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Devotional-Song Service Project

There’s a lot of work to do yet with the web site dedicated to placing sheet music on the Internet of all the Bhajans dedicated to Sri Sathya Sai Baba.  We’ll be trying to update and assist anyone interested in having their music placed there for all to enjoy and share.

 Our initial emphasis has been to get the Sanskrit/Hindi up on the web.  The fact that the material is traditionally Eastern with Western notation makes it a good tool for cross-cultural integration. It would be nice if we could move forward into the community with some of the material.  There are a number of schools in the world that would love to share in this material with students and teachers.  The free use of the sheet music will promise to help inspire a generation of musicians and Truth seekers.

 As a cultural curriculum, the Western notation of Eastern music is a very good thing and should not be viewed lightly.  The work is extremely important.  In the hands of educators and students music builds a tradition.  Cross cultural expression and understanding of ideas is not always easy because of differences in language and techniques.  It is hoped that the sharing of what we have, with the work that has been done, will help in this inspiration.  We are all part of the process.  Every atom of our being vibrates with its emphasis.

 We are in search of devotional songs in all languages.  We have also sent out a request to the World Regions of the Sai Organization for requests.  There are seeds being planted around the world for new Sai Schools.  In these schools there is always a need for this kind of material.  New centers crop up every day, new devotees are seeking the help they need to understand this material.  It can only be built up to the caliber of excellence by all involved who are devoted to seeing their music reach the hearts of brothers and sisters around the world.  If you have something to share or know of those who do, then we are here waiting to hear from you.

For those who have Sai Bhajans, that they have written or if they have Sai Bhajans that friends have written that they like to see incorporated into the Official Sai Sheet Music website, please send them in.  We would like to see sheet music.  If you sing music but don’t have sheet music jot down the notation by hand and send that to us.  If you only play Guitar or Keyboards by ear, but know the chords and can sing the lines.  Then write out what you can of the words and chords used in the melody and submit a tape.  Keep in mind we cannot put anything up without a RELEASE FORM from the original songwriter(s).  We’d love to see participation.

 Help us out.  Pass this message along.  

For songs transcriptions that you do not see available here, they may be available directly from Dennis Neal.  Other songs that you wish to have transcribed for specific programs may be available or may be prepared specifically for your programs (as time and health permits) by Dennis Neal .  If you wish to contact him to help you with this...

Write to:   Dennis D. Neal 4851 NW 26th Court  #335; Lauderdale Lakes, FL  33313 U. S. A.  Phone: 954.497.1055   

or, Email:

Send finished material and RELEASE FORMS to: 

Devotional-Singing Service Project,  30969 Oak Hill Dr. Temecula, CA 92951 


In order to extend our ability to use a wider source of song material within the center, we've reworded the notice that will appear on each music sheet for the protection of the holder of the copyright for the material that will be passed around.  Aside from the individual copyright notices which will be placed on the Official Sai Baba web site, this additional note will read:

"Copyright - All Rights Reserved.  Permission Granted for Non-Commercial Use for the Purpose of Photocopying the Music for Personal or Group Devotional Singing.  Recording Rights or Mass Redistribution Rights are Not Granted for Commercial or Non-Commercial Use.  Contact the Owner of the Copyright for Permission. The Web Site Will Not Grant Permission for Any Other  Use Held by the Owner of the Copyright."

The International Sai Organization Website