The Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) Global Compendium is a major publication released by the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization on Sai Baba’s Birthday, November 23, 2018. Now published on this SSSIO website, this useful reference was compiled by the SSSIO Education Committee with articles on principles and philosophy of Sai Baba’s education program and data on all SSEHV programs in schools and communities around the world.

The Compendium’s extensive and interactive Table of Contents allows one to immediately access descriptions of SSEHV programs in any of 120 countries.

Download the complete Compendium here

From the Co-Chairpersons of the Education Committee Marianne Meyer and Dr. Pal Dhall, “This Compendium is the result of painstaking work to collect data on SSEHV programs and projects from around the world. Given the common origin and common aims of all the SSEHV programs and projects, it is appropriate to look upon them as aspects of one single project. All these programs and projects raise the level of awareness of our human purpose on earth and aim to lift morality to a higher level by igniting the conscience of humanity through living life consciously rather than drifting along unconsciously. The key outcome of all the SSEHV work is the transformation of humanity.”

To set the stage for your exploration of the panorama of SSEHV programs across countries, cultures and climes, we commend you to the Compendium’s Foreword by Dr. William Harvey, Prasanthi Council, who simply and eloquently portrays the fundamental inspiring basis of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values. Dr. Harvey writes,

“We live in a vast and glorious universe, replete with wonders and dazzling complexities. And though far from understanding its mysteries, we strive to enjoy its gifts, along with devoting at least a modicum of attention to doing our part in helping to sustain its preservation. To a large degree, any spiritual or God-directed efforts in which we may be engaged should be guided by the wisdom of the ages.

“Tremendous strides have been made with respect to increasing and ensuring sustenance and comfort, though not yet in an equitable fashion. Yet, despite the great gains of science and technology, it remains painfully clear that we have seriously lagged in living up to our responsibility for the welfare of the planet and its inhabitants, as also taking proper care of the vast array of resources available to us. In fact, we tend to make such a mess of things that existence, as we know it, appears ever in danger of ceasing.

“Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) program has as its cornerstone the principle that inherent in every individual are certain survival and life-enhancement tendencies that may be expressed as Values. Further, while there are numerous ways of characterizing them, the recommended list consists of Truth, Right Action, Peace, Love, and Non-Violence.

“These are not mere words with arbitrary definitions or meanings. Rather, they represent realizations emanating from the depths of our being. Truth, according to Sri Sathya Sai, refers not just to a faithful description of a thing as one has seen it or heard it. Rather, he says, “Truth elevates. It holds forth ideals. It inspires the individuals in the society.”

“We can therefore appreciate that the Human Value, Truth, while expressible in a variety of ways, is fundamentally one and the same across all cultures and traditions. The religious, philosophical, and moral approaches to understanding the meaning and implication of our life on Earth all seek to lead to our release from the narrow constrains of worldly preoccupation. It is well stated that Truth also finds expression in nature, art, music, poetry, ancient scriptures of all faiths, and through scientific discipline. Moreover, Truth is that which the same in the three dimensions of time remains: past, present, and future.

“Likewise Right Action refers to a universal, intuitive sense of duty, responsibility, and proper conduct towards nature, our fellow human beings, and ourselves. Summarized most beautifully in the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have done unto you, Right Action sustains and protects all who adhere to it.

“The Human Value, Peace, is non-attainable through efforts made in the outside world of material objects and events. Rather, it can be gotten only by a steady and sustained effort of inner searching and inquiry. Relaxed contemplation, alert silence, and inspired meditative practices, along with careful choices in friends and associates ultimately enable us to experience the Peace that surpasses understanding.

“When we come to the Human Value, Love, we arrive at the very source and underpinning of the other four. Perhaps it is best described as the primal energy that permeates and empowers all life. Much deeper and all-consuming than a feeling, thought or emotion, Love embraces the inclination towards kindness, compassion, empathy, selflessness and total disregard for reciprocity. In fact, it is said to grow as we learn to “give and forgive.”

“Non-Violence is the Human Value that bespeaks an awareness of the underlying unity of all the diversity we perceive in nature. Such awareness leads to a fervent respect for the laws of the universe and a firm disinclination to inflict pain or harm on anyone or anything in nature.

“Adherence to and practice of these five Human Values will sustain a safe voyage across the topsy-turvy sea of life for any and all. For more than fifty years, teachers, volunteers, researchers, and scholars have tirelessly dedicated their time and energy to systematizing and developing the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values program in more than 120 countries.

“The current publication admirably summarizes the progress thus far made, along with the challenges yet to be surmounted. Thought-provoking articles by noted persons from around the world expand the scope of effort. Additionally, the most recently gathered global statistical data for the many school/classroom projects, community programs, and specialized training workshops are presented. Moreover, the material found in this publication constitutes an excellent starting point for readers to become better acquainted with this exciting education initiative.”