I had the privilege of visiting Sai Prema Nilayam in Los Angeles, USA, in April 2023 and Jaffna, Sri Lanka, in September 2023 for international conferences of the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO).
I learned two important lessons at these conferences:

  • In Los Angeles, at Sai Prema Nilayam, I quickly realized that the conference was a pilgrimage to our beloved Guru and God, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, made possible only because He called us.
  • In Jaffna, I learned the value of the conference to His devotees. Although Jaffna is geographically near Prasanthi Nilayam, I discovered that many Sri Lankan devotees had never traveled to the ashram for Swami’s darshan when He was in physical form. I implicitly understood that by blessing the conference in Jaffna, He was revealing His eternal presence to His devotees in their home countries. 

So, when the SSSIO conference in Kenya was announced in December 2023, I instantly knew this was a blessing my beloved Sai was bestowing not only on His devotees in Africa but on the continent itself. It was 56 years ago, in June 1968, that Swami landed in Nairobi, and hence, it was fitting that He would ‘return’ to that same city in June 2024 as the Formless, Timeless Sai. 

I confess that I was initially hesitant as I had never been to Africa.  It seemed a very long journey to make from Hong Kong. I knew little about Africa and even less about Nairobi. Yet, soon I heard that many overseas delegates were registering for the conference. One Saturday morning, my wife ‘decided’ my flights needed to be booked. When she made the online bookings, I found that I had the last available seat in the cabin on the last Singapore Airlines flight I could take to Nairobi to reach the conference on time. 

I supposed Swami had held that seat and decided the minute when my booking just had to be done, if not by me, then by my wife! I immediately knew He wanted me to go to Kenya. 

A few days before my departure, protests against a government legislative bill broke out in Nairobi, and there were reports of violence on the news. I was not deterred. The Lord had called, and He would keep us safe–I was certain.

For all my trepidation, the journey was a memorable one. When I landed in Nairobi, I received a WhatsApp message informing me that the government had just withdrawn the bill, and the streets had gone quiet. Thus, He reassured me that He would ensure my safety. Throughout my stay, I never encountered any disturbance.

The trip to the hotel was an eye-opener. The highway was impressive, and the streets were lined with buildings of all kinds. It was quite different from the misperceptions and apprehensions about Africa that had been festering in my subconscious mind over the years. The hotel was a smart boutique hotel with a comfortable room. The arrangements were inviting, just as He intended. 

The next day was the day before the conference. In the bright daylight of the morning, I saw Nairobi properly for the first time from my hotel room window. What struck me instantly was how many beautiful trees there were around the hotel, with luscious greenery all around. That afternoon we were shuttled to the auditorium where the conference would commence the next day. The drive was a revelation. I just fell in love with the trees everywhere. From the balcony of the conference building and on the grounds, I saw even more trees! As I believe that Swami is in all His creation–in His trees I knew I was witnessing Divinity everywhere. 

I was going to make a short presentation at the conference on almost 500,000 trees planted around the world by the SSSIO as part of the SAI 100 initiative, and all I could see around me that first day in Kenya were trees! What an appropriate welcome Swami gave to inspire me.

I met many of my Sai brothers and sisters, some for the first time. I was so happy and grateful that Swami had brought me to Kenya. What a blessing to be part of His will and not mine. 

On the morning of the first day of the conference, the venue was brimming with beaming people. Everyone was happy to be there. As I entered the auditorium, I saw Swami’s chair majestically placed in the center of the hall, just in front of the stage. The proceedings of the conference were to be offered to Him, our Divine Mother and Father. 

No sooner had we settled into our seats than the celestial glory of the Sathya Sai Avatarhood was revealed. Five African boys from the Sathya Sai school in Benin, dressed in yellow/orange dhoti and with folded hands, chanted the Veda with perfect pronunciation and intonation.They did not need any sheets to read from as they confidently demonstrated their devotion to Mother Sai. His divine instruction and inspiration to learn the Veda had reached the ‘four corners of the world.’

The Kenya Police Band then played the Kenyan and Indian national anthems, embodying the pride and ideals of the two nations and cultures. The blessings of an African village leader followed. Although I did not understand the inspiring words he spoke, the rich tradition and sacredness of his blessings were evident. Finally, the parade of flags of the 38 countries represented at the conference came to pass, a reflection of the unity that His name brought under the banner of SSSIO. All this brought to the fore the grandeur of the event, one that our beloved Swami would undoubtedly have been happy with. 

The conference theme was Service–Adoration–Illumination (SAI). These three subjects are the modern sequel to the timeless message our beloved Sai gave in the Bhagavad Gita in His avatar as Lord Sri Krishna: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Jnana Yoga. Each day of the conference was dedicated to one path of Yoga

The three days were filled with divine messages instructing every participant to give up desiring the world and realize God within. This is truly the ultimate purpose of every life and of the Sathya Sai Organization. One need not seek one’s purpose anywhere else. 

