

Sathya Sai Education is based on Sri Sathya Sai Baba's philosophy and teachings, giving equal importance to spirituality, human values, character, and academic achievements. He guided and blessed the establishment of the Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) program, the Sathya Sai Schools (Schools), and the Institutes of Sathya Sai Education (ISSE) conducting Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) programs around the world. Currently, 28 ISSEs and 40 Sathya Sai Schools support educational activities worldwide.

In 2017, the Education Committee initiated an ongoing process for accreditation of all Sathya Sai Schools worldwide, which involved a self-review followed by scheduled visits to the schools. Accreditation is a collaborative and iterative process to support each Sathya Sai School by acknowledging their excellent work and working jointly on areas needing attention. This report briefly summarizes the educational activities in the SSSIO, ISSEs, and Sathya Sai Schools worldwide for the year 2023.

Zone 1


The Sathya Sai School in Toronto celebrated its 24th anniversary with a renewed focus on in-person learning for the 2023-2024 school year. For its environmental initiatives, the school received an 'Eco School Gold Certificate' Year-end concerts were streamed live, showcasing presentations from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8.

A national virtual training workshop for 32 new teachers, virtual sessions on SSEHV for school staff, and a Dynamic Parenting workshop for 38 parents further enriched the educational program.

The National Education Committee (NEC) launched a dedicated Study Circle on "Guidance for Gurus" to address teacher participation challenges. The Messenger of Sai series started in February 2023, emphasizing the empowerment of children completing 12 years of the SSE program.


In January and February 2023, the ISSE-USA conducted an SSEHV C1 Training for its sister Sathya Institute of Education-West Indies. The inspiring training involved educators, administrators, SSSIO officers, and others. In April 2023, the ISSE-USA, along with the ISSE-South Europe, conducted a workshop, "The Global Impact of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values – Loving Service in Action," at the International SSSIO Conference in Riverside, California. The ISSE-USA Medical Wing also presented a workshop on "Holistic Human Values-based Medical Practice." In September 2023, the ISSE-USA conducted an SSEHV Workshop, "Who Am I?" and continued participation in a series of virtual workshops for Tahini House (an initiative for prison re-entry persons).

ISSE-USA has been collaborating with several local institutions. In collaboration with the Muskateer Association, SSEHV certificates of Courage were presented to several high school students. ISSE-USA Medical Wing and SSSIO SAI 100 Mental Wellbeing Community Outreach Project are implementing the Happiness Within Reach (EASE Program) for healthcare professionals across various zones. The program is now implemented in SSSIO International medical camps and is being presented at schools, community organizations, colleges, and healthcare centers. In 2023, approximately 2,000 people were reached through the program. ISSE-USA is collaborating with Infinite Potential Institute to conduct SSEHV Course trainings and workshops and serve as an advisory body for SSEHV in workplaces and corporations through a Memorandum of Agreement.

West Indies

The Sai Institute of Education West Indies (SIEWI) organized an International Conference on Strengthening Values Education in Barbados during October 12-14, 2023, involving stakeholders from 17 Caribbean countries. Collaborating with ISSE-USA and Canadian ISSE, SIEWI held joint meetings with key officials and engaged in discussions with educational unions to implement SSEHV. A local television station expressed interest in broadcasting SSEHV classes.

At the Longdenville Sathya Sai Primary School, collaborative efforts among teachers, students, and parents focused on literacy progress and fostering a love of reading, marked by a two-day Book Fair facilitated by the Logos Experience on February 9th and 10th, 2023.

Around 350 participants joined a Walk for Values in May 2023, highlighting the community's commitment to promoting core human values.

Zone 2A

Dominican Republic

In 2023, eleven children aged 6-13 from the Sathya Sai School of the Dominican Republic participated in SSE, with 190 students, 81 girls and 79 boys. The major event was a celebration featuring drama, food, clothes, gifts, and general medical consultation.

El Salvador

A workshop on meditation and discipline in proper cellphone use was held for parents on June 13, 2023. In May, teachers and the coordinating committee received training on silence as a spiritual practice. Teachers, parents, and children participated in an integration activity in September. In December, SSE children and families delivered toys to a San Jose Villanueva community.


The Sathya Sai School of Guatemala, with 219 students, held monthly civic events in 2023, highlighting human values. From February to October, the students enthusiastically participated in sports, including volleyball, gymnastics, karate, rugby, and ping pong. In June, they visited the Ecological Park. In September, a student received the Academic Excellence Award for outstanding results throughout preschool, elementary, and high school.


Despite insecurity and hardships, schools remained open with 30 teachers and 580 students engaged in a two-month summer course with academic and human values activities. Children received daily meals, often their only food. One school gave tree saplings to plant, enhancing neighborhoods. A dedicated human values teacher visits all schools, and a Haitian team provides SSEHV training.


