Cardiology top of page
Some of the interesting surgeries performed in this department are:
- Mobile left atrial clot with theumatic mitral stenosis.
- Left ventricle to aorta tunnel.
- Anomalous left coronary artery arising from pulmonary artery.
- Arterial switch.
- Aortopulmonary window.
- Coronary artery bypass grafting with radical rt. hemicolectomy and cholecystectomy, Left ventricular myxoma.
- Combined aortic root.
- Ascending aorta and arch replacement for chronic dissecting aneurysm.
- Repair of a huge ascending aorta aneurysm that had eroded the chest wall.
- Closure of ventricular septal defect in a baby weighing 4.5 kgs.
of Uro-Nephrology
top of page
This department was inaugurated by Dr Shankar Dayal Sharma, President of India, on 22 November 1992. As of 2002, about 100 kidneys have been transplanted. In all these cases, blood related donors were allowed to donate kidneys. The recipient and the donor were given free drugs, investigations, blood, IV fluids, etc.
In the Dialysis section, there are 5 dialysis machines for Haemodialysis, one of which has been reserved only for infectious cases. Peritoneal dialysis is also a very frequent procedure. Other conditions treated include:
- Urolithiasis and some of the Calculi are giant-sized. Renal damage due to Urolithiasis is significant.
- Genito Urinary Tuberculosis.
- Traumatic Urethral conditions particularly strictures.
- Bladder Cancer.
The Uro-Nephrology department has everything that modern technology has to offer, including laser for almost bloodless removal of enlarged prostate, early cancer of the urinary bladder, and uretric calculi.
Department of Ophthalmology top of page
This department was inaugurated by Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on 22 November 1994. The objective is to offer a complete spectrum of comprehensive and advanced diagnostic and treatment facilities for all disorders of the eye. The department offers the following services:
- General ophthalmology & ophthalmic trauma
- Cornea service
- Lens service
- Glaucoma service
- Vitreo retinal service
- Corneal topography
- Specular microscopy
- Ocular ultrasonography & axial biometry
- Automated visual field analysis
- Fundus fluorescein angiography
All kinds of procedures ranging from corneal transplantation, cataract extraction, intraocular lens implantation, cyclocropexy scleral buckling vitrectomy, vitrectomy with associated procedures using SF6, C3F8, LPFC and Silicon oil, Lid surgery and strabismus surgery, laser surgery including Argon and Diode laser photocoagulation and Endophotocoagulation are done routinely.
The department has a modern operation theatre complex with three operation theatres and 6-bed ICU. It has a 30-bed ward and an up-to-date laser unit. All the areas are equipped with necessary patient-care equipment. The Department is actively engaged in making the surrounding areas a Cataract Free Zones.
Surgery top
of page
This department provides high calibre dental care in the specialities of peridontia, oral medicine, endodontia, aesthetic dentistry, conservative dentistry, paedodontia, temoval of arthodontics crown and bridge, and oral surgery to all the needy patients coming to the Institute. All cardiac patients undergoing surgery are checked in the Dental Department and get dental clearance before the surgery.
Blood Bank top of page
The Blood Bank attached to the hospital provides blood to all the patients
undergoing surgery by taking blood from voluntary
donors. Each donor is screened thoroughly for HIV.I and II, Hepatitis
B & C, VDRL, and Malarial Parasite. Most of the donors
are students of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, studemts
of the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School, and devotees of Bhagwan
Sri Sathya Sai Baba coming from all parts of India and abroad.