Sanathana Sarathi
On February 16, 1958, Bhagawan Baba had declared that after His thirty second birthday, His focus will be on spiritual instruction and leading humanity on the path of Truth, Righteousness, Love and Peace. So on February 16th, the inaugural issue of a monthly magazine was published to disseminate spiritual knowledge for the moral, physical and mental uplift of humanity without any discrimination as the subject matter discussed therein is always of common interest and of universal appeal. Baba chose the name “Sanathana Sarathi” as its title. Sanathana’ means ‘Eternal, the timeless one’; and ‘Sarathi’ implies ‘Charioteer’. “Recognise God as the Sarathi (the charioteer of our life), yield wholeheartedly to His direction, reach your Destination in good shape”, is the message that Bhagawan is conveying through the name. Bhagawan Baba was a regular contributor.