In March 2023, 12 SSE teachers participated in a Teacher Training workshop. Thirty children and teenagers participated in Human Values in Cuauhtémoc city. A spiritual retreat for 32 children was held during the 50th anniversary of the SSSIO in Mexico. A children's retreat was held during the Latin American Leaders Sai Retreat in San Luis Potosi, with 19 children attending. On March 27, 2023, the Sathya Sai School in Cuernavaca hosted the Olympic Games at the "El Centenario" sports campus, with students and teachers participating in various events. SAIMED Mexico provided medical support for students. Students participated in a science exhibit linked to the PAUTA Project, empowering them to make positive contributions to society. On October 26, elementary school students participated in an exhibition of countries, promoting intercultural admiration and respect.

SSE classes were conducted at various Sai Centers to increase awareness that God is in everyone. First-year high school students have taken care of an orchard, using its harvest for healthy recipes. They learned composting, planting, harvesting, and greenhouse management, fostering environmental care. Service projects included food and toy delivery to the low-income Raramuri community, dog food delivery to the "Huellitas" association, donation of cleaning supplies to the "Pancitas Felices" community kitchen, and distribution of 108 trees to families to promote reforestation and nature respect.

Zone 2B


A series of meetings was held to discuss applying Sai Baba's teachings to daily life. In-person regional and national meetings were held, with a virtual workshop, "Realizing our Innate Divinity, we Build Peace," commemorating the 98th Year of Advent of the Sai Avatar.


The Institute has implemented educational strategies to enhance mental health, emotional balance, and self-awareness among teachers and students, promoting positive behavior and fostering a deeper understanding of human values, focusing on the development of values in each subject.


ISSE, headquartered in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, has 16 branches across various regions. In 2023, the Institute held five in-person courses and offered three SSEVH workshops to participants of the XII National Congress of SSSIO of Brazil. The Pelotas Branch held the 5th SSEHV Regional Seminar on "Living Values in Human Relations" for 50 participants. The São Paulo Branch conducted a national online course on "Internal Ecology" for 150 participants and 36 graduates. In response to the request of Ceará's renowned health institution, IPREDE, two seminars were held on "Human Values as a Source of Wellbeing." The Coordinator of the Porto Velho Branch gave lectures on topics related to the Amazon region, such as "Human Values and Living in the Amazon: An Intercultural Process with People and Nature."

Sathya Sai School of Goiás

The school has been operating for 23 years and has expanded its activities to 82 children. In April, Human Values Day was conducted. The school launched several valuable initiatives to enrich the program. The "Tea and Talk" initiative aims to support parents in their financial and emotional well-being. The "GRANDPA (OR GRANDMA) COMES TO SCHOOL" initiative promotes interaction between families and the school, passing on life experiences and ancestral knowledge. The "MY SCHOOL, OUR SCHOOL" initiative encourages parents to help maintain a clean, welcoming space. A vegetable garden was raised, providing endless hands-on experiences for children.

Sathya Sai School of Vila Isabel – Rio de Janeiro

On April 24, children celebrated World Human Values Day by distributing value messages in paper designs with folded flowers, hearts, and suns. On June 5, students visited an organic garden, planted seeds, and received seedlings to plant at school and home. They also visited the Grajaú Forest Reserve with the Security Project's support, learning about apiary and composting. During Thanksgiving week, activities were conducted to offer gratitude, including making a tree, creating a book, and visiting the elderly.

Sathya Sai School of Ribeirão Preto

The school celebrated various events to promote oral health, including a Family Party, Harvest Festival, Pet Adoption event, Sticker Album, Letter Exchange, and the honor of receiving Brazilian Astronomy Olympiad medals. Students planted birdseed in a reused pot, decorated it, and took it home to observe the growth of "little hairs" as the seed germinated. A family party was held to interact with the school team. A Pet Adoption event focused on animal care and responsibility. A Sticker Album was created, and letters were exchanged between family members and students. The City Council of Ribeirão Preto honored children with Brazilian Astronomy Olympic medals. The Little Book and Autograph Afternoon was launched in the school's Shimeji greenhouse.


An online storytelling workshop was held with Clarissa Nicolaiewsky in October. In April, activities were developed for the XII SSSIO Congress in Rio de Janeiro, including messages from SSE families, theater performances, songs on human values, and an SSE playlist. A project called Oka Chinna Katha - a short story presented short stories with puppet theater. A Study Guide was developed for the event to conduct study circles and activities with children and adolescents. Workshops and courses were held with Regional Coordinators and SSE officials in September and October 2023.


On April 24, devotees received prepared quotes on environmental issues, attended four online sessions on strategic educational models for human progress, participated in a puppet-making workshop, and completed an SSEHV survey.


