30th Anniversary Celebrations of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust
12 September 2002

In the afternoon, there was an exhilarating presentation entitled "Journey of Love" commemorating 3 decades of relentless service of "SRI SATHYA SAI CENTRAL TRUST" (see photos below). Divinely inspired and directed by Swami, the program was very well presented by the alumni of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, who have been blessed with the opportunity to serve at various wings of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust.

After Sri K Ramakrishna, who works with the Department of Finance & Accounts of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, welcomed the gathering, the program began with three elderly members of the Sai family sharing experiences of their long association with the Ashram. Eighty three year old Sri Ramamohan Rao, currently looking after Trust Accounts spoke about his good fortune of being associated with Swami during the past 40 years and the various ways in which Swami helped and saved him and his family. He highlighted the lessons he learnt at the lotus feet of Swami, i e To Always See Good and Always Do Good, Forget the good done to others by you and the harm done to you by others.

Sri K Chakravarthi, Secretary, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, spoke about his experiences and the lessons he learnt at the Divine Lotus Feet since he first came in contact with Swami in 1975. He dwelt at length about how Bhagawan constantly guided him on even the minutest administrative details of the Institute from Swami during his tenure as the first Registrar. He went on to describe the planning and execution of the massive drinking water supply projects undertaken by Swami for the districts of Anantapur, Medak and Mahboobnagar, in which he was a fortunate participant. He referred to the enormity of the task of procuring water pipes from various parts of the country, laying pipelines up the hills and under water and the record time of 9 months within which the first phase of the project was completed bringing drinking water to the most drought affected region of the country. His personal touch moved everyone.

Sri N Chiranjeeva Rao, a very well known member of the Sai family spoke next. He narrated about his active participation in service activities undertaken by Swami ever since he had his first darshan as early as 1958. The involvement and the keen attention he evinces in the Ashram matters even at this ripe age of 82, is worth emulating.

Sri R Srinivasan, who is part of the software development team of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust introduced the participants of the presentation entitled "The Journey of Love". The presentation began with a reference to Bhagawan's assurance given to humanity in a letter to His brother in the year 1947 describing His Mission and task to uplift the humanity. Mr K Arun and Mr C G Satish who anchored the program took the audience through a journey along the path of change seen in Puttaparthi, narrating how a tiny obscure village has now become an International centre of peace and spirituality.

Dr M Sainath, lecturer at the Department of Physics, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, spoke about the establishment and the uniqueness of the Deemed University. He narrated the experiences of students who had excelled in their field of work because of the values they had imbibed at the Lotus Feet of their chancellor Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Sri Ravi Mariwalla, a senior technical officer at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, spoke about the yeomen service that is being rendered at Swami's hospitals during these times where in medical facilities are highly commercialized. He shared with the audience the grateful feelings expressed by many of the beneficiaries of these temples of healing, who but for Swami's hospitals would have had no other hope.

Following Sri Ravi, Sri Neeraj Acharya, who works with the internal audit team of Central Trust, shared some of the touching experiences of the beneficiaries of the drinking water projects. Speaking about Bhagawan's yet another gift to the suffering and helpless 'The Deena Janoddharana Pathakamu', Sri Srinivasulu who is involved in bringing out the Sanathana Sarathi in Telugu, narrated in chaste Telugu about how Swami silently serves the poor and needy incessantly. Srinivasulu's melodious rendering of songs describing Swami's love touched one and all. The gathering was treated with another melodious song by Sri S Prasanth of Sri Sathya Sai Bhaktha Sahayak Sangh, who during his presentation narrated a personal experience where in Swami took care of his examinations when he had a fractured arm.

Mr Nitin Acharya, who oversees the functioning of the Audio Visuals Department, presented the vote of thanks. Profusely thanking the elders, he mentioned that whereas one could express ones gratitude to others, words are insufficient for thanking Bhagawan. The alumni then gave expression to their gratitude in the form of a soulful rendering of a group song.

The memorable evening came to an end with Swami distributing mementos to all the alumnus who are currently serving at various Sri Sathya Sai Institutions.

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