Zone 1
Zone Activities

Envirocare was a staple service activity for SSSIO members across the USA. As part of the SAI-100 initiative, trees were planted at every regional annual retreat in 2023. SSSIO members in Louisville, Kentucky, and Detroit, Michigan, and other cities planted trees in urban areas. SSSIO members in Nashville, Tennessee, spent a day planting 400 saplings in a forest park, learning the value of restoring the natural ecosystem and encouraging biodiversity. Similarly, SSSIO members in Lake Washington, Washington, joined a monthly forest restoration project at a beach park, removing weeds and invasive plants to allow the regrowth of native vegetation.

Caribbean Trees for SAI-100 was launched at the RISE (Renew, Inspire, Service, and Enlightenment) Conference in January 2023, planting 15 Tecoma (dwarf Poui) trees on the grounds of the conference venue in Penal, Trinidad. This is part of a three-year initiative by SSSIO Zone 1 to plant one million trees across the Zone by Sri Sathya Sai Baba's 100th Birthday in 2025. Inspired by the initiative, SSSIO volunteers in the countries of the West Indies enthusiastically planted 3,554 trees in Suriname by May 2023. In Barbados, volunteers gathered at the PEG (People, Environment, and Growth) Nature Reserve, where they planted six trees while singing Sai bhajans and chanting the Gayatri mantra. SSSIO members in Guyana contributed to the project by planting 36 trees.


Over 200 members of the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Edmonton attended the Western Canada Retreat in Alberta, Canada, from August 25-28, 2023. Under bright skies, beautiful fall weather, and amidst the fragrant conifers at Pigeon Lake, the retreat included Nagar-Sankirtan, musical performances, inspirational talks, workshops, sports Olympics, and a display of artwork by SSE students. The musical presentation by the enthusiastic Young Adults was delightful and well-received by the audience.

Participants were thrilled to find sacred Vibhuti manifesting in one of the sealed boxes of chocolates set aside for prasadam (sacred offering), taken as a sign of Swami's eternal presence and grace.

The Canadian Office-bearers Leadership Conference, held on September 23, 2023, aimed to underscore Sai principles and encourage networking among SSSIO officers. Keynote Speaker Mr. Aravind Balasubramanya emphasized the importance of selfless service and surrendering to Swami's will. The Messenger of Sai program, held on December 9, 2023, explored Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings and SSE classes. The event highlighted the five human values emphasized by Bhagawan Baba as transformative pillars. SSE classes, which provide a structured environment for children and young adults, were discussed. Attendees appreciated the spiritual insights and inspiring discussions.


On May 7, 2023, seven SSE children and eight adults from the Sri Sathya Sai Center in Kingston, Jamaica, celebrated Mother's Day with 19 teenage mothers at Mary's Child, a home that serves young destitute women. The residents were treated to a variety of snacks and gifts. Sai volunteers organized fun games and activities and felt gratified to bring cheer to the young mothers.


Eight SSSIO volunteers participated in a public outreach event on March 5, 2023, sharing Baba's message of Love All Serve All with over 600 people. They provided food to elderly residents and raised awareness about the benefits of vegetarian food and tree planting. The SSSIO set up a booth with pictures, pendants, rings, books, and banners about Sri Sathya Sai Baba and His teachings.

Trinidad and Tobago

The Longdenville Sathya Sai Primary School held a Book Fair from February 9-10, 2023, to promote literacy and encourage reading, involving teachers, students, and parents. The fair offered age-appropriate materials for libraries and home learning. Nearly 150 delegates from Trinidad and Tobago, St. Lucia, Guyana, Barbados, Curacao, Jamaica, and Suriname ushered in the New Year 2023 with a three-day Retreat from January 13 to 15, 2023. The event was themed RISE: R-Reunite, I-Inspire, S-Service, E-Enlighten. Children of the Longdenville Sathya Sai Primary School delivered beautiful presentations, and well-known musicians gave exuberant performances. Trees were also planted at the venue to inaugurate the SAI 100 tree planting initiative.

On March 19, 2023, the Ladies Wing and Women's Support Group of SSSIO in Trinidad and Tobago conducted their first clothing drive at Sai Nilayam. The drive benefitted nearly 120 community members, including families associated with the Longdenville Sathya Sai School.
On April 16, 2023, the Ladies' Wing of SSSIO in Trinidad and Tobago, along with the Longdenville Sathya Sai Primary School and the Sathya Sai Garden of Blooms Early Childhood Care and Education, distributed food hampers to 66 needy families with the assistance of local supermarkets. As part of the National Beach Cleanup Day, 85 SSSIO volunteers collected over two and a half tons of garbage and debris to restore a clean environment for leatherback turtles at Matura Beach, an important sanctuary and nesting site.
On May 6, 2023, five Sathya Sai Schools in Trinidad and Tobago commemorated Easwaramma Day 2023 by organizing their first Walk for Values and Environmental Fair to raise awareness about the importance of human values in an at-risk community. Over 350 individuals who participated in the Fair pledged to uphold human values, leading to personal transformation. The event concluded at the national headquarters of the SSSIO, Trinidad and Tobago, with a fun family day focused on human values games, environmental activities, and a healthy meal featuring traditional local cuisine.

