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SSSIHMS Bangalore:

its genesis

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At the end of May 1999, the government of Karnataka asked Sathya Sai Baba to accept agrant of a 52-acre plot of land in the EPIP area of Whitefield. That moment started the unfolding of yet another saga of Divine love and compassion.

When the Divine wills, normal human limitations and norms do not apply to its execution. The speed and mode go beyond credible limits, and the presence of the Divine is made evident at every stage. All government procedures for handing over the possession of the land to the trust, approval of the plans, etc., were completed in record time.

  • On 2 September 1999, the formal Bhumi Puja (ceremony for consecrating the land before beginning construction) and the laying of the north-east corner foundation stone were carried out.

  • In a project of such magnitude, the various stages of concept, architectural, and functional designs and drawing, structural specifications with their designs and drawings, project estimates, tendering and contracting, mobilisation, and commencement of execution are done in sequence. But here, all these activities were telescoped, and many of them were carried out in parallel.

  • This was possible by the divinely inspired spirit of cooperation among the consultants, contracters, and suppliers, who treated the project as a joint and trully united endeavour. This was a lesson in unity in diversity to all those involved in the project.

  • It was this sense of unity, inspired by the Divine Master, that made it possible to complete this mammoth project involving 6 million man hours within a span of 9 months.

The Hospital was inaugurated on 19 January 2001 by the Honourable Prime Minister of India, Sri Atal Behari Vajpyee, in the Divine Presence. The Chief Ministers of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra attended the function.