Wednesday, November 30, 2022
There is nothing in this world that you should desire for. If any worldly desire crops up in your mind, give it up at once. Giving up desires is true renunciation.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Be pleasant to everyone; let everyone be pleased with you. Do not hurt or harm, by thought, word and deed. Purify your heart; cleanse it of narrow selfishness. Bring a million flowers and do puja (worship) with them. All will be rejected, none accepted. Bring a single lotus, your heart, so fresh; Sathya Sai accepts, and grants both love and peace. Offer your virtues as flowers. Virtues that spread beauty and fragrance. Offer your heart lotus freed from insects and pests like lust, anger, and hate.
Monday, November 28, 2022
Recognize the divine in your mother, father, and preceptor and revere them. Develop the conviction that the divine you adore, who is your favorite deity, is within you. That divine is Sathyam, Sivam, Sundaram (truth, goodness, and beauty). Plato (the Greek philosopher) declared that truth, goodness, and beauty are God. Irrespective of the country, these three are the eternal truths. With these truths in your heart, embark on service.
Sunday, November 27, 2022
A clear mirror reflects the rays of the sun. We can see the sun’s image reflected by the calm surface of clear water. Likewise, the sacred vision of Paramatma (the Supreme Self) is revealed to an unperturbed and tranquil mind in which all thought waves have been calmed.
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Keep the mirror of the heart untainted by kama (desire) and its chief attendant krodha (anger); then, the God within will clearly shine.
Friday, November 25, 2022
You have come all the way from distant places because of your love for Swami. Preserve this love forever and live in the presence of God. Never forget this love, which is in you, with you, below you, above you, around you. Do not think that God is separate from you. He is the witness to everything.
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Time is precious. It should be used in the service of the divine. All actions should be dedicated to God. Only through renunciation can man realize the divine. Today people have forgotten the meaning of sacrifice. Sacrifice is yoga. Enjoyment is a disease (roga). Make your heart blossom every moment. Realize your oneness with the divine.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
The auspicious day for you is the day on which your mind is cleansed, not the day on which I took this human form. I am ever new and ever ancient (Sanathana). I come always for the sake of reviving dharma, for tending the virtuous and ensuring them conditions congenial for progress.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Selfless service alone will please Sai. Do not preach what you do not practice. Act according to what you say. Remember the significance of these directives and carry on your work in a spirit of dedication.
Monday, November 21, 2022
Without troubling to find out where God is, it is enough if one worships the mother and the father who are the living embodiments of God. By pleasing them and acting according to their wishes, one can get their blessings.
Sunday, November 20, 2022
You have the supreme duty to revere the mother and the motherland. Wherever you may go or work, never forget the motherland. Students today should follow the good teachings of our ancient sages and seers and lead ethical lives. "Let us live together, strive together, bear no ill-will toward each other." This was the message of the Vedas. Let your love embrace the whole world. Treat all mankind as one family. All nations should be happy and prosperous.
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Today is a sacred day dedicated to women, they should change themselves and help to change the men and the children. They should develop the qualities of sympathy, compassion, love, and sacrifice. Study the lives of great women, who were models of patience, fortitude, compassion, and sacrifice. I desire that you should take up the reins of leadership and bring peace and prosperity to the nation by leading ideal lives.
Friday, November 18, 2022
Woman is the Goddess of nature. Gayatri, which enshrines the essence of the Vedas, is a Goddess. Venerated as the mother of the Vedas (Veda Mata). It is obvious that feminine birth is estimable, adorable, and sublime. The Vedas also adore the feminine principle in various ways. Vedic rituals and practices accord a high place to women.
Thursday, November 17, 2022
I have a heart as soft as butter, but butter too must be warmed up in order that it may melt. Your devotion is the warmth.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Creation, sustenance, and dissolution are all happenings of everyday experience. We witness them every day. All of them testify to the existence of the divine, who is the embodiment of truth.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Spirituality does not mean rituals and worship alone. Spirituality is that which demonstrates unity in multiplicity. God is love personified and is installed in the heart of every man. That is why since time immemorial, the Bharatiyas (people in India) have prayed for the welfare of all people in the world.
Monday, November 14, 2022
One’s dharma (duty) is to transport oneself safely and swiftly to one’s destination, namely, the divine. That duty must be fulfilled. That destiny must be realized. All the rest – attainments and achievements – are of secondary value, complementary, at best, to the main purpose.
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Watch the mind, just as you watch the cable through which the current flows. Do not establish contact with the mind, it is as bad as contacting the power cable. Watch it from a distance. Then only can you derive bliss. Search for the cause of ignorance where it resides. Then you will find that the mind in association with sense objects is the cause. Cut it off from the vision of sense objects and spiritual wisdom dawns.