On May 18, 2023, Dr. Gautam Tewari, Chairman of the Sai Institute of West Indies, spoke at the International Peace Research Association's Conference on Visions of Peace and Justice, discussing the integration of human values in education and training. The audience, hailing from the West Indies, the USA, India, and Africa, was keen to learn more about the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSSEHV) program. On May 21, 2023, the Ladies Wing of the SSSIO of Trinidad and Tobago, in collaboration with the Longdenville Sathya Sai Primary School, the Sathya Sai Garden of Blooms Early Childhood Care, and the Longdenville and Tacarigua Sai Centers, distributed food hampers to 35 families in need.

The Phoenix Paws and Claws Rescue Sanctuary, Trinidad & Tobago, an animal shelter located in Santa Rosa Heights, Arima, is home to more than 100 dogs, cats, and wild animals, many of whom were abandoned or found injured on the streets. On July 22, 2023, Young Adults delivered cleaning supplies, food for the kitten, puppies, and adult dogs, and fruits and vegetables for the other animals. A newly hatched turtle was named Sai in gratitude for the SSSIO contributions. The young adults spent a wonderful evening lovingly caring and interacting with the animals at the shelter.


SSSIO members built and helped to maintain community gardens to provide fresh produce to communities in need. Young adults and SSE children spearheaded the effort in the South-Central USA to serve Afghan refugees and impoverished families in urban areas. SSSIO volunteers in the Northeast Region grew vegetables at their newly acquired Sai Unity premises to prepare food weekly for the local shelters. Sai volunteers in the Southwest region built a community garden in April 2023 at a local family shelter in Denver, Colorado, so that residents may enjoy fresh produce.

SSE children showed care and love toward animals by doing farm chores every month at an animal sanctuary in Atlanta. In Louisville, Kentucky, SSE children visited an animal shelter where they cared for abused animals and enjoyed playing with them.

Members of the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Lake Washington, Washington, led by the Young Adults, continue to volunteer twice a month to build 8' x 12' tiny homes for the homeless. Guided by experienced supervisors, volunteers cut and prepare wood using power saws, assemble the pieces using power drills and nail guns, build the roof and inner walls, and finally apply caulk for sealing joints and paint the house.

Young adults from the Sri Sathya Sai Centers of Chicagoland, in association with Port Ministries, organized a one-month summer enrichment program for more than 20 children from impoverished areas to enhance their learning and creativity through fun math activities, robotics, a music and dance program, nutrition as well as a career day. SSSIO members across several Regions also carried out annual backpack projects where they distributed backpacks filled with school supplies to needy families, including refugees.

Members of the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, worked together every week to knit 120 beanies (winter caps) for Sri Sathya Sai Baba's 98th Birthday and distributed them to the homeless in shelters. SSE children from the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Seattle Eastside visited the residents of Aegis Living Center of Redmond. They made beautiful cards for the seniors, sang to them, played card games, and did coloring activities. The children took away many valuable lessons from their time with the elderly.
A few Sai Centers began a new tradition of showing filial piety during the Chinese Lunar New Year by honoring elders in their Centers. The Sri Sathya Sai Center of Northeast Atlanta held a devotional session during which elders led the singing; members highlighted each senior's contributions and presented them with blankets. Seniors were moved to tears and greatly treasured the loving attention showered on them. The Sri Sathya Sai Center of Dallas treated its senior members to a memorable afternoon tea in Plano, Texas, where senior members were lovingly acknowledged for their contributions, and they shared stories from their youth.

Feeding the homeless continues to be a high-priority service activity. SSSIO members prepared hot meals and distributed them at soup kitchens, delivered food on the streets and through sandwich service, and organized food in warehouses. Every Saturday, about 10-15 Sai volunteers from Sai Prema Nilayam, Riverside, California, prepare and pack food items and then seek out and personally deliver the food packs to homeless people living on the streets. For more than three decades, Sai volunteers from the Greater St. Louis area in Missouri have been serving dinner to a night shelter every month. SSE students at the Tri-valley Sai Center in Northern California participate in a monthly sandwich service.

The Sri Sathya Sai Center of St. Louis celebrated its Golden Jubilee with a day-long program filled with uplifting devotional singing, stories of devotees' personal experiences, and a review of the Center's history over five decades. Also featured were SSSEHV in the community, free medical camps, and service projects spanning over thirty years. More importantly, Sai devotees reflected on the transformational role of the Center in their spiritual journey.