Rebuilding Palu, Indonesia
Palu is the capital city on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi which was devastated by a Tsunami following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake on September 28, 2018. Over 2000 people lost their lives. The SSIO Indonesia has helped this city and its people by constructing homes, providing drinking water, medical care including maternity care, social care, and educational support.
The following projects have been undertaken in Palu including the construction of 170 homes, 20 toilets and bathrooms, a Sathya Sai Medical Clinic, Sathya Sai Maternity Clinic, a library, and a community hall. Electrical panels for homes, drinking water, and water for bathing and cleaning were also supplied.
The community hall constructed by the SSIO is used by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), government officials and volunteers. The SSIO is also using the community hall for teaching SSEHV (Sathya Sai Education in Human Values) and for educating people in various skills in the region. The local Muslim community is also using this hall for their festivals (Ramadan and Eid al Fitr).
There are several projects which are in progress. Kindergarten construction is underway. An exciting project is the construction of a factory for making bricks. The objective is to use simple facilities and allow people to earn wages while providing simple construction materials that are in high demand. There is also a water project underway near the Sai housing project.