Past Sai Messages for the Day
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Do everything with as much love as if you were doing it for God Himself. In truth, you eat for the satisfaction of the 'I' in you and dress up to please the self-same 'I.' The husband loves his wife for the sake of the 'I' and the wife adores her husband for pleasing her 'I.' And who is this 'I' that is persistently inherent in everyone? It is God Himself.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Science discovered for man the secrets of nature and the cosmos. But what is the benefit we derive from knowing these secrets? Knowledge is one thing; its proper utilization is a different thing. Of what avail is it to know the power of the atom if we have not learnt how to put it to good and beneficial use? The knowledge derived from science should be used for sacred and righteous purposes.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Vyasa has declared that service to man is the highest form of worship. Do not offend or harm anyone; that is true adoration of God. In truth, the other is you yourself. Awareness of this Truth is liberation (moksha). Share your joy, your wealth and your knowledge with others less fortunate; that is the surest means of earning divine grace.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
If you study the lives of great people, you find that it is out of trouble and pain that they derived wisdom. Without sorrow there can be no wisdom. It is pain that teaches many wise lessons to people. Not realizing this profound truth, people pursue pleasure endlessly. No doubt we need to be happy. But how is happiness to be achieved? It is only when sorrow is overcome that one realizes happiness. Hence everyone should welcome sorrow in the same spirit in which he greets happiness.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Everyone should regard oneself as a messenger of God and try to lead an ideal life. This means that one must give up selfishness and self-interest. This may not be easy. But with God's grace, it is possible to gradually progress toward Self-realization.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
In the quest for understanding creation, people are forgetting the Creator. By forgetting the Creator, people are failing to develop the quality of love. Why? Because God is Love and Love is God. When we forget Love, we forget God. When God is forgotten how can Love grow?
Monday, January 6, 2025
Person who masters the mind can direct their life straight and steadily on the path of truth, right action, peace and universal love. They can become children of immortality. Becoming immortal does not imply that one can avoid death and continue living in the physical body for all time. It means only that their name and fame will shine in the memories of people, when their character and achievements are noble and beneficial.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Education must aim at providing the child, not a livelihood, but a life worth living. For this, the acquisition of skills in doing or reasoning is not enough. Faith in oneself and in the divinity of oneself are absolutely essential. That is the precious treasure of wisdom, stored in our ancient scriptures and in the experience of the saints and sages of all countries and faiths.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
When you build a house, you install a door in front. What is the purpose of the door? To admit all whom you welcome and to keep out all whom you do not want. It has a double purpose; you do not keep the doors wide open, for all and sundry to come in as and when they like. So too, select the impulses, the motives, the incentives that enter your mind; keep out the demeaning, the debasing, the destructive. Accept the highest wisdom of the scriptures, the wisdom gained from the crucible of experience.
Friday, January 3, 2025
First, what human beings must recognize is their own innate divine nature. But they are not making any effort in this direction. They have become a slave to their senses and are wasting time on trivial matters. The primary duty of human beings is to understand properly their innate human nature and put it into practice.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
The year becomes new, the day becomes holy, when you sanctify it by spiritual practice (sadhana), not otherwise. Spiritual practice can grow only in a field fertilized by Love. Love or prema is the essence of devotion. The love you have towards material objects, name, fame, wife and children, etc., should be sanctified by being subsumed by the more overpowering Love of God.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Every second is a new moment in your life. Do not wait for a whole year to celebrate the new year and make new year resolutions. Utilize every second to purify your heart and fill it with love. You will then realize that God is yours, and you are with love. True devotion is the means to realize the Divine. Devotion means love of God without any desire for reward. Such devotion can be developed only through good conduct.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
It is not a question of surrendering or giving to someone else. One surrenders to himself. Recognition that the Atma is oneself is surrender. Surrender really means the realization that all is God, that there is nobody who surrenders, that there is nothing to be surrendered, nor is there anyone to accept a surrender. All is God. There is only God.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Conversations with Sai (by Dr Hislop)
Monday, December 30, 2024
'Yes, yes, yes', refers to inner acceptance. Experiences and situations arise in the life of a person. His tendency is to say 'yes' to that which is pleasing and 'no' if the prospect is otherwise... This is a great mistake. Swami says 'Yes, yes, yes' to everything that comes to Him. All is the gift of God. Every experience given by God is good. Through sincere and loving inquiry, that "good" will be found in every experience. 'Yes, yes, yes' refers to inner acceptance.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Conversations with Sai (by Dr Hislop)
Sunday, December 29, 2024
A farmer has to concentrate his efforts during certain favorable seasons, when ploughing and sowing have to be done. He cannot afford to count the cost or calculate the trouble. Rain or shine, night or day, he has to do the task, so that he can reap the harvest. So too, for you students, this is the period of life when you have to be active and alert. Your future is shaped by what you do now. Now is the very foundational stage of your life, when you prepare your mind, to meet its challenges and your intelligence, to solve its riddles.
