Past Sai Messages for the Day
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
People should learn to give. They should not try to grab all that comes their way. Our bodies are given to us to do good to others. One attains merit by serving others and sins by hurting them. Do not always accept the service of others; instead, try to serve others to the extent possible.
Monday, July 15, 2024
See no evil; see what is good. Hear no evil; hear what is good. Talk no evil; talk what is good. Think no evil, think what is good. Do no evil, do what is good. This is the way to God.
Sunday, July 14, 2024
There are multitudes of waves in the ocean, which are not alike and vary in shape and form, but there is no difference in the seawater contained in every one of these waves. Similarly, names and forms of people are different, but the spark of divinity that is Being Awareness Bliss (Sat-chit-ananda) is the same in everyone. Everyone is an embodiment of Being Awareness Bliss. When we realize this, sacred feelings will prevail, and no petty ideas will arise in the mind.
Saturday, July 13, 2024
The seed of divinity must be fostered by human effort and steady care to blossom and fructify. Remove from your mind all traces of desire to harm others by thought, word, and deed. The reaction you will encounter by indulging in such temporarily satisfying behavior will be disastrous. Each such act is a seed planted in your mind, a weed that will grow wild and destroy your peace and joy.
Friday, July 12, 2024
Restrain your desires. Always experience the bliss of the divine. That is true humanness, which manifests itself when you think of God. Happiness is union with God. How much bliss can you experience if you see God in yourself and everybody? Let all differences cease. Recognizing the divinity present in all, you should foster the principle of love and develop compassion in the heart.
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Without character, wealth, education, and social status are of no avail. Character is the fragrance of the flower; it gives value and worth. Poets, painters, artists, and scientists may be great, each in their field, but without character, they can have no standing in society.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Truth (sathya) and righteousness (dharma) together will confer peace. One who adheres to truth and righteousness will always remain peaceful. One need not search for peace outside. Where there is truth, there is peace. Where there is peace, there is non-violence.
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
The Gita declares, “Remain equal-minded in happiness and sorrow, gain and loss, victory and defeat (Sukha Dukhe same kritva labhalabhau jayajayau).” You can truly enjoy your life as a human being only when you consider both sorrow and happiness, profit and loss, with equanimity. There is no value for happiness without sorrow. Therefore, welcome sorrow if you want to experience real happiness.
Monday, July 8, 2024
Only God's name will protect you in all periods and circumstances. Everything in this world is like a passing cloud. Only bliss and love are permanent. Love is God. God is love. So, live in love.
Sunday, July 7, 2024
What is meant by meditation? To think of God at all times and under all circumstances is true meditation. You should install God in your heart and discharge your duties with the feeling that God is the basis of everything. Only then can you be called a true devotee. Wherever you go, whatever you may do, recognize the truth that there is only one God, and He is all-pervasive.
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Never use harsh words. You cannot always oblige, but you can always speak obligingly. Bodily wounds can be cured by the use of medicines. But the wounds inflicted by the tongue can never be healed. That is why I repeatedly tell you to cultivate love and talk with love. I never use harsh words, even when I appear to be angry. I always speak lovingly. You, too, will become divine when you cultivate such divine love.
Friday, July 5, 2024
In everything you do, speak and act truthfully, using all the strength and talent with which you are endowed. At first, you might fail in this and encounter difficulties and suffering. But ultimately, you are bound to succeed and achieve victory and bliss. Only truth conquers, not untruth. Through your behavior and way of life, you can realize the truth; you can realize God.
Thursday, July 4, 2024
The guru grants the highest joy. What exactly constitutes this joy? Is it physical well-being? Mental poise? Intellectual alertness? Sharpness of the senses? No. The rishis declare that words return crestfallen after attempting to describe that state. Even the mind, with its fast-moving wings of imagination, cannot reach that state. The highest joy has its source and spring in the Atma, the spark of cosmic splendor. One who is ever aware of the Atma in them and all is the divine teacher (sadguru).
