Sathya Sai Education in Human Values fulfils the ultimate mission of education. He, who has inspired this educational programme, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, goes directly to the essence of the institution of education and its role in human civilization, as he does with other social institutions and, indeed, with human life itself. He distinguishes between, "the really real and the relatively real", between the universal and the parochial, between that which is lasting and that which is transient.
Table of contents
- Front matter
- Chapter 1. The history and philosophy of Sathya Sai Education
- Chapter 2. The Sathya Sai education system
- Chapter 3. Non-fomal and informal education programs
- Chapter 4. Formal education programmes and institutions
- Chapter 5. Sri Sathya Sai University
- Chapter 6. Educational standards and quality assurance
- Chapter 7. International cooperation and exchange programmes
- Chapter 8. Achievements of Sathya Sai education
- Chapter 9. Future perspectives
- Chapter 10. Towards a new educational order
- Appendices
- Index
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