In the excerpt of Swami’s Divine Discourse given on November 11, 1968, Swami exhorted devotees to conduct Self-enquiry to find out if they have the three qualifications to offer service: compassion, humility, and sacrifice. He explained that action, forgetting the self, and recognizing divinity in everyone is service. The simplicity and sublimity of these words have the potency to touch any heart and transport the listener on the path of self-transformation and self-purification!

Dr. Narendranath Reddy, Chairman of SSSIO

In his inaugural address, Dr. Narendranath Reddy, Chairman of SSSIO, explained that people suffer grief because they pursue material wealth. He emphasized the importance of giving priority to God in one’s life. As he spoke, the Prime Cabinet Secretary of the Government of Kenya, H.E. Musalia Mudavadi entered the hall. 

The Prime Cabinet Secretary was paying his second visit in three months to witness the Sathya Sai Mission in Africa. In March 2024, he addressed members of the SSSIO’s Medical Team during their nine-day medical camps, which served 5,600 people in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. In his address later in the day, he said Bhagawan’s five human values stood out as the “global constitution” of the world! He also spoke of the solidarity of the SSSIO with Kenya. 

As the SSSIO’s work in advancing the Sathya Sai Mission around the world was being shared with delegates, the Indian High Commissioner to Kenya, Ms. Namgya C. Khampa made her entrance. In her address, she said Sri Sathya Sai Baba belongs to the world and that the Sathya Sai template of service to humanity had spread to the world. She also stated His message is a message of seeking divine truth. Ms. Khampa concluded by saying the healing touch of Sri Sathya Sai Baba needs to spread across the world to transform individual behavior and governmental and non-governmental action!

H.E. Musalia Mudavadi, Prime Cabinet Secretary of the Government of Kenya

As such inspiring words emanated from prominent ‘non-devotees,’ one’s heart started to melt with gratitude that the Kali Yuga Avatar, in His Grace, had accepted us as His devotees. This was just the beginning of the flow of acknowledgments for Bhagawan’s work. 

Other senior officers of the Prasanthi Council and Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation spoke over the three days, as did leaders from Zone 9 of the SSSIO and African devotees from across the continent. Mr. Leonardo Gutter reminded all delegates that they had to be alert and do their part with faith and confidence in Swami and with love. Mr. Aravind Balasubramanya reminded everyone that when Swami returned to India from His trip to Africa, He declared: “The Universe is My Mansion.” Mr. P.V. Sambasiva Rao, the Chair of Zone 9, spoke of his personal journey and the spiritual journey of all devotees in Africa in their quest to realize the Sai within.

From Africa, we heard speakers from Nigeria, Kenya, Benin, Ghana, South Africa, and Gabon. They spoke of how the Sathya Sai Mission is moving forward in Africa. The speakers represent a continent that has basked in the light of divine love lit by Bhagawan Himself in 1968.

Additionally, the conference was blessed by the participation of senior members of the Inter-Religious Council of Kenya on an inter-faith panel–Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist faith leaders who spoke of “Service as a Pathway to God.” 

The hearts of delegates rejoiced when they heard the testimonials of an African student, a teacher, a parent, and an alumnus of the Sathya Sai School in Kisaju. These were all inspiring, moving, human stories of what it means to experience the true miracle of Sai as He transforms the lives of those associated with His “miracle schools.” What more proof of His divinity is required when He accepts a poor young African boy and teaches him to Love All, Serve All, and Help Ever, Hurt Never. He then instills in him an intense desire to serve humanity with a university education in medicine and surgery, all sponsored by the generous support of SSSIO rendered in His name. 

H.E. Wavinya Ndeti, Governor of Machakos County of the Government of Kenya

The panel of four doctors spoke on “Healthcare, Medical Mission through S.A.I., an internal journey.” They spoke of Swami’s five principles for delivering healthcare to the underprivileged, the work being done in Africa and around the world, and how this is inspiring ‘non-devotees’ to offer their medical expertise at SSSIO medical camps. 

On Day 2, the floodgates of our hearts broke when we heard, “For Swami, higher learning is higher yearning, not higher earning.” How much more simply can such eternal messages be delivered? 

In His divine discourse of July 20, 1996, Swami says, “Whoever you offer your respect, it goes to God. Whoever you reject, it is a denial of divinity. God is a cosmic form, all eyes and heads are His.” Let these words inspire our most intense sadhana.

On this day, Dr. Anupom Ganguli spoke of the divine mission of the SSSIO and laid out for every devotee what he or she can do to serve with adoration. 

Dr. Eluid Kipchoge, Olympic Marathon Gold Medalist (2016 and 2020)

If the heart was not already inundated with divine inspiration, during Day 2, the Governor of Machakos County, H.E. Wavinya Ndeti said in her address, “We thank God for you (SSSIO). We ask God to give you more so you can take care of the people.” She invited the SSSIO to show the teachers in her county how SSEHV can be taught in every classroom. 

