The Adoption of 95 Communities Project presented a unique opportunity to Zone 5 countries to serve in another Zone of the SSSIO.

It is fortunate that in each of the countries in Zone 5 there are numerous government programmes that provide education, medical, housing and social support to citizens and residents. The SSSIO in all the countries are actively engaged in numerous community projects - mainly in education and service, including regular food distributions to street sleepers and blood donations - that support those who require additional assistance.


Rather than adopt one of its own long-running projects, the leaders of Zone 5 decided its contribution for this 95 Communities Project could be best used to serve dire needs elsewhere, which the local SSSIO is challenged to meet. With the grace of Bhagawan, a proposal was offered by SSSIO Nepal for Zone 5 to sponsor the rebuilding of 12 new homes for victims of devastating floods in the southern part of the country in August 2017, a tragic disaster in which more than 300 people lost their lives and 1,000 homes collapsed. SSSIO Zone 5’s contribution for this seva was US$30,000.


The 12 homes were built in a small hamlet for destitute residents, namely, cobblers, social outcasts and the under-privileged, who had lost everything. The project was urgent due to the severe cold weather in the winter months.

The project started in 2018 soon after it was presented to Zone 5 and was completed in 2020.

We are grateful to Bhagawan for guiding us to use His resources wisely and serving a need that only Bhagawan could meet for these destitute people.