Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana of Love

The Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana of Love Program (SSSSOL) subcommittee is one among the eleven International Young Adults Subcommittees of the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization. The purpose of this subcommittee is to guide Sai Young Adults (YAs) across the world to deepen their understanding of Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings by means of spiritual study, practice, and self-reflection thereby helping them realise their inherent Divinity.
One of the initiatives of the SSSSOL Subcommittee is the Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana of Love Program aimed at guiding spiritual aspirants on the path of self-realization. This program consists of six online modules and three residential course modules that extensively delve into self-confidence, self-satisfaction, self-sacrifice, and self-realization as expounded by Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Each participant is assigned spiritual practices such as daily meditation and prayer, the study of Sri Sathya Sai literature, and service activities to develop these four aspects. The program also provides an open and accepting environment for Young Adults to discuss and reflect on the practical application of these concepts in their daily lives. This program is conducted via video conferencing with participants worldwide since 2020 due to the pandemic. In the past, in the residential course in Prasanthi Nilayam, India, participants had an opportunity to learn from inspiring talks by eminent speakers and participate in various group activities including selfless service which has now transformed into an online learning platform.
A new initiative of hosting monthly study circles focused on excerpts from the Prasanthi Vahini with supporting material from Dhyana Vahini, to complement the course materials and engage with current and past participants from 2019 and 2020, was implemented during 2021.
The Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana of Love Program for Young Adults (SSSSOL) is now open for enrollment!
With the Divine blessings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana of Love Program for Young Adults 2023 (SSSSOL 2023).
Based on the four steps to Self-realization, namely Self-confidence, Self-satisfaction, self-sacrifice, and Self-realization, this program aims to spiritually empower Sai Young Adults from all over the world to dive deep into Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings and using the knowledge gained to support the Sri Sathya Sai Centres and Groups.
The program consists of 9 modules (6 online modules and 3 modules in an online classroom format during the final online Program) and additionally, 2 online workshops.
The following is the tentative schedule for the SSSOL 2023 program:
Date | Activity |
16-18 June 2023 |
Module 1: Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Life and Teachings: The four pathways to God |
14-16 July 2023 |
Module 2: Self-confidence: Understanding your true Self |
11-13 August 2023 |
Module 3: Self-confidence: Demonstration in daily life situations |
26-27 August 2023 |
Workshop 1:The 3 C’s of Sri Sathya Sai Baba: Unlocking the Key to Authentic Self-confidence and Self-satisfaction (Never Compare, Criticize, or Complain) |
8-10 September 2023 |
Module 4: Self-satisfaction: Deriving joy from the divine Self and managing desires |
13-15 October 2023 |
Module 5: Self-satisfaction: Practicing discrimination on desires that take us away or towards God and leading a spiritual life |
28-29 October 2023 |
Workshop 2: Self-satisfaction: A Powerful Practice to Lead a Unified Life |
3-5 November 2023 |
Module 6: self-sacrifice: Seeing God in all and the benefit of greater good in life |
2-3 December 2023 |
Module 7: self-sacrifice: Understanding of the six inner enemies and ways to transform them as worship of God |
We humbly request you to review the schedule. Your attendance for all modules is mandatory. Pre- and Post-module reading and activities will be assigned as part of the program.
Sign up for SSSSOL 2023
Registration deadline: May 30, 2023
Please feel free to contact if you have any questions.
Con las bendiciones divinas de Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento del Programa Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana del Amor para Jóvenes Adultos (SSSSOL) 2023.
Basado en los cuatro pasos hacia la autorrealización, a saber, la autoconfianza, la autosatisfacción, el autosacrificio y la autorrealización, este programa tiene como objetivo capacitar espiritualmente a los jóvenes adultos Sai de todo el mundo para que se sumerjan profundamente en las enseñanzas de Sri Sathya Sai Baba y utilicen el conocimiento adquirido para apoyar a los Centros y Grupos Sri Sathya Sai.
