Monday, August 12, 2024
We should sanctify our time by performing sacred actions. This is the spiritual lesson we have to learn today. We can experience transcendental bliss only when we overcome the difficulties and suffering that come in our way. Never be afraid of difficulties; face them with courage. Only then will humanness blossom in you. Once you experience the bliss of the Atma, difficulties and suffering will no longer bother you.
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Human beings have two important organs: the head and the heart. The head is ever engaged in seeking external objects. It desires only transient and mundane objects and the things and beings of the phenomenal world. Its chief characteristic is Pravritti (preoccupation with the external). All thoughts arise out of contact with the external. Qualities like truth, love, kindness, forbearance and compassion, which are signs of inner vision, emanate from the heart.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
It is not easy to understand the nature of the divine. Because the divine is omnipresent, God can undertake any kind of activity. No one is competent to ask whether the Lord can do this or that, whether God can work through one agency or another. There is nothing that is beyond God’s power.
Friday, August 9, 2024
In this world, which is impermanent and ever transforming, the Immanent Power of the Lord is the only permanent and fixed entity. In order to realize the eternal and the true, it is necessary to attach oneself to that Source and Sustenance.
Thursday, August 8, 2024
We should lead our lives in such a manner to redeem ourselves. We should love God and aspire only for Him. Your love should be directed only toward God, not for the body. Our speech, actions, and the life-breath itself are meant to experience Atma. Sometimes the body may be afflicted with ailments, but they are like passing clouds. Man is born to attain the eternal truth of the Atma.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
The ear ought to be eager to listen to the glory of God. The tongue ought to love the taste of His story only. Every action must be worthy enough to be an offering to Him. I have told you often, "See good; hear good; speak good; do good; be good. This is the way to God." I often add, "See no evil; hear no evil; speak no evil; do no evil; be not evil. This is the way to God."
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
The true mark of devotion is to recognize that God is within you and around you, everywhere. You must develop the faith that you are a manifestation of God. The scriptures call upon everyone to find out, "Who are you?" There is no other path than the path of dedication to God and complete surrender to the Will of the Divine.
Monday, August 5, 2024
First, develop love. When you have love in you, everyone will become your friend. If your heart is not suffused with love, your life will become artificial. Life is meaningless without love. If everyone shares love with their neighbor, there will be no room for hatred at all. Share your love with everyone and live like brothers and sisters.
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Love is God. Everything is filled with love. This love can be experienced only through love. There is no other way than love to realize the One Who is the embodiment of love. This (Divine) Love is not something which grows one moment and falls off in another. This Love dwells in man as Atma (the Spirit). The body has been described as the temple of God. In this temple, Love is enshrined as Atma. Such sacred and pure Love can dwell only in a pure heart.
Saturday, August 3, 2024
Live with love, in love, for love. Then, the Lord, who is divine love personified, will grant you all you need without your asking. He knows. He is the mother who does not wait to hear the child's cry to feed. His love is vast and deep, He anticipates every need and rushes to help.
Friday, August 2, 2024
God is subtler than the subtlest atom and vaster than the vastest. He dwells in the human body in the form of Atma. This Atma, however, is present in every being. The Upanishad declares: "Pervading everything, everywhere, inside and outside, Lord Narayana is omnipresent."
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Develop love. The same principle of love is present in you, in Me, and in everyone. I see only love in others. Hence, all are one for Me. You, too, should develop such feelings of love and equality. All are one, be alike to everyone. This is what you must learn today.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
The qualities that make up a flawless character are love, patience, forbearance, steadfastness, and charity, which are the highest and must be revered. The hundred little deeds that we indulge in every day harden into habits.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Today, people are in search of peace. But peace cannot be found in the external world. You find only pieces! Peace is in you. You are the embodiment of peace, you are the embodiment of truth, and you are the embodiment of love. So, first, know thyself. Only then can you be blissful always.
Monday, July 29, 2024
Only love is permanent in this world. Fill your life with love. You can love others only when you have love within you. Your innate love is your divinity. If you have love in your heart, nobody will hate you. Others will hate you only when you have selfish desires. Never hate anybody, feel jealous, and never get angry with anyone.