In 2023, a Diploma Course was conducted, engaging 115 participants virtually. It was a two-day retreat. Nine virtual conferences on "Life and Human Values" were held, with collaboration from Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico. Two international education conferences focused on integrating human values in education programs. A joint workshop on "Integrating Human Values into Community Programs" was facilitated at the Barbados SSEHV international conference. In-person workshops on Human Values in the Direct Method were held at La Soledad Center and María Montessori District Normal School.

Prema Sai School - Barroblanco

Human Values Week saw 120 people participate in various activities, including tree planting, Colombian dance performances, workshops on ethical and moral values, online psychology talks on childcare, and the construction of classrooms. Parents were educated on tree-planting techniques and locations. Family Day showcased Colombian dances, and a conference highlighted the importance of teachers in understanding students' learning and emotional needs.

Sathya Sai College Of Human Values - Funza

The school celebrated Language Day with a poetry meeting and planted 120 trees in a municipal wetland. PRAE was recognized for community impact. At the Zaquesazipa festival, the school presented a play and dance troupe. Fundapresai, representing the school, received the Galardón Docente Award for "Leading Educational Organization." The school also organized its first Minga for communal welfare.


The Ecuadorian Pedagogy Network and the Ministry of Education organized the "VI and VII International Meeting on Human Values Education" virtual conference, which attracted 35,000 viewers and involved Ecuadorian teachers and representatives from Colombia and Mexico Ministries of Education. Inspired by the Sathya Sai School of Bahía de Caráquez, the project included a virtual conference and an SSEVH Diploma Course with international participation. Special lecturers from Colombia and Mexico contributed to the initiative, and reinforcement workshops were provided for teachers and parents.

Sathya Sai School of Guayaquil - “SERVISAI” Project - 2023

The school children eagerly look forward to December as a time to practice human values in their SSEHV classes. Starting in October, they prepare materials for auction in November in order to provide food and necessities to needy families. This act of solidarity, brotherhood, generosity, joy, and love is known as SERVISAI.

Sathya Sai BAHÍA DE CARÁQUEZ Fiscomisional Educational Unit

The Sathya Sai Educational Unit won the distinction of being ranked first place in the Institutional Educational Project, demonstrating a commitment to excellence in the Human Values Program and conducting workshops and teacher training.


The ISSE Paraguay collaborated with the Ministry of Education to prepare for the opening of Sathya Sai School in February 2024. From July to December, they conducted SSEHV training for teachers and staff and held a Christmas workshop for children ages 4 and 5 and an SSEHV workshop with parents.


The SSSIO of Peru has held 18 Human Values Education workshops in two adopted communities, San Antonio de Huarochirí, and Cerro San Francisco, for 50 children aged 6 to 12. The workshops also provided school supplies and toys for Christmas. The SSSIO collaborated with the Coordination of Youth Organizations of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima to develop seven workshops in the cycle "Young People with Values." The Institute of Sathya Sai Education (ISSE) of Peru offered an online pedagogical training course in SSEHV to 57 teachers.

In August, the ISSE members traveled to Arequipa to develop intensive training in SSEHV for 16 teachers from two schools. The "XIV Festival for Peace" began with "Light Meditation" in the auditorium of the Lima Bar Association, bringing together over 300 people from Peru and other countries in person and virtually.


The Education Wing in Uruguay conducted a six-month SSEHV Course in Montevideo and a monthly program for Adults from May to October, marking the culmination of the 2023 Generation Training Course.


SSSIO volunteers participated in a YouTube Talk on World Day of Human Values with ISSEs in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. They developed a website to publish their mission, vision, and human values activities and learn about other Latin American institutes. They also provided virtual classrooms for distance learning and created tutorial videos for classes and workshops.

Zone 3


The year ended with 148 students at the primary school and 117 at the secondary campus of the Sathya Sai College. Highlights of the year included a regional award won by the primary school music ensemble, the selection of students in regional and national table tennis teams, and the establishment of a running club.

In 2023, the ISSEA celebrated the first SSEHV course in the newly developed online Moodle platform for the Introductory Certificate of SSEHV. The course involved 48 hours of study, including video-recorded lectures, readings, and reflective practice to support SSEHV.  


An article titled "A glimpse at harmony" about Drasa Sathya Sai school in Fiji, was featured in Fiji Times. The morning meditations are only one part of the school’s unique and holistic education program focused on human values. Their education program also includes respecting nature through gardening.

"Values in Healthcare" is a series of interactive workshops for Health Professionals initiated in May 2023. This was a joint venture between the Institute of Sathya Sai Education Australia (ISSEA), the Medical Unit in Fiji, and the Community Engagement team. Titled Reflective Practice, the initial workshop was online, featuring the work of two medical practitioners from Fiji with 40 participants. It focused on values in healthcare and self-care.