El programa consta de 9 módulos (6 módulos en línea y 3 módulos en formato de aula en línea durante el programa final), además, 2 talleres en línea.
El siguiente es el calendario tentativo para el programa SSSSOL 2023:
Fecha | Actividad |
16-18 junio 2023 |
Módulo 1: La vida y las enseñanzas de Sri Sathya Sai Baba: Los cuatro caminos hacia Dios |
14-16 julio 2023 |
Módulo 2: Confianza en sí mismo: Comprender tu verdadero ser |
11-13 agosto 2023 |
Módulo 3: Confianza en sí mismo: Demostración en situaciones de la vida cotidiana |
26-27 agosto 2023 |
Taller 1: Las 3 C de Sri Sathya Sai Baba: Desbloqueando la Llave para la Auténtica Autoconfianza y Autosatisfacción (Nunca Compares, Critiques o Quejes “Complain”) |
8-10 septiembre 2023 |
Módulo 4: Autosatisfacción: Obtener alegría del Ser Divino y manejar los deseos |
13-15 octubre 2023 |
Módulo 5: Autosatisfacción: Practicar la discriminación sobre los deseos que nos alejan o nos acercan a Dios y llevar una vida espiritual |
28-29 octubre 2023 |
Taller 2: Autosatisfacción: una práctica poderosa para llevar una vida unificada |
3-5 noviembre 2023 |
Módulo 6: Autosacrificio: Ver a Dios en todos y el beneficio del bien mayor en la vida |
2-3 diciembre 2023 |
Módulo 7: Autosacrificio: Comprensión de los seis enemigos internos y formas de transformarlos como adoración a Dios |
Les pedimos humildemente que revisen el horario. Su asistencia a todos los módulos es obligatoria. La lectura previa y posterior al módulo, y las actividades se asignarán como parte del programa.
Formulario de solicitud
Fecha límite de inscripción: 30 de mayo de 2023
No duden en ponerse en contacto con si tienen alguna pregunta.
Com as bênçãos Divinas de Sri Sathya Sai Baba, temos o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do Programa Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana do Amor para Jovens Adultos (PSSSSA) 2023.
Baseado nos quatro passos para a Autorrealização, ou seja, Autoconfiança, Autossatisfação, Autossacrifício e Autorrealização, esse programa tem como objetivo capacitar espiritualmente os Jovens Adultos Sai em todo o mundo a mergulhar profundamente nos ensinamentos de Sri Sathya Sai Baba e usar o conhecimento adquirido para apoiar os Centros e Grupos Sri Sathya Sai.
O programa consiste em 9 módulos (6 módulos on-line e 3 módulos em um formato de sala de aula online durante o Programa online final) e, adicionalmente, 2 workshops online
Abaixo encontra-se a programação provisória do programa (PSSSSA) 2023:
Data | Actividade |
16-18 Junho de 2023 |
Módulo 1: A vida e os ensinamentos de Sri Sathya Sai Baba: Os quatro caminhos para Deus |
14-16 Julho de 2023 |
Módulo 2: Autoconfiança: Compreendendo seu verdadeiro Eu |
11-13 Agosto de 2023 |
Módulo 3: Autoconfiança: Demonstração em situações da vida cotidiana |
26-27 Agosto de 2023 |
Workshop 1: Os 3 C's de Sri Sathya Sai Baba: Desvendando a chave para a Autoconfiança e a Autossatisfação Autênticas (nunca compare, critique ou reclame, do inglês: complain) |
8-10 Setembro de 2023 |
Módulo 4: Autossatisfação: Obtendo alegria do Eu Divino e gerenciando os desejos |
13-15 Outubro de 2023 |
Módulo 5: Autossatisfação: Praticar a discriminação dos desejos que nos levam para longe ou em direção a Deus e levar uma vida espiritual |
28-29 Outubro de 2023 |
Workshop 2: Autossatisfação: Uma Prática Poderosa para levar uma vida unificada |
3-5 Novembro de 2023 |
Módulo 6: Autossacrifício: Ver Deus em tudo e o benefício do bem maior na vida |
2-3 Dezembro de 2023 |
Módulo 7: Sacrifício pessoal: Compreensão dos seis inimigos internos e maneiras de transformá-los em adoração a Deus |
We humbly request you to review the schedule. Your attendance for all modules is mandatory. Pre- and Post-module reading and activities will be assigned as part of the program.
