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Sai Ram

German Devotional Songs

The German Devotional Song Book contains several pages of sheet music. The songs are stored in a single file, a compressed Adobe Acrobat Portable Document File (PDF). The songs are stored in a special way so that when you click on the link in the beginning of this paragraph, a window will appear on your screen that contains:  

the table of contents (on the left) and
the first page of the sheetmusic "book" (on the right).

Click on any entry in the table of contents to have the corresponding page of sheetmusic appear to the right. You can then print that page. 

However, Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed onto your machine. This software is free. Download it and install it --but read the notes on our page Acrobat Problems and Fixes for some information on installation.

To download the entire song book to your computer (assuming it's a Windows system), RIGHT click your mouse button. Then,

Select: Save link as...         (if use use Netscape)
Select: Save target as...    (if you use Internet Explorer)

After you decide where on your computer you want the file, hit "SAVE" to download. Once the file is on your computer, double click on it to open it in Acrobat Reader. Now you can open these files from your computer at anytime. But remember, we do add new sheetmusic from time to time.

For songs transcriptions that you do not see available here, they may be available directly from Dennis Neal.  Other songs that you wish to have transcribed for specific programs may be available or may be prepared specifically for your programs (as time and health permits) by Dennis Neal .  If you wish to contact him to help you with this...

Write to:   Dennis D. Neal 4851 NW 26th Court  #335; Lauderdale Lakes, FL  33313 U. S. A.  Phone: 954.497.1055   

or, Email:

Send finished material and RELEASE FORMS to: 

Devotional-Singing Service Project,  30969 Oak Hill Dr. Temecula, CA 92951 



  • "Copyright - All Rights Reserved.   Permission Granted for Non-Commercial Use for the Purpose of Photocopying the Music for Personal or Group Devotional Singing.  Recording Rights or Mass Redistribution Rights are Not Granted for Commercial or Non-Commercial Use.  Contact the Owner of the Copyright for Permission. The Web Site Will Not Grant Permission for Any Other Use Held by the Owner of the Copyright."

  • Download the Acrobat Reader Free at the Adobe Website:  Get Acrobat Reader