Past Sai Messages for the Day
Saturday, October 30, 2021
All Sathya Sai Organisations should be permeated with love. No room should be given to divisive forces. Differences of caste and creed should be totally eschewed. Character alone should be the hallmark of one's community. Love should become an article of faith. Morality determines the nature of a community.
Friday, October 29, 2021
Do not count the number of bags of rice and the number of clothes that you have given away in charity to the poor. You may submit such accounts to the Income Tax Department, not to God. God wants quality, not quantity. He sees the feeling behind your acts of charity.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
The Love Principle is the essence of Krishna Principle. It is associated with the Divine. Worldly love cannot be equated with Divine Love (Prema). The term Love is used in ordinary parlance to describe what is really worldly attachment. People are attached more to names and forms than to the inner spirit of things. To get over this false attachment to external forms and names, it is essential to cultivate love in its purest form. There is no greater path to the Divine than this love.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
The best flower of all is forbearance. The possession of this flower led Dharmaraja ultimately to liberation. In spite of the troubles and travails that he encountered, he was successful in the end. His wife was humiliated in public. Everyone looked down upon the Pandavas. But Dharmaraja was unaffected. Whatever is bound to happen will happen. One has to bear all that comes one’s way.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Offer to God the flowers of non-violence and sense-control, compassion on all creatures, forbearance and peace, penance, meditation, and truth above all. These are the flowers dear to the Lord.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Divinity can be attained only through pure and selfless love. You may chant hundred and eight names or thousand and eight names of God. But without selfless service, it is of no use. All these are sterile activities. Service alone is fruitful. Penance, pilgrimage, learning of the scriptures or endless chanting, none of these can help in crossing the ocean of worldly life without service to the pious. Service to your fellow-beings is equivalent to worship of God.
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Detachment is not abandonment of hearth and home and retiring to a forest. It means developing Godly thoughts and reducing worldly feelings. It is when this balanced development takes place that one acquires control over the power of Nature.
Saturday, October 23, 2021
The five basic elements are common to all. These elements are the stuff of Nature. But in the Supreme Principle, the Divine, these do not exist. The elements are mortal. The Divine is immortal. To proceed from the mortal to the immortal, the easiest means is the cultivation of Divine Love (Prema).
Friday, October 22, 2021
There are four different qualities in man, humanness, the animal nature, the demonic nature and the Divine nature. When man follows the dictates of the body, he is a prey to his animal nature. When he is subject to the vagaries of the mind, he becomes demonic. When he is following the Atma, he is manifesting his Divinity. When he is governed by all three, the body, the mind and the Atma, he is human.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
You have to finally make a firm resolve "I am I." You should not identify yourself with the body and say, "I am a child," "I am a young man," "I am an old man," etc. These differences relate to the age factor. What is the next stage after old age? Nobody knows. But, "I" principle exists in the child, youth and old age. This is the fundamental and changeless principle. Therefore, when somebody enquires who you are, you reply, "I am I."
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
On the 20th October 1940, I made a declaration for the first time revealing my true identity thus:
Know that I am Sai in reality,
Cast off your worldly relationships,
Give up your efforts to restrain Me,
The worldly attachments can no longer bind Me,
None, however great he may be, can hold Me.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Watch the mind, just as you watch the cable through which the current flows. Do not establish contact with the mind, it is as bad as contacting the cable. Watch it from a distance. Then only can you derive bliss. Search for the cause of ignorance just where it resides. Then you will find that the mind in association with sense objects is the cause. Cut it off from the vision of sense objects, and spiritual wisdom dawns.
Monday, October 18, 2021
Your thoughts and resolutions are the root cause for your ill health. For all the unrest and agitation you suffer, the gunas (qualities) are responsible. Hence, your thoughts must always be good. You may observe that a person taking good and satvic (pure) food, drinking pure water, and breathing unpolluted air, is always healthy. The root cause of your ill-health today is unsacred food and impure water. All that you consume must always be pure and sacred.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Purity of thought, word, and deed is true wisdom. You don't need to undertake any other spiritual practice. People undertake various spiritual practices. But they confer only temporary satisfaction. On the other hand, when you have purity of thought, word, and deed, you will experience eternal happiness.
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Once you seek refuge in the lotus feet of God, you should never give up. Wherever you go, the divine feet will protect you. If you install the divine name firmly in your heart, your life will become sanctified. That is devotion (Bhakti). That is your power (Shakti). That is liberation (Mukti).
Friday, October 15, 2021
Dasara is the festival that celebrates the victory of the forces of the good over the foes that resist the progress of man towards light. The sages who have decided on these festivals have a high purpose. They want us to imbibe the inner meaning and use each day as a step in Sadhana, as a reminder of the journey, which each person has to undertake alone to the Feet of the Lord. The forces of good are combating with the forces of evil in every living being and if they only rely on Mahashakti, the great Divine Force that fosters and fends the universe, they can easily win and reach goal.
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Once you say “I am yours,” live up to it with strong faith. Thereafter, God will take care of you at all places and under all circumstances. I expect and bless you so that you develop strong faith, give up vices, join good company, entertain sacred feelings, and attain Divinity.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
The power of divine name is unparalleled. People often take it lightly. That is a mistake. One should not mistake a shining glass piece to be a diamond. The real diamond is altogether different. What is that diamond? ‘Die mind’. God’s name is the real diamond. Keep it safe and secure.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Be assured that God is the embodiment of Love. He has no hatred toward anybody. It is to teach this principle of love that the Navaratri celebrations have been started. Different people worship God and sing His glory in different ways. I have no difference at all! I wish that all should live as embodiments of love and like brothers and sisters. Men are more valuable than all the wealth of the world. All are God’s children.
Monday, October 11, 2021
When some one gives you a glass of water, you say immediately, "Thank you". How much more gratitude should you evince to God who watches you and wards off all harm threatening to overwhelm you. Activity must be dedicated to God, the Highest Good. Then, it will provide health of body and mind. The body is a chariot, wherein God is installed, being taken along in procession.
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Regular prayers twice a day will give strength and courage, which can withstand illness. The Grace of God will confer mental peace and so, good sleep and rest for the mind. Feel that you are a hundred per cent dependent on God. He will look after you and save you from harm and injury. When you go to bed, offer thankful homage to Him for guiding and guarding you throughout the day.
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Engage in activity, devote yourself in worshipful acts, do everything for the glory of God, that is far more fruitful than the 'meditation' which you are relying on. Just as a thermometer indicates the heat of the body, your talk, conduct, and behaviour indicate your mental equipment and attitudes, and show how high is the fever of worldliness that afflicts you. These have to be Satvik (pure), untinged by passion of emotions like hate or pride. Talk in peace, promoting peace in others.
Friday, October 8, 2021
The Primal Energy, when it is manifested in its Satvik (quiet) aspect is delineated as the Great Teacher and Inspirer, Maha-Sarasvati. When it is Rajasik (active and potent), the great Provider and Sustainer, Mahalakshmi. When it is Tamasik (dull and inactive), latent and apparently quiet as the Great Dark Destroyer and Deluder, Maha-kali. Since the Primal Energy is all-pervasive, omnipotent, infinitesimal as well as all-comprehensive, it can be contacted everywhere, in outer nature or inner consciousness.
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Recognizing one's mother as the very embodiment of all divine forces, one must show reverence to her and treat her with love. This is the true message that this nine-night festival (the Navaratri) gives us.
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
What is it you should do during these ten days of the Navaratri festival? Convert your will power into a yearning for God. Convert purposeful action into a force for doing Divine actions. Convert your power of discernment into the Divine Itself.
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Before undertaking any task, enquire whether it is pleasing to God. You are bound to attain success if God is pleased with your actions. Do not go by your own likes and dislikes. Conduct yourself in accordance with God’s wish. Eschew selfishness and self-interest. Cultivate sacredness and steadfastness.
Monday, October 4, 2021
Even a small act of charity will assume immense significance in the eyes of God, if it is done with purity of heart. One teaspoon of cow’s milk is better than barrels of donkey’s milk. God is pleased even if you offer a teaspoon of milk with love. God always observes your feelings. God’s valuation is always perfect, none can match Him in this respect.
Sunday, October 3, 2021
Embodiments of Divine Love! Experience the Love Principle. Thereby you will rid the world of hatred. Once hatred goes the world will be free from violence and strife. For all the cruelty and violence that we find in the world today, the root cause is selfishness. This has to be eradicated. Cultivating the Love Principle and manifesting love in all your thoughts and actions, you will experience the bliss of Love.
Saturday, October 2, 2021
People should realize that God responds only to deep and genuine devotion. Verbal supplications will not suffice. The devotee must acquire the yearning that will melt the heart of God. Even butter which is so soft melts only when heat is applied. Likewise, the warmth of love of the Lord has to be applied to the butter of the human heart to make it melt.
Friday, October 1, 2021
Love is associated with immortality. It is nectar itself. There is nothing in the world comparable to it. It is to teach mankind the truth about this Divine Love that Love itself incarnates on earth in human form. The scriptures declare that the Divine descends on earth to teach mankind the ways of Dharma, Justice and Truth.