Saturday, November 12, 2022
God is the embodiment of bliss. God is the embodiment of eternal bliss, He is wisdom absolute, beyond the pair of opposites, expansive and pervasive like the sky, the goal indicated by the major aphorism (Mahavakya), That Thou Art (Thathwamasi); One without a second; eternal; pure; unchanging; witness of all functions of the intellect; and beyond all mental conditions and the three attributes of serenity and purity (sathwa), active (rajas), and the dull and ignorant (tamas). Man should develop the divine quality of love and not the worldly relationships.
Friday, November 11, 2022
When the spirit of inquiry gets sharper and deeper, it leads man beyond realms of the senses and even the feeble faculty of reason, beyond the stars and space, and helps him to dive into the boundless ocean of bliss.
Thursday, November 10, 2022
The most important quality is purity. Today everything is polluted. Water, air, and all five elements are polluted. As a result, the mind of an individual is also polluted. How is purity to be achieved? Fill your minds with thoughts of God, dedicate all your actions to God and consider God as the inner motivator.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Why has God given hands to you? They are not given only to scribble something on paper. They should be fully engaged in the service of God. Work is worship. Duty is God. Do your duty.
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
There is one way of getting over the results of karma. If you earn the grace of the divine, even mountains of sin can be reduced to dust. Only the divine has the power to confer such grace. A spark of fire can burn down a mountain of cotton. How can the spark ignite the “mountain” of human predicament? Only through love. Develop love. Serve all with love, ever remembering the Lord’s name. Without the name of the Lord on your lips, the mind will be running hither and thither. The mind is the birthplace of unsteadiness. Hence engage yourselves in action, concentrating your thoughts on God.
Monday, November 7, 2022
Before partaking in food, chant this sacred mantra. Then nothing bad will enter your heart. Annam Brahma; Raso Vishnuhu; Bhokta Devo Maheswarah (Food is Brahma; the essence is Vishnu; the one who partakes of it is God). These three correspond to body, mind, and action, respectively. Purity of thought, word, and deed is true wisdom. You don’t need to undertake any other spiritual practice. People undertake various spiritual practices (sadhanas). But they confer only temporary satisfaction. On the other hand, when you have purity of thought, word, and deed, you experience eternal happiness.
Sunday, November 6, 2022
The divine in you should not be misused. It should be used for the benefit of others. The divine principle of love is being treated with narrow ideas. From ancient times the sages welcomed this principle with open arms. Sage Narada declared, “Yal labdhvā pumān siddho bhavati, amruto bhavati, tripto bhavati” (Having gained divine love, Parama Prema, a person becomes perfect, immortal, and content). He considered divine love as supreme over all things.
Saturday, November 5, 2022
God has four qualities, and it is only when you cultivate them that you can understand Him. They are divine love (prema), beauty (soundarya), sweetness (mādhurya) and splendor (shobhā). The development of prema is enough to add to you the other three. When you are full of love for the divine in all creation, that stage is beauty (soundarya). When you are immersed in the sea of universal love, you reach the acme of sweetness (mādhurya). When your mind loses its identity and merges in the universal mind (God), then there is splendor (shobhā) that is indescribable splendor.
Friday, November 4, 2022
I need nothing, however great or small, in this universe. At no moment has desire affected Me for anything or for any activity. I have come to give, not to receive. And what you can offer to Me is only pure, unadulterated love.
Thursday, November 3, 2022
You have no need to go in search of love elsewhere. It is within you. A person makes every effort to accumulate wealth. An equal effort is needed to acquire the wealth of love. Human beings today invest their assets of love in pitiful ventures. Instead, they should invest all their love in the divine bank of devotion. This deposit is not only safe but will yield you increasing returns in terms of bliss. Your heart is the bank where your love for God should be deposited.
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
It is because of ego that you are not able to visualize the divine flame of wisdom (divya jnana jyoti). How does ego enter your mind? It enters your mind when you give up the path of truth. You become egoistic when you do not know your true self and develop worldly thoughts and feelings. To drive away ego, you should keep your worldly thoughts and feelings under control. It is impossible to acquire wisdom without getting rid of ego. To have the vision of the effulgent light of Atma, you must remove the soot of ego covering your mind.
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Once you take to the path of service, your problems will gradually decrease. Love all; serve all. Do not consider anybody as another person. Develop the feeling that they and you are one. The entire humanity is one. What you see in this world is only the reaction, reflection, and resound of the reality that is One. Once you understand this truth, you will be peaceful. Only then will your mind be steady and one-pointed in the pursuit of your study and profession. Therefore, first and foremost, engage yourself in the service of society.