Monday, December 26, 2022
After Joseph's passing, Jesus sought His mother's permission to embark on His divine mission. He got baptized by John the Baptist and spent forty days in penance in a forest. During the penance, He prayed to God for three things: 1) He should be blessed with the quality of loving everyone equally, 2) He should have the strength and forbearance to patiently suffer any indignity or persecution that He might be subjected to by anyone, and 3) He should be enabled to use His God-given body fully in the service of God.
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Christ propagated the truth that service is God and that sacrifice is God. Even if you falter in the adoration of God, do not falter in the service of the living God, who has assumed human form and is moving all around you in large numbers and with manifold costumes of apparel and speech! Only those who can pour out compassion to fellow human beings can claim a place in the grace of God. This is also the highest spiritual discipline; it impresses on you the unity of the human community and the glory of God's immanence.
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Jesus resolved on three tasks: one, to be filled with divine love and to share it with others as the main purpose of His life; two, He should not succumb to praise or censure in carrying out His mission; three, to inspire in others the conviction that the divinity within is omnipresent. Jesus considered spreading the gospel of love as His foremost task. He encountered many ordeals in carrying out His mission, but He regarded them all as challenges to be overcome. He was determined to treat pleasure and pain, sickness, and failure with equanimity. He could not bear to see anyone suffer.
Friday, December 23, 2022
The seat of truth is in your heart. Worship means loving others with your whole heart. You must live in love and lead a life of selfless service based on love. This is the only right way of celebrating the birth of Christ.
Thursday, December 22, 2022
The ideals taught by Jesus should be put into practice. That is the right way to celebrate His birthday. Whomsoever you adore, you must try to live up to their teachings. What kind of devotion is it when the devotee does not practice what he or she professes? It is pseudo-devotion. Remember the Lord with love. Worship God with love. Sanctify your life with love.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
When you become all-embracing infinite love, the divine will manifest in and through you. Try to be like Jesus. Jesus was a person whose only joy was in spreading divine love, offering divine love, receiving divine love, and living on divine love.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Christ taught people to love all beings and serve all with compassion. It is only by practicing these ideals that one can truly celebrate His birthday. The divinity within should be reflected in every action.
Monday, December 19, 2022
Compassion, kindness, and love are separate words that mean the same thing. Love has many synonyms. Love can emanate only from the heart and not from any other source. Love is immortal, nectarine, blissful, and infinite. A heart filled with love is boundless.
Sunday, December 18, 2022
"There is only one God, and He is omnipresent! There is only one religion, the religion of love. There is only one language, the language of the heart." This God has to be visualized by means of constant spiritual discipline.
Saturday, December 17, 2022
If we are keen to experience the divine, we must devote ourselves to the divine. People go through various troubles for the sake of wealth, relations, position, and power. If they were to devote a small fraction of that time to thoughts of God, they would experience freedom from the fear of death.
Friday, December 16, 2022
Pure vision naturally begets purity in speech by the refinement of the heart. Pure words must come out of the depth of the heart, which is a fountain of compassion. Constant examination of the purity of one's vision, speech and action is a spiritual exercise. It is this that helps to refine the heart.
Thursday, December 15, 2022
What flower should you offer God? Is it a jasmine flower or a marigold flower? No, no. Offer the flower of your heart. What fruit is pleasing to God? Is it a banana, guava, or orange? No. These are not the fruits that you should offer. Offer the fruit of your mind. Similarly, God does not expect you to offer water from the Ganga or any other river or well. Offer God your tears of joy.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
God is the embodiment of truth, righteousness, and nonviolence. That is why the scriptures teach: Speak truth, practice righteousness (Sathyam vada, dharmam chara). Truth, righteousness, and nonviolence are the real forms of God.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
God is everywhere, and one need not search for God. In fact, God is in search of a good man. One who is a recipient of God’s love is a good man (human). Such a good man is a Godman. One should become a good man and a Godman. There lies the fulfillment of human life.
Monday, December 12, 2022
The divine is the basis for everything, objective as well as subjective. The eye cannot see, nor the ears hear unless the life-principle is active through the grace of the Atma or Brahman.