New Zealand

The Rongamai Sathya Sai Preschool in Auckland offered a Family Fun Day with people of all ages from the local area and primary school. The participants enjoyed performances, games, face painting, and eating together. SSE classes were held at the Balmoral Centre in Sai House, involving seven teachers, three assisting teachers, and twenty-seven children. The children participated in SSSIO celebrations during Christmas, Sai Baba's Birthday, and Guru Poornima. They also offered plays on human values. All these activities enhanced their confidence. The children were also involved in an annual interfaith service event, Special Kids Fun Day Out, for children with disabilities. One of the class highlights for the year was the creation of the Gratitude Tree by the children, which reinforced their appreciation of all that life offers.

Zone 4


The Sri Sathya Sai Educare Vidya Prathisthan in Himachal Pradesh, India, offers free education to 191 students, including 131 hostel students and over 60 college-level students. The school also conducts nursery teacher training and has won first place in sports, art, and cultural programs for six years.


Sai Prema Kumara Kindergarten won the Best Learning Implementation Predicate award from Bali, serving as a model for Indonesian kindergartens. Sathya Sai Primary School won gold medals at the 2023 Youth National Science Fair. Five partnership schools offer SSEHV classes, tuition for 415 students after school hours and seminars for devotees at churches and local communities.


On September 23, 2023, 79 Malaysian SSE/SSEHV graduates, including 20 teachers and 26 youth from the Malaysia Sai Young Adult Leadership program, were celebrated at the SSE/SSEHV Convocation in Kuala Lumpur. In July and August, 509 students participated in Educare Carnivals across five provinces, engaging in various activities infused with human values, such as storytelling, bhajan singing, puzzles, scavenger hunts, and art/drawing.


The Sathya Sai School of Pililla, with 130 students and eight teachers, was ranked First in literary competitions at municipal and provincial levels. Additionally, one student was selected as Children's Representative for the Female Sector on the Local Council for the Protection of Children.


SSE teachers and senior students organized a sports day and took the opportunity to instill values-based lessons such as ethical playing and consideration for others. It ended with the students holding cards and reading Swami's message: Life is a Game, Play It.

Sri Lanka

The Trincomalee Sai Center conducted an anti-drug awareness walk at Zahira College on October 25, 2023, with 94 students participating. The walk featured powerful anti-drug messages, demonstrating the commitment of the students to a drug-free lifestyle.


Nine teachers from different nationalities received two days of SSEHV training in June 2023 to teach English based on human values in a slum school. The SSE wing of SSSIO Thailand celebrated Parents Appreciation Day on October 7, 2023, with five teachers, two officers, 13 students, and 16 parents participating in the event. Parents were moved to see the children speaking reverentially about their parents.

Zone 5


Sixty postgraduate Education Faculty students from three Chinese provinces are participating in an online monthly SSEHV training program initiated in 2020 during COVID-19 restrictions. The students share their experiences in a chat group with teachers who have participated in in-person SSEHV projects for 20 years.

Hong Kong

Five SSE students and three teachers conducted training at a local school to improve their English skills and time management. On Easwaramma Day, most classes invited mothers so that the students could express gratitude and show respect to Mother Nature by cleaning up the surroundings. Hong Kong SSE's Our World: Connect, Aware, Protect project encourages children to undertake environmental projects, such as reducing resource use and promoting recycling. The initiative culminated in a presentation by senior SSE students attended by 69 children and 19 teachers, who received caps with the message Our World: Connect, Aware, Protect as souvenirs.

Zone 6

SSEHV Online Course 1

The ISSE of South Europe (ISSE SE) organized Course 1 in SSEHV online. Module 3, conducted from October 1, 2022, to June 10, 2023, explored topics such as Unity of Faiths, application of Human Values in local Culture, and Core Tenets of SSEHV. Approximately 30 participants were engaged in this training course; the recordings are accessible on

Bosnia & Herzegovina

From June 29 to July 2, an SSEHV Summer Camp for parents and children was held in Umoljani, a small mountain village. Three families from Bosnia, Herzegovina, Germany, and Slovakia participated, with children aged 2 to 9 and their parents and one grandparent. The four-day camp featured various indoor and outdoor activities, including hiking, values games, inspiring stories and songs, creative art, and joyful moments in nature.


In 2023, an SSSIO member published a book of puppet shows for children, which was presented in several Croatian cities and at the Theatre of Bjelovar. SSEHV workshops occurred in public primary schools in Bjelovar and Pula. Nationally and regionally, eight online workshops on Meeting the Change were jointly conducted by SSEHV teachers from Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia from January