The ISSE Argentina is engaged in spreading the message of Sai education, the information that leads to transformation. Courses and trainings are offered on the fundamental aspects of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values. Many people attend the trainings. Some participants tell moving stories of transformation in their lives. The treasure found in the implementation of SSEHV programs will always lie in this transformation of SSEHV students, both adults and children. In spreading the message of SSEHV, the ISSE will continue to share inspiring stories of transformation such as these from three students of ISSE Argentina courses. The third student below is a school teacher.
“From the first day I was filled with warmth and acquired a number of meditation and relaxation exercises I have put into practice if I find myself anxiously waiting, in sad moments or in physical pain. They gave me a positive result, at least to try to calm my mood or emotional state. I also re-evaluated virtues and values ??that I had left aside for everyday activity regarding treatment of others. I appreciate having another look of understanding and tolerance as much as possible.”
“The most notable change through Educare was that of my mom. I could see myself reflected in her. What so bothered me about her was nothing other than my Righteousness, what I could not see in me. Being able to realize we shared common traits allowed me to share the experiences of each Educare meeting. Through what I could transmit to her I saw how, little by little, her attitude changed in her way of communicating with me. She took a more calm and serene way of communicating and her demands towards me began to cease, to the point of allowing me to joyfully spend my time with her without questioning. I took the course together with my sister. The changes I saw in my sister are remarkable, in her way of speaking and communicating. I notice it more secure, more serene, less materialistic, more committed to its being. Our communication was modified because when we talk about Educare, it is like we bring up another voice tone. I feel that we communicate from our souls from the highest of our being. Really beautiful. Immense, infinite gratitude to you. Thanks for so much!”
“Dear friends of the path of Educare, in a few words I want to tell you about the changes I saw in me during this course. Very often I would work with no pleasure or complaining. Sometimes I cried because I felt the children behaved badly or did not care about the activities we did. Last year I was able to rediscover my profession, I came to know that I still love what I do. I can tell you that I am happy with the children, it changed my perspective, my way of speaking. I learned to listen, to speak from another place, the place of love. I have a lot of fun with my students, we laugh, we care for each other and we learn together. With my team mates, I am learning to listen to the good, to speak the good, to say the good.
“I learned to give more Love, to feel that I can have peace, although I know that I still have a long way to learn and to travel. With my family, I was able to give value to everything I have. I thank God every morning for being alive, for my two wonderful children and for my dear husband.
“I manage to find time every day to meditate and it is beautiful to feel that the heart opens and fills the body with this light and energy. It makes me feel so well. I only have thankfulness to you for giving me so much. Little by little I could know who I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
“I could see changes also in another friend. I told him about Educare and he would only listened and sometimes I saw how he was developing some activity, the words he used. Over time he began to ask me about it, because he was appreciating it so much. One day he could see me doing silent sitting with a group of children and asked me what I was doing. I briefly explained. Then we talked a lot about Educare. Today we speak about sweetness, respect and love for ourselves and for the children. I always tell him, start with Educare. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I would like to move towards deeper levels next year. With love,”
The ISSE recently participated in the “International Congress on Education of Character, Challenges and Opportunities in Latin America” was held on June 13 and 14, 2018 in Argentina. The Congress was organized by the Universidad de Navarra (Spain) and by the Universidad Austral (Argentina) and was sponsored by the Templeton Word Charity Foundation (United Kingdom).
The diversity of the participants of different countries made the Congress especially meaningful. Participating were representatives from United States, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Iceland, England, Australia, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Paraguay, Ecuador and Chile, among others. Approximately 150 educators attended.
Great emphasis was given to good practices in the formation of values and to effective ways to develop character. Different organizations, foundations and institutions made presentations on diverse character programs including practical research and materials.
The Institutes of Sathya Sai Education in Colombia and Argentina presented the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values program in a Symposium. They were able to show in summarized but profound manner the philosophy, methodology and the good practices of SSEHV. Thirty conference delegates from different educational institutions attended the Symposium. They, positively commented on and were very interested in SSEHV, reaching out to learn more about the program.
This Congress enabled the attendees to realize that there is great concern from many educational organizations in identifying fundamental philosophy and practices in the education of character. The meeting provided a new and clearer perspective on the Sathya Sai EHV program which includes all aspects of other character programs presented in the Congress while exceeding, broadening and organizing program components with more philosophical depth. The added value in SSEHV is spirituality, which none of the speakers of other programs mentioned. Sathya Sai Education in Human Values has profound clarity in its philosophy and specific experience in implementation that demonstrates its success.
The joint participation in the Congress of the ISSEs of Ecuador, Colombia and Argentina is the result of a meeting of the South American Institutes held in Ecuador in January 2018. The meeting led to intense work of great quality in order to be accepted as speakers in a Congress of this importance. The coordinators of the mentioned Institutes present were Juanita Villa from Colombia, Chantal Fontaine from Ecuador, and Natasha Tristán from Argentina. Jesús García and Rita Ríos, consultants and members of the Institute in Argentina also participated. By participating in this Congress ISSE representatives learned much to prepare for future presentations in settings of this stature. Natasha Tristan explained, “We visualize the need to prepare written and visual material in order to be able to respond more completely to questions from professionals in the field of character education. The importance of being alert to professional education issues and to participate in the spreading of our program in different academic environments was clear.”