Sunday, December 11, 2022
The fulfillment of human life consists in the service that the human being renders, without any thought of return, in an attitude of selflessness… Such service widens the heart, purifies the impulses, and confers lasting bliss.
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Develop love for God. All other forms of love are not love at all but only fleeting and impermanent attachments. One’s biggest folly is forgetting one’s divinity. All should realize that they come "from God." All are children of God. Everyone should seek to get nearer and nearer to God. That is spiritual practice.
Friday, December 9, 2022
God has no preferences and prejudices. It is but reaction, reflection, and resound! God comes to confer divine bliss, to foster divine bliss, to teach ways of acquiring and activating divine bliss. God absorbs the pain and sorrow of the world in order to prepare the hearts of humans for love!
Thursday, December 8, 2022
One’s thoughts, words, and sights should be filled with love. This is divine love. One who is saturated with this love can never be subject to suffering. Human beings today are affected by praise or blame. But one who is filled with divine love transcends praise or censure. He or she is unaffected by criticism or flattery. That person treats joy and sorrow, profit and loss, victory, and defeat alike.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Where there is love, there is no room for hatred. Do not be envious of anyone. When this evil quality appears, love takes to flight. A pure heart is the abode of love. Where there is purity, there is unity. Unity leads to divinity.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
God is the entity closest to the human being, dearest to the human being. Your mother and father might be a little far, but God is right with you, in you. Even if you do not love Him, He will not depart from you or move afar. Smaller than the atom, say the Vedas. He expands beyond the cosmos and fills all with grace. In every cell, He will be in you. You can earn this awareness through intense love.
Monday, December 5, 2022
Love of God does not mean giving up your normal duties. In the performance of these duties, every action should be done as an offering to the divine. Look upon the body as a moving temple, wherein God resides. Recognize that God is always with you and around you.
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Love must be manifested as selfless service (seva). Seva must take the form of food for the hungry, solace for the forlorn, and consolation for the sick and the suffering. Jesus dedicated Himself to such seva. The heart full of compassion is the temple of God. Jesus pleaded for compassion. Compassion was His message.
Saturday, December 3, 2022
Love can conquer anything. Selfless, pure, unalloyed love leads the human being to God. Selfish and constricted love binds one to the world. Unable to comprehend pure and sacred love, human beings today are prey to endless worries because of attachment to worldly objects. The individual’s primary duty is to understand the truth about the Love Principle. Once a person understands the nature of love, he or she will not go astray.
Friday, December 2, 2022
Love exists for love and nothing else. It is spontaneous and imparts delight. Everything is permeated by love. Love sees with the heart and not the eyes. It listens not through the ears but by the tranquility of the heart. It speaks not with the tongue but out of compassion.
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Looking a little closer, we discover that life itself is love. They are not two but one. Love is the very nature of life, as burning is the nature of fire, wetness of water, and sweetness of sugar.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
There is nothing in this world that you should desire for. If any worldly desire crops up in your mind, give it up at once. Giving up desires is true renunciation.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Be pleasant to everyone; let everyone be pleased with you. Do not hurt or harm, by thought, word and deed. Purify your heart; cleanse it of narrow selfishness. Bring a million flowers and do puja (worship) with them. All will be rejected, none accepted. Bring a single lotus, your heart, so fresh; Sathya Sai accepts, and grants both love and peace. Offer your virtues as flowers. Virtues that spread beauty and fragrance. Offer your heart lotus freed from insects and pests like lust, anger, and hate.
Monday, November 28, 2022
Recognize the divine in your mother, father, and preceptor and revere them. Develop the conviction that the divine you adore, who is your favorite deity, is within you. That divine is Sathyam, Sivam, Sundaram (truth, goodness, and beauty). Plato (the Greek philosopher) declared that truth, goodness, and beauty are God. Irrespective of the country, these three are the eternal truths. With these truths in your heart, embark on service.
Sunday, November 27, 2022
A clear mirror reflects the rays of the sun. We can see the sun’s image reflected by the calm surface of clear water. Likewise, the sacred vision of Paramatma (the Supreme Self) is revealed to an unperturbed and tranquil mind in which all thought waves have been calmed.