Sign up for SSSSOL 2023
Registration deadline: May 30, 2023
Please feel free to contact if you have any questions.
С Божественного благословения Шри Сатья Саи Бабы мы рады объявить о запуске Программы Шри Сатья Саи Cадхана Любви для молодежи (SSSSOL) 2023 года.
Эта программа, основанная на четырех этапах к Самореализации, а именно: уверенность в Себе, удовлетворенность Собой, самопожертвование и Самореализация, направлена на то, чтобы дать Саи молодежи во всем мире духовную силу, чтобы она могла глубже погрузиться в учение Шри Сатья Саи Бабы и использовать полученные знания для поддержки центров и групп Шри Сатья Саи.
Программа состоит из 9 модулей (6 онлайн-модулей и 3 модуля в формате онлайн-класса во время финальной онлайн-программы) и дополнительно 2 онлайн-семинара.
Ниже приводится предварительное расписание программы SSSSOL 2023
Дата | Название |
16-18 июня 2023 r. |
Модуль 1: Жизнь и учение Шри Сатья Саи Бабы: четыре пути к Богу |
14-16 июля 2023 r. |
Модуль 2: Уверенность в Себе: Понимание своего истинного Я |
11-13 августа 2023 r. |
Модуль 3: Уверенность в Себе: Демонстрация в повседневных жизненных ситуациях |
26-27 августа 2023 r. |
Семинар 1: Три принципа Шри Сатья Саи Бабы: Раскрытие ключа к подлинной уверенности в Себе и удовлетворенности Собой (Никогда Не Сравнивайте, Не критикуйте и Не Жалуйтесь) |
8-10 сентября 2023 r. |
Модуль 4: Удовлетворенность Собой: Получение радости от Божественного Я и управление желаниями. |
13-15 октября 2023 r. |
Модуль 5: Удовлетворенность Собой: Практика различения желаний, которые уводят нас от Бога или ведут к Богу, и ведение духовной жизни |
28-29 октября 2023 r. |
Семинар 2: Удовлетворенность Собой: Мощная практика для ведения цельной жизни |
3-5 ноября 2023 r. |
Модуль 6: самопожертвование: Видеть Бога во всем и пользу большего блага в жизни |
2-3 декабря 2023 r. |
Модуль 7: самопожертвование: Понимание шести внутренних врагов и способов их преобразования в поклонение Богу |
Убедительно просим вас ознакомиться с расписанием. Ваше присутствие на всех модулях обязательно. Материалы, назначенные для прочтения до модуля и после модуля, а также задания будут назначены как часть программы.
Форма заявки
Крайний срок регистрации: 30 мая 2023 г.
Пожалуйста, обращайтесь по адресу если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы.
Download Sadhana of Love:
Download Sadhana of Love PDF Sadhana de Amor (en Español)
Reflections of Sai
Another inspiring initiative of the SSSSOL subcommittee is Reflections of Sai. This is an avenue for Sai Young Adults across the world to unite in expressing their love for Sri Sathya Sai Baba by sharing their experiences and their positive impact on their lives. Submissions include stories of gratitude, miraculous occurrences, and interactions with Sri Sathya Sai Baba. These reflections are collected and shared periodically on official SYA social media outlets.
For more information about the Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana of Love program, please contact us at:
Start your Sadhana of Love journey now.
#ReflectTheLove and let the Loving Lord shine through you as His beacon of love and light in the world.