On Day 3, we were blessed to have Dr. Eluid Kipchoge, a two-time Olympic Marathon Gold Medalist (2016 and 2020), address the delegates. He said, “Education is the equalizer of life. Your organization is spreading education in Africa and the world.” What a tribute to the Sathya Sai Mission from a true champion of the world.

On this day, the inimitable Dr. Suresh Govind hosted a segment with the leads of the SAI100 initiatives so that all delegates at the conference and around the world could be updated on the tremendous enthusiasm and work of SSSIO centers around the world. They are ensuring the successful completion of every initiative intended to bring real change to communities around the world and transform hearts. 

Each day, workshops were held on the three subjects of the Conference theme. Every devotee had the chance to share thoughts and hear what others brought to the conference. On Day 3, summaries of all workshop reports were also shared with the delegates.

As always, the end of the conference was a fresh beginning: to take the inspiration of the Sathya Sai Mission into every heart, home, nation, and continent. This is the work Bhagawan has given to us for our own sake and to uplift humanity and the world at large.

One must applaud the hard work and dedication of Zone 9 countries for their tremendous accomplishment in hosting the conference and the many arrangements that befit Sai’s loving and gracious hospitality. The uplifting guidance and contribution of SSSIO leaders were in keeping with the task Bhagawan gave to oversee all Sathya Sai Centers. The support of skilled international devotees over the three days of exuberance also cannot be overstated. 

On the fourth and last day, international delegates were taken to the two Sathya Sai Schools in Uthiru and Kisaju. The first is a modest school in an underprivileged area in Nairobi. It is a powerful example of the enormous impact Sathya Sai education is having around the world. The young students were respectful, disciplined, and eager as they sang songs and welcomed their guests. The teachers are an inspiration–their dedication reveals why teaching is the noblest profession. The SSSIO delegates made a humble offering of stationery, school supplies, and game balls to the students. 

The impressive school in Kisaju occupies a large plot of land in a rural area distant from Nairobi. Although it has faced and overcome some challenges recently, it is a beacon of hope to the district’s leadership and people. The leadership of Zone 9 and the international leadership of the SSSIO are dedicated to its success. 

My last full day in Kenya was a personal gift from Bhagawan. In the morning, I was driven to Nairobi National Park, which was a unique experience. We drove around the park for about two hours, watching the animals in their natural habitat, and saw some fascinating scenes of God’s creation free from human interference. As the park is on the outskirts of the city, I captured a magnificent view of the city skyline in the morning haze. 

We then drove for about one and a half hours to Lake Naivasha, a stunning 198 sq km freshwater lake in Nakuru County. It is surrounded by volcanoes and is home to various types of wildlife, including hundreds of species of birds and many hippos. I took a boat ride on the lake to Crescent Island, which is located on the lake.

Nothing prepared me for Crescent Island. When I arrived, I was told there were no more guides and that I should just walk by myself and see the free-roaming animals. But Swami had a blessing for me. Soon, I saw a security guard who spoke to me about the animals on the island and the natural vegetation. He then summoned his colleague, Daniel, who volunteered to be my guide. What a difference that made!

Not only is the island stunningly beautiful and open, but the lake and mountains surrounding it add to its majesty. It is a tranquil game sanctuary gifted by God. Having Daniel with me allowed me to be at ease when exploring God’s wonderful creatures and their uniqueness and beauty. I saw different types of antelopes and gazelles, which I would never have appreciated before. I walked close to them and the ostriches, zebras, waterbucks, and giraffes. I observed many hippos in the distance. I saw close-up the magnificence of the eagles, bluebirds, and butterflies. Thankfully, I missed the foxes and pythons, the nocturnal creatures who were resting underground to hunt in the dark. The acacia trees were stunningly beautiful, as were the barbed wire cactus and other plants. 

I explain this experience of my last day in Kenya in some detail because that day, I once again saw divinity everywhere, just as I had on the first full day in Kenya. I bow with gratitude to my beloved Bhagawan for bringing me here and revealing to me the splendor of His creation after He opened my heart to His presence everywhere through the environmental work He assigned me in the SSSIO. 

But more than the first and last day when I saw divinity everywhere, I bow to my Guru and God for allowing me to experience divinity everywhere throughout my stay in Kenya.

With Loving Sai Ram,

Mr. Ashok K. Sakhrani
Chair,  Environmental
Sustainability Committee, SSSIO


Mr. Ashok Sakhrani’s journey to Swami began in 1981 and there has been no looking back. He joined the Hong Kong Bar in 1987. Having served the SSSIO in various capacities, he currently serves as the Zone Chair of Zone 5 countries. He is also a member of the Media Committee and IP Committee, and Chair of the Environmental Sustainability Committee. 

First published in Eternal Companion Vol. 3, Iss. 8



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