Collection of Divine stories, miracles and Experiences of Devotees with Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba!
Saishwara & Someshwara
The holiest of Lord Shiva shrines, Somnath, was revived with a promise of security by the Shiva-Shakti Avatar
I Will Always Be With You
“O Man, with Sai as the protector, none can ever bring hurt to you.”
The Greatest Miracle of Sathya Sai Baba - Mr. Haridarshan Sathiamoorthy
We would sit on the sands in an unbelievably peaceful atmosphere and enjoy hours of bliss seeing Swami and participating in bhajans.
A Train of Thoughts and Experiences in Life With God
Of all the madnesses that afflict man, God-madness is the least harmful and most beneficial.
Repetition of God’s Name
Repetition of the name erases the thought of the symptoms from the mind, and when they no longer exist in the mind, they no longer persist in the body.
The Calling and the Calling Card
And then He pointed His fingers toward Himself, swept them up and down, and said, “The Omnipresent!”
King meets the King of Kings
Love is His greatest miracle, and when we offer our hearts to Him, we experience His love even today.
The Journey: Pleasure is an interval between two pains
Swami’s blessings and guidance and His unseen hand in the events were self-evident!
How Swami found me even before I visited Him
Sathya Sai is the one to usher in the Sathya Yuga!
Once in Sai Organization, Always in Sai Organization
Each One of Us is His Sai Center, and We Should Grow.
Sathya Sai Baba Never Disappoints
"Once I say that you are Mine, I will never forsake you. You may forget Me, but I will never forget you." –Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Discovering Sathya Sai Baba
Imagine the grace bestowed upon us, being immersed in His teachings and being part of His mission daily!
The Search for Sai
I felt a strong, invisible hand guiding and saving me whenever I was about to fall.
Saishwara & Someshwara
Those people who meditate upon 12 Jyotirlingas during the evenings and mornings will have their sins committed across seven births destroyed by such remembrance.
Understanding Swami’s Omniscience
Swami Always Does Everything for the Highest Good!
Fix Your Mind On Swami
A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step by Ms. Ellesha Wanigasekera.
Memories of Summer Course
He showered blessings and assurances of His constant presence and guidance.
The gift of Yearning
When my mind wanders to worldly matters, I remind myself that there is nothing I would rather do than see His form or hear His name.
How I Got the Dream job of My Life
A cinematographer's wild journey of serving Swami.
Oh Mind Do Not Seek Anything
“Do not ask Me for anything. I know what is best for your spiritual evolution.” -Swami
Saishwara & Someshwara
The holiest of Lord Shiva shrines, Somnath, was revived with a promise of security by the Shiva-Shakti Avatar
Resilience Comes from Surrender
“I will take everything from you until you want nothing but me.”