Thursday, October 27, 2022
Experience the bliss that is within your heart without making a show of it to others. Have belief in that which ought to be believed. Have love for that which ought to be loved. You have to love only one thing and that is God. Once you have love for God, you will have everything in life.
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Develop self-confidence, which will lead you to bliss. Never give room for worries and anxieties. Gain sufficient strength of the body and mind to face boldly the difficulties, losses, and sorrows that may confront you in life. This will be facilitated if you practice the four Fs taught in our education system viz., “Follow the Master (your conscience),” “Face the Devil,” “Fight till the end,” and “Finish the game.”
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
You must listen to the glory of God, do service to humanity, chanting the Lord’s name and singing God’s glory. You should have the attitude that all are embodiments of God and the whole universe is a manifestation of God.
Monday, October 24, 2022
Deepavali is a festival designed to celebrate the suppression of the ego by the higher Self. Mankind is plunged into ignorance and has lost the power of discrimination between the permanent and the evanescent. When the light of Divine knowledge dispels the darkness of ignorance caused by ahamkara (the ego), the effulgence of the Divine is experienced.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Expansion is love. Expansion is the essence of love. Love is God. Live in love. That is the Deepavali message I give you. When a lamp is lit from another, there are two where there was but one. The first one did not stop emitting light. You can light a million lamps from one, but the first will not diminish at all. Love, too, is like this. Share it with a million; it will still be as bright as when it was alone.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
A devotee should be ready to gladly accept everything as God’s gift. Can you get sugar by merely requesting sugar cane, instead of crushing it to extract the juice from it? Even if it is the best kind of diamond, will it shine in all its effulgence unless it is subjected to cutting and polishing? Similarly, it is only when mankind undergoes trials and tribulations, hardships, losses, and sorrows that his real worth will shine forth.
Friday, October 21, 2022
Develop love for God. That love will take you to God. Observe three maxims in life: love of God, fear of sin, and morality in society. Then, in all situations, God will stand by you. Every moment is auspicious if you dedicate your actions to God. If your mind is pure, other things do not matter.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
The Divine comes as Avatar to proclaim the pure, unsullied, and unselfish love of devotees toward God. People may consider that the Avatar's activities include punishment of the wicked, protection of the good, weeding out of unrighteousness and restoration of righteousness. This is how they may look at the Avatar's doings. But that is not the way the Lord sees things. There is nothing bad in God's view. Hence there should be no hatred or ill will toward any being. It is only when you love all, that you can be said to love God.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
If you must bring the power from the powerhouse to your residence to illumine your place, you have to put up poles at regular intervals and connect the house with the powerhouse with cables. So, to win the grace of God, do spiritual practice (sadhana) at regular timings and connect yourself with God by the cable of remembering the Lord.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Try to be near God, as near as God’s kin. Do not calculate the number of hours you have spent in serving Him, and pine that the Lord has not compensated you. Be ever in God’s service in doing good and being good.
Monday, October 17, 2022
The day you are happy is the holy day. Love is Divine. Suffuse your love with the principle of divinity. Keep your heart filled with love forever.
Sunday, October 16, 2022
All that has to happen will happen. Do not worry about it. Past is past; forget the past. Future is uncertain; do not brood over it. Present is important; live in the present and be happy. Do not worry about past and future.
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Cultivate love. Everything is based on love and love alone. Mankind is born in love, is sustained in love, and ultimately merges in love. Love is the basis of human life. But you are forgetting such true love and are getting carried away by worldly and physical love, which is not love in the true sense.
Friday, October 14, 2022
A person who has a compassionate heart, who is truthful, and who serves others will never be affected by any evil forces. Such a person's life will be truly sanctified.
Friday, October 14, 2022
A person who has a compassionate heart, who is truthful, and who serves others will never be affected by any evil forces. Such a person's life will be truly sanctified.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
All that has to happen will happen. Do not worry about it. Past is past; forget the past. Future is uncertain; do not brood over it. Present is important; live in the present and be happy. Do not worry about past and future.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Cultivate love. Everything is based on love and love alone. Mankind is born in love, is sustained in love, and ultimately merges in love. Love is the basis of human life. But you are forgetting such true love and are getting carried away by worldly and physical love, which is not love in the true sense.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Do not exaggerate the importance of things that have material utility; they fade even while you grasp them. Search for Being (Sat) - that which suffers no change. Search for the state of consciousness (Chit), which is unaffected by gusts of passion, which is pure, which is free from egoism or the desire to possess. Only then can you experience the light and illumine the path for others.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Body is like a water bubble; mind is like a mad monkey. Do not follow the body; do not follow the mind.