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
The whole world is like a mansion, and various countries are like different rooms in it. So, do not divide humanity based on nationality. It is because of such division that humanness is on the decline. Sai devotees should not entertain any such differences. All should stand united.
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Right from this day, let your lives be suffused with love. Let your hands undertake deeds that are beneficial to society at large. Let your thoughts be centered on the principle of love. You should rise from the level of the individual (vyashti) to society and ultimately merge with God (Parameshti).
Monday, July 1, 2024
God gave the rains, fostered the sapling, and ripened the grain; what right have you to call it yours and give it in charity? It is not charity (dana) that you do; you are only offering gratitude to God. You are sanctifying the grain you have harvested by offering the food prepared out of it to these Narayanas (Gods in human form). Call it Narayana Seva! That will be more correct.
Sunday, June 30, 2024
The body is made up of five elements and is bound to perish at some time or other. But the Indweller has no birth, death, attachment, or bondage. Truly speaking, the Indweller is God Himself.
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Sow the seed of love in your hearts, and it will grow into a big tree in due course. God is one. Do not entertain any differences of creed or caste. Carry the message of unity to every home. Regard love as your life-breath and the sole purpose of your existence.
Friday, June 28, 2024
Always experience the bliss of the divine. That is true humanness, which manifests itself when you think of God. Happiness is union with God. How much bliss can you experience if you see God in yourself and in everybody? Let all differences cease. Recognizing the divinity that is present in all, you should foster the principle of love.
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Develop love for God. The more you develop love, the more you experience happiness and the closer you go to ultimate bliss.
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
God tests His devotees only to take them to a higher level on the spiritual ladder. A life of a true devotee is sanctified when they face obstacles with full faith in the divine. The body is only for leading a sacred life.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
The water of the ocean becomes vapor due to the Sun’s rays. The vapor in turn become clouds. The clouds come down in the form of rain, flowing down as rivers and streams, which ultimately merge into the ocean. Just as the rivers, which originate from the ocean, ultimately become one with it, so will all the living beings and objects, which originate from divinity, ultimately merge into it.
Monday, June 24, 2024
Habits can be changed and character refined through conscious effort. People always have within them, within their reach, the capacity to change their evil propensities and evil habits. Through selfless service, renunciation, devotion, prayer, and reasoning, the old habits that bind people can be discarded, and new habits that take them along the divine path can be instilled into their lives.
Sunday, June 23, 2024
See God in the form of people all around you. Your vision becomes sanctified only when you develop the feeling that all are the embodiments of God. Everything in this creation is sacred. All that you see is only the manifestation of God.
Saturday, June 22, 2024
To derive self-satisfaction from your actions, you have to cultivate faith. When there is satisfaction, there is readiness for sacrifice. Through sacrifice, the divine is realized. Your faith should be unwavering, like that of the Pandavas for Sri Krishna.
Friday, June 21, 2024
When black charcoal comes in contact with fire, it becomes red like fire. Holy company (satsang) means proximity to God. You can find fulfillment by developing proximity to God and performing service.
Thursday, June 20, 2024
The Lord does not insist everyone follow one path and accept one discipline. There are many doors to His mansion. The main entrance is, however, moha-kshaya (the overcoming of attachment). This is what Krishna exhorted Arjuna to achieve.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Do not get elated at the riches, status, authority, and intelligence that you may have. Consider that they have been given to you on trust so that you may benefit others. They are all signs of God's grace, opportunities for service, and symbols of responsibility.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
You can sail safely on the sea of samsara (worldly life) if you have no leaks in the boat, but through the leaks of lust, anger, greed, delusion, pride, and envy, the waters of samsara will enter the boat, and it will sink, drowning you beyond redemption. Do not allow the water into the boat; stop all the leaks.
Monday, June 17, 2024
The human body is spoken of as a temple where the individual jiva (being) is installed. I would prefer to describe it as a house you rented. God is the master, the owner. The jeevi (tenant) has rented the house and is occupying it. The rent has to be paid in the form of good deeds, good thoughts, good speech, and good conduct.