Wednesday, November 13, 2024
There is no charity greater than feeding the hungry, there is no greater god than parents, there is no greater dharma than compassion, there is no greater gain than the company of the good, there is no enemy greater than anger, there is no wealth greater than good reputation, and there is no ornament better than the chanting of God’s name.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Become aware of the unity of mankind. By love and service, promote the joy and contentment of everyone on earth, and fill your hearts with that yearning. Then it becomes, verily, the Sai Mandir (temple).
Monday, November 11, 2024
My truth is one. All belong to Me, and I belong to all. My only wealth is love. I embrace all with love. Even people who come to Me with hatred in their hearts are dear to Me. I do not search for your faults. I go by the principle of love. All should take note of My equanimity and follow this principle of unity.
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Guru Nanak was the initiator of the practice of community singing of devotional songs. He believed that through such community singing the common man can ennoble his life and experience the presence of the Divine in everyone. Through that experience, one can become a knower of Brahman.
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Do bhajans and have the name of the Lord always on your lips. Do not waste even a single moment. By chanting the name of Rama, Hanuman the monkey, became all-powerful, the embodiment of peace and the exemplar of all noble qualities. Sita was full of praise for him.
Friday, November 8, 2024
Divinity is inside you and is not separate, nor is it located in a temple, or a mosque, or any other place of worship. What you try to see in a mosque, or a temple is inside you. All sadhana is undertaken to experience this inner reality.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
The spiritual precept insists, “Have faith in yourself.” That is, first of all, know yourself. Everybody asks the question, “Who are you?” There is none to ask, “Who am I?” When the question, “Who are you?” is asked, a reply that you are so and so, or you are from such and such place, or you are doing such and such job is not the proper answer. “I am the atma,” is the only right answer.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Earn the qualifications - holiness, purity, faith, universal love; then God will approach you on foot to console, comfort and save! Purity of heart and mastery over the senses - if you have these two credentials, Grace is your right.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Austere spiritual practice (tapas) does not mean going to the forest or standing upside down and doing some meditation or the other. Keep your word, adhere to truth, show gratitude where due and stay firm in your self-confidence. These are the true qualities of a good individual. If you adhere to these tenets, you will easily overcome any obstacle that may come your way.
Monday, November 4, 2024
Whether your desires are fulfilled or not, think that all that happens is for your good. When you encounter difficulties, always think that better days are ahead. Good and bad always go together. Therefore, take both of them with the same attitude. 
Sunday, November 3, 2024
The Universe is permeated by the Divine, say the Upanishads. The Lord resides in every living entity. When man respects his human character and realizes his obligation to discover his divine nature, the divine in him will manifest itself. Experience of the Divine must be sought in the company of good people.
Saturday, November 2, 2024
God deals with a person according to past activities and in accordance with the requirements of the prevailing situation. The cosmos is the embodiment of the divine. Differences arise when one acts out of selfish motives. But the divine has no self-interest at all. Hence whatever God does is only for the good of the others. Every act of God is holy.
Friday, November 1, 2024
The Universe is the manifestation of God. Divinity, subtle and invisible, exists in every human being. Association with good people and spiritual discipline (sadhana) are essential for discovering the Divinity that is latent in the individual.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
On this Deepavali Day, resolve to light the lamp of repetition of the divine name (Namasmarana) and place it at your doorstep, the lips. Feed it with the oil of devotion; have steadiness as the wick. Let the lamp illumine every minute of your life. The splendor of the name will drive away darkness from outside and inside you. You will spread joy and peace among all who come near you.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Only the divine is present with you, in and around you before your birth and throughout your life's journey. Bear in mind this basic and permanent truth. Birth and death relate only to the body and not to the Atma (Spirit). Temples may go up or decay, but God is unchanging and imperishable. The eternal divine is dwelling in the temple of the human body.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
A human being is one with specific human values. What are those human values? Sathya (truth), dharma (righteousness), shanti (peace), prema (love), and ahimsa (nonviolence). They are all interrelated. Always speak the truth and observe dharma. Be peaceful. Be happy and blissful. Conduct yourself with love in society. Love is God; God is Love. Hence, live in love. Only then can you acquire true knowledge. That is wisdom.
