Sai Ram - Image layout

A letter to His brother (1947)

I have a ‘task’: to foster all mankind and ensure for all of them lives full of bliss (ananda).

Swami's Letters to Hislop

Topics: All are in the same stream, The Secret of Perfect Health, Man is God, Keep Trying, Oh! Lord Prayer, Let God Work Through You etc.,

A letter to His brother (1947)

I have a ‘task’: to foster all mankind and ensure for all of them lives full of bliss (ananda).


Swami's letter on Sathyam.

Right Conduct

Swami's letter on Dharmam.

Right Conduct

Swami's letter on Dharmam.

Who better than our Bhagawan Himself to summarize the essence of the five human values? Swami granted this gift to mankind when He inaugurated the first museum in Puttaparthi, the Sanathana Samskruti Museum, on November 19, 1990. Commonly known as the ‘Eternal Heritage Museum’, this museum is located on top of the hillock on the southern side of the ashram.

Swami had blessed the auspicious occasion by writing the essence of the five human values in His own hand for placement in the museum. A copy of the precious document was shared among a few of the senior devotees at that time. We are fortunate to have obtained a copy of Swami’s gift to mankind and intend to share it, one value at a time, with devotees around the world.