Saturday, December 28, 2024
OM is in every place, mind, tongue, heart etc. First pronounce OM on the tongue and then say it in the mind. The sounding of OM 21 times is important; five organs of perception (jnanendriyas), five organs of action (karmendriyas), five life-breaths (pranas), five sheaths (kosas), and the Atma.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Conversations with Sai (by Dr Hislop)
Friday, December 27, 2024
Spiritual practices such as meditation, Japa, mantra and bhajan are like soap. Without water, soap is not of use. The water is likened to love. It is the water that is important. Without love you live in death. Love is life. All are one; be alike to everyone.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Conversations with Sai (by Dr Hislop)
Thursday, December 26, 2024
God is as a spring of fresh and sweet water in the heart. The best tool to dig a well to that inexhaustible source and savor its sweetness is Japa, the repetition of the Name of the Lord. Dedicate every action to the Lord and there will be no place for ego. That is the quickest way for the ego to subside.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Conversations with Sai (by Dr Hislop)
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Jesus knew that God wills everything. So, even on the cross, when he suffered agony, he bore no ill-will toward anyone and he exhorted those with him to treat all as instruments of His will. "All are one; be alike to everyone." Practice this attitude in your daily lives.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Jesus came as the embodiment of Love and compassion and lived among men, holding forth the highest ideals of life. You must pay attention to the lessons he taught in the various stages of his life. 'I am the Messenger of God,' he declared, first. Yes. Each individual has to accept that role and live as examples of Divine Love and Charity.
Monday, December 23, 2024
Prayers for worldly ends do not reach God. They will reach only those deities who deal with such restricted spheres. But, all prayers arising from pure love, unselfish eagerness to render service and hearts that are all-inclusive will reach God. For, God is the very embodiment of love. We know that we have to see the moon only through moonlight. So too, God who is love can be seen and realized only through love. Love is God, Live in Love.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
The best way to resolve the confusions and conflicts that hamper moral, ethical, material, technological and spiritual progress is for man to live as fully as man ought to, and rise to the height of the divine that is his reality. That is the one eternal, universal teaching. The thoughts that the intellect frames must be reflected as feelings in the mind and translated into action by the hands. Thought, word, and deed must be coordinated. They must fulfil one another.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
God alone is the guru. The Guru out of His infinite compassion and wisdom counsels the disciples on the most beneficent path. The shishya (pupil) out of his infinite devotion, follows it and attains the goal. Arjuna said, after listening to the Lord's counsel, "Karishye vachanam thava," "I shall act according to your words." You have to be pupils like him.
Friday, December 20, 2024
Love is an amalgam of sweetness, effulgence and wisdom. Compassion is the reflection of love. Jesus is the embodiment of compassion. He looked with compassion at the poor and the miserable and helped them. In those days, people used to treat birds and animals without compassion in the temple in Jerusalem. Jesus sought to put an end to these cruel practices.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
The breath is always saying 'Sohum'. The practice is to say 'So' with inhalation, and 'Hum' with exhalation. Say it in thought. It is intended to keep the mind fixed and quiet. After a while it becomes automatic. During the day say 'Sohum'. At night, during sleep, the sound naturally changes to OM.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Conversations with Sai (by Dr Hislop)
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
For us the world exists only if we are there to see it. If we are blind, we do not see it. If we are unconscious, it does not exist for us. For us, the world is as we see it. It takes shape for us according to our viewpoint. If your viewpoint is that all is God, then everything we see is God.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Conversations with Sai (by Dr Hislop)
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
No use resisting or fighting thoughts. If suppressed, they are always ready to spring forth at weak moments - like snakes in a basket; if the cover gets loose or is removed the snakes spring forth. The way to overcome bad thoughts and impulses is by having thoughts of serving the Lord, good conversation with wise people, good actions and words. The weight of good acts and thoughts will bury the seeds of bad actions and thoughts.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Conversations with Sai (by Dr Hislop)
Monday, December 16, 2024
There are two things to remember: death and God. And there are two things to forget: any harm done to us by others, and any good we may have done to others.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Conversations with Sai (by Dr Hislop)
Sunday, December 15, 2024
There are many who claim to be Sai devotees. How many of them are following the message of Sai? Anyone who claims to be a Sai devotee should dedicate his life to Sai ideals. That is true devotion and real penance. That is the hallmark of humanness. It will be reflected in love, which will find expression in compassion that generates real ananda. The greatest quality in every man is love.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
The Universe is a globe. Earth and all beings are smaller globes within that. The whole universe is held in Baba's hand….. Forget the world. Give up the Jiva. Reach God. Of the various sadhanas, repetition of the name of God is the most effective. If that is not done, doing selfless service is next best. If no sadhana is done, then love of God is enough. With love of God no discipline or practice is necessary. Love of God is enough.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Conversations with Sai (by Dr Hislop)