Monday, October 10, 2022
Develop self-confidence. When you have self-confidence, you will attain self-satisfaction which will lead you to self-sacrifice and ultimately to Self-realization. What is the meaning of Self-realization? It means to realize one’s Self. You keep asking everybody, “Who are you?” But you do not ask yourself, “Who am I?” Am I the body, am I the mind, am I the intellect, am I the consciousness, am I the senses? When you say, ‘my body’, you are different from the body. Body is like a water bubble; mind is like a mad monkey. Do not follow the body; do not follow the mind.
Sunday, October 9, 2022
The easiest and the most practical path is a life lived in the constant remembrance of the Lord.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Listen to pure and sacred words. People misuse their ears listening to scandal and gossip. This evil tendency should be eliminated by listening to the glories of God. Such listening has been accorded a primary place among the nine paths of devotion.
Friday, October 7, 2022
The wise one (jnani) is ever happy and this happiness does not depend on external objects. You may wonder how. It is because such people are content with whatever happens to them, well or ill, as they are convinced that the Lord's will must prevail.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Take all worldly losses, sufferings, and worries as merely temporal and transitory. Realize that repetition of the Name and meditation are the only ways to overcome such grief. You must understand that loss, suffering, and worry are external, they belong to this world, while repetition of the Name and meditation are internal. They belong to the realm of love for the Lord.
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Good speech is as essential as good vision. Avoid all gossip. Keep your speech confined to what is godly and sacred. Engage yourself in service to others. Pay no attention to other's defects and faults.
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Dasara is the festival that celebrates the victory of the forces of the good over the forces of evil. The sages who have decided on these festivals have a high purpose. They want us to imbibe the inner meaning and use each day as a step in spiritual practice (sadhana), as a reminder of each person's journey to the feet of the Lord alone. The forces of good are combating the forces of evil in every living being, and if they only rely on the great Divine Force (mahashakti) that fosters and fends the universe, they can easily win and reach their goal (enlightenment).
Monday, October 3, 2022
The Divine is omnipresent and is in everyone and in every object. This truth has to be realized from the message conveyed by inhaling and exhaling that goes on in everyone 21,600 times a day. Each act of breathing proclaims the message: So-Ham (I am He). With every breath, the message is revealed: "I am God." Realizing this oneness, all actions should be done as an act of dedication to the Divine. What bliss can be experienced in such a state of mind!
Sunday, October 2, 2022
During the ten days of Dasara, the demons (rakshasas), in the form of wicked qualities, have been routed. Rakshasas do not mean demonic beings. The bad qualities in humans are the demons. Arrogance is a demon. Bad thoughts are demons. Ravana is depicted as the king of rakshasas. He is said to have ten heads, but he was not born with ten. Who is this Ravana, and what are his ten heads? Lust (kama), anger (krodha), delusion (moha), greed (lobha), pride (mada), envy (matsarya), the mind (manas), intellect (buddhi), will (chitta), and ego (ahamkara) -these constitute the ten heads. Ravana has these ten qualities. Each can decide whether they are a Ravana or a Rama, according to their qualities. Rama is the destroyer of bad qualities.
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati are worshipped during the nine days of the festival of nine sacred nights (Navaratri). Who are these three? Their esoteric significance is represented by three potencies: action (karma), devotion (bhakti), and spiritual wisdom (jnana). The significance of Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati has to be rightly understood. The three represent three kinds of potencies in a human: willpower (iccha shakti), the power of purposeful action (kriya shakti), and the power of spiritual wisdom (jnana shakti).
Friday, September 30, 2022
To acquire the grace of the Lord, people have to offer worship at the outset to Nature. On the one hand, you need human effort, and on the other, you have to acquire the grace of the divine. Nature and the Omni-Self (Paramatma) are like the negative and positive poles of electricity.