Monday, October 28, 2024
Whatever activities you may undertake, you must constantly contemplate the "Soham" mantra, which reminds you of your innate divinity with each inhaling and exhaling process. The same principle has been explained in the great aphorism "Aham Brahmasmi" (I am Brahman) in the Vedas. From the time you get up from your bed till you go to sleep, you must constantly remind yourself that you are verily Brahman and not merely a human being made up of the five elements.
Sunday, October 27, 2024
There is no need to search for the divine elsewhere. There is no need to go to a forest and lead an austere life to experience the divine who is within each one. When one turns their vision inward, they can experience eternal bliss. The source of bliss, the Spirit, is within them.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Everything in this world is susceptible to change. It appears to be unchanging, but it is not true. God is the only changeless principle. Therefore, we must install such a changeless and eternal God in the altar of our sacred hearts and offer our love to Him. Thereby, we can experience bliss. That is the foremost duty of a human being.
Friday, October 25, 2024
May all the worlds be happy (Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu). Wealth, fame, scholarship, or skill cannot guarantee peace of mind. You have to cleanse the mind, purify the heart, and yearn to serve the divine forms that move around you. Do every deed as an act of worship, make every thought a longing for Him, and change every word from your tongue into a hymn in His praise.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
The divine permeates the cosmos, but this can be realized only when one is filled with love. As long as one is full of hatred, the world will appear as a hate-filled world. Only when you develop love can the dualism of good and evil be transcended and the joy of oneness with the divine will be experienced.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Love is the vital force. Love is the governing principle. Only when the precious diamond of love is shining in one's heart will the sacred and divine thoughts about God arise in one's mind. You can obtain this diamond of love only from the Shop of Love, the Street of Love, and the Kingdom of Love.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
One who is attached to the body can never experience a formless, incorporeal God. One can recognize the transcendental divine only when one gets rid of the body consciousness. Hence, as long as one is attached to the body, one must adore God physically.
Monday, October 21, 2024
People go to a temple and close their eyes in front of an idol because they seek an internal vision of God and not the sight of the idol's external form. God is omnipresent, as proclaimed in the Gita. God is One, though names and forms may differ.
Sunday, October 20, 2024
The Divine comes as Avatar to proclaim the pure, unsullied, and unselfish love of devotees toward God. People may consider that the Avatar's activities include punishment of the wicked, protection of the good, weeding out of unrighteousness and restoration of righteousness. This is how they may look at the Avatar's doings. But that is not the way the Lord sees things. There is nothing bad in God's view. Hence there should be no hatred or ill-will toward any being. It is only when you love all, that you can be said to love God.
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Every human enters a temple upon seeing the temple tower, not after seeing the deity inside. The temple reminds them of the deity within. A doctor reminds you of illness. Likewise, a lawyer reminds you of litigation. In the same manner, when you look at your body, you must remember God.
Friday, October 18, 2024
The concept of total surrender is related to Self-realization (oneness with the divine). God, in fact, dwells in every human being as the Atma (Spirit). The body is the sacred abode of the Atma. Hence, the scriptures declare - "The body is the temple of God in which the individual Spirit dwells as the Ancient One."
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Only through love can God's heart be moved and softened. A devotee has that power. Without resorting to extravagant admiration of God, not seeking petty favors from God, yearn for God alone, and you will get everything. Endeavor to make God your intimate friend.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
With a mountain of desires in their heart, a devotee offers a petty coconut to the Lord! This is not the way to pray to the Lord. This is not devotion. This is not Love. To seek a favor is not prayer at all. Only a selfless person can engage in service to society. Only such a person is entitled to serve God. The first prerequisite is the spirit of sacrifice, which can be developed only through love. A person filled with love is ready to make any sacrifice.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
God manifests Himself in everyone's heart. The One Supreme Spirit is the indwelling Spirit in all beings (Ekatma Sarvabhuutha-Antharatma). The Sath (absolute reality) is One only, though the wise call it by many names. We have to endeavor to experience that divine.