Sunday, July 28, 2024
The greatest obstacle on the path of surrender is egoism and mineness or possessiveness. It has been inherent in your personality for ages, sending its tentacles deeper and deeper with the experience of every succeeding life. It can be removed only by the twin detergents of discrimination and renunciation. Devotion is the water to wash away this dirt of ages, and the soap of repetition of God's name, meditation, and yoga (oneness with the divine) will help remove it quicker and more effectively. The slow and the steady will surely win this race.
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Everything in this world is subject to change and decay. Whether physical objects or individuals, they are all transient and impermanent. Nothing lasts. Only your purity is permanent. Purity is the essential nature of humankind. But if people lead a polluted life, they are degrading themselves.
Friday, July 26, 2024
The Gita declares that the Lord is present as the essence (rasa) in all things. God is the sugar in the syrup. There can be no syrup without sugar. Likewise, God is immanent in all objects. He is like butter in milk, fragrance in flower, the good element in every object. This is the significance of the scriptural dictum “Rasovai Saha” (He is the essence of everything).
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Happiness lies in union with God. If you have the firm conviction that God is in you, with you, and around you, you will never face any hardship or misery in your life.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
God certainly listens to the prayers of devotees. Some people hesitate to pray lest their prayers cause God inconvenience. They are mistaken, for God can never be inconvenienced. God has no suffering at all. God considers devotees' happiness His happiness.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
You see many things in dreams, and you acquire many things during dreams: power, pelf, status, reputation. But when you awake, you do not weep over the loss, even though for the duration of the dream, all that was very real gave you real satisfaction and joy. That was a "dream," you tell yourself; what prevents you from treating with similar nonchalance (detachment) the possessions gathered during the waking stage of your life? Cultivate that attitude, and you can depart with a smile whenever the curtain falls on this dreamland stage.
Monday, July 22, 2024
Today, people chant the divine name, not from the source but out of force. No benefit accrues from chanting the divine name unless it is done wholeheartedly. Chant His name wholeheartedly, at least for half a minute; that is enough. One teaspoonful of cow's milk is better than barrels of donkey's milk. God is interested in quality, not in quantity.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Your heart is full of love. The yearning for God that emanates from your heart is love. Let truth and righteousness be reflected in your word and deed, respectively. The harmony of truth, righteousness, and love will lead to peace.
Saturday, July 20, 2024
The term guru means one who dispels the darkness of ignorance. Gu means one who is beyond attributes (gunas), Ru implies one who is beyond forms (rupas). This refers only to God. That is why the guru is hailed as Brahma, Vishnu, or Siva. Only God is the true guru. All others are merely teachers, like the teachers of different subjects in a college. Guru is the one who reveals the guri (target) to the disciple. Target here refers to the Atmic Principle.
Friday, July 19, 2024
If you throw a stone in a well, it will give rise to ripples. How far will the ripples go? They will spread in the entire well and go up to its edges. Similarly, when you drop a stone of a good or a bad thought in the lake of your mind, its effect will spread to your entire body.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Cultivate the spirit of love with sacred feelings and divine thoughts. God is not found separately in a temple, an Ashram, etc. Truth is God. Love is God. Righteousness is God. When you worship God by following these principles, He will manifest Himself then and there. There is no doubt about this. Love God wholeheartedly. Pray to God and make friends with Him. You can achieve anything if you have God as your friend.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
The most important quality is purity. Today, everything is polluted. Water, air, and all the five elements are polluted. As a result, the human mind is also polluted. How is purity to be achieved? Fill your mind with thoughts of God, dedicate all your actions to God, and consider God the inner motivator.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
People should learn to give. They should not try to grab all that comes their way. Our bodies are given to us to do good to others. One attains merit by serving others and sins by hurting them. Do not always accept the service of others; instead, try to serve others to the extent possible.
Monday, July 15, 2024
See no evil; see what is good. Hear no evil; hear what is good. Talk no evil; talk what is good. Think no evil, think what is good. Do no evil, do what is good. This is the way to God.
Sunday, July 14, 2024
There are multitudes of waves in the ocean, which are not alike and vary in shape and form, but there is no difference in the seawater contained in every one of these waves. Similarly, names and forms of people are different, but the spark of divinity that is Being Awareness Bliss (Sat-chit-ananda) is the same in everyone. Everyone is an embodiment of Being Awareness Bliss. When we realize this, sacred feelings will prevail, and no petty ideas will arise in the mind.