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Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s sole aim is to make us reach the supreme goal of life by realizing the innate divinity in us and all creation. Achieving such unity with divinity requires purity and thus, Swami says, “Purity is Enlightenment.” In fact, all spiritual exercises such as selfless service, devotional activities and education, are undertaken only to purify the mind.

Section I of this book is a compilation of quotes from Bhagawan Baba’s divine discourses, distilled into a purifying stream of divine wisdom on purity to help devotees understand this simple but very profound aphorism from Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings.

The following topics are presented:

  1. Why is Purity Important?
  2. Two Kinds of Purity–External and Internal
  3. How to Develop Purity?
  4. External Factors Affecting Purity
  5. How to Practice Purity? – Purity as a Sadhana and how to overcome obstacles.
  6. How to Know if We have Developed Purity?
  7. Purity in Worldly Relations
  8. Purity in Nature
  9. Purity in the Sathya Sai Organization
  10. Exemplars of Purity

In the first chapter, Baba says that purity is essential for experiencing everlasting bliss and that everlasting bliss is divinity — enlightenment itself. Then He goes on to explain both external and internal purity and how external purity influences internal purity.

Having established the importance of purity, Swami provides His invaluable guidance on how to practice purity in day-to-day life. Baba also gives various directives on sadhanas, such as namasmarana (repetition of the name of God), seva (selfless service), meditation, etc., and how they must be performed. Then, Swami educates us on the pitfalls that we encounter on this journey to purity, and how to overcome them.

Love is the basis for purity. The more we develop love in every aspect of our lives, the purer we become. Baba explains how purity can be developed by practicing selfless love — love for all beings equally, love that sees divinity in all, and love that expects nothing in return. Manifesting such love will bring us success in all endeavors, including our worldly endeavors. Love for all beings also means love for Nature, the manifestation of God. Bhagawan tells us how we can help to purify Nature, which has been polluted through humanity’s overuse of Nature’s resources.

Focusing on the members of His Organization, Swami explains the importance of purity in the Sathya Sai Organization with regard to service, devotional activities, and the use of His name. He finally recounts stories of those who have practiced purity in their own lives, as well as provides instances from His own life. These examples are invaluable and inspiring as we walk the path of purity, which leads back to Him.

Section II of this book contains divine discourses on purity.

Let us study His nectarine words, understand them through discussions, study circles, and workshops, and practice them sincerely. Let us resolve to move forward by intensifying our spiritual practice to achieve purity and experience divinity in this very life.

We pray to Swami that this study guide be of assistance to all spiritual aspirants in their journey to Him.


Jai Sai Ram.
In the Loving Service of Sai,

Narendranath Reddy, M.D.
Sri Sathya Sai International Organization