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SSSIHMS Bangalore:


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Thousands visiting this hospital return home everyday with their hearts filled with gratitude and love. A few instances to give a glimpse of what it feels to be in this Temple of Healing:

Shabrin, female, 5 years

The only child of a poor couple. The father works as a daily-wage labourer. The couple were shattered when their child was diagnosed with a heart ailment [PDA].

Doctors they consulted said the surgery that was required would cost Rs 50, 000 (1065 US dollars]). Helpless, the couple left everything to God. They came to know about the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences. They got their child admitted, and the surgery was done successfully. The feeling that their child had a second lease on life was yet to sink in. All they could say was, "This is not a hospital but a temple, a temple of healing. We pray that this hospital continues such good work. We can never forget Baba, who has given our only child a second life. "

Rajesh Kumar Sahu, male, 2 years

First child of a lower middle class couple. The father is the only earning member, earning Rs 1500 (31 US dollars) per month. The child used to be in a crouching position all the time, and a bluishness was noticed. The child was diagnosed as having Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF), a cardiac problem. Elsewhere they were told that the cost of surgery was Rs 200,000 (4255 US dollars). It was beyond the capability of the couple. The mother dreamt of Bhagawan Baba. Baba created vibhuti (holy ash) and assured her that her child would be completely cured. She came to know about this hospital. The child was admitted and surgery was performed. The child turned pink and, instead of crouching, now sits and stands on his two legs. The parents say, "It is Baba's grace and the loving care of the hospital staff that cured our child." They remain eternally grateful to Baba.

Kiran kumari, female, 22 years

Hails from a poor family. Had to discontinue her education when doctors diagnosed a hole in her heart. Her family did not have enough money to spend on her treatment. As if this were not enough, even her mother was diagnosed with a heart ailment. This double blow was too much for the family. The father came to know about this hospital. They could not believe it when they were told that both mother (balloon dilation) and daughter (ASD closure) could receive the treatment free of cost. The father, mother, and daughter could not believe that such state-of -the-art facilities and hassle-free atmosphere could be available to a poor family such as theirs.

Akandappa, Male, 46 years

Problem: Hard of hearing in the left ear. Difficulty in walking, vomiting, headaches.

The relatives of this man brought him in after realising that his condition was deteriorating and he needed immediate medical treatment. The neurologists attended to him first as an out patient. The patient was sent in for an MRI scan, which revealed a large sized tumour located in his hearing nerve on left side. A seven-hour surgery removed the entire tumour. He withstood the surgery well. After the surgery, his walking improved gradually. When he was seen later at rgw outpatient department, he could walk normally and was back at his job. A second scan, revealed no residual tumour. He has been relieved of his disease completely.