, the other is you yourself. Awareness of this Truth is liberation (moksha). Share your joy, your wealth and your knowledge with others less fortunate; that is the surest means of earning divine grace.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
If you study the lives of great people, you find that it is out of trouble and pain that they derived wisdom. Without sorrow there can be no wisdom. It is pain that teaches many wise lessons to people. Not realizing this profound truth, people pursue pleasure endlessly. No doubt we need to be happy. But how is happiness to be achieved? It is only when sorrow is overcome that one realizes happiness. Hence everyone should welcome sorrow in the same spirit in which he greets happiness.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Everyone should regard oneself as a messenger of God and try to lead an ideal life. This means that one must give up selfishness and self-interest. This may not be easy. But with God's grace, it is possible to gradually progress toward Self-realization.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
In the quest for understanding creation, people are forgetting the Creator. By forgetting the Creator, people are failing to develop the quality of love. Why? Because God is Love and Love is God. When we forget Love, we forget God. When God is forgotten how can Love grow?
Monday, January 6, 2025
Person who masters the mind can direct their life straight and steadily on the path of truth, right action, peace and universal love. They can become children of immortality. Becoming immortal does not imply that one can avoid death and continue living in the physical body for all time. It means only that their name and fame will shine in the memories of people, when their character and achievements are noble and beneficial.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Education must aim at providing the child, not a livelihood, but a life worth living. For this, the acquisition of skills in doing or reasoning is not enough. Faith in oneself and in the divinity of oneself are absolutely essential. That is the precious treasure of wisdom, stored in our ancient scriptures and in the experience of the saints and sages of all countries and faiths.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
When you build a house, you install a door in front. What is the purpose of the door? To admit all whom you welcome and to keep out all whom you do not want. It has a double purpose; you do not keep the doors wide open, for all and sundry to come in as and when they like. So too, select the impulses, the motives, the incentives that enter your mind; keep out the demeaning, the debasing, the destructive. Accept the highest wisdom of the scriptures, the wisdom gained from the crucible of experience.
Friday, January 3, 2025
First, what human beings must recognize is their own innate divine nature. But they are not making any effort in this direction. They have become a slave to their senses and are wasting time on trivial matters. The primary duty of human beings is to understand properly their innate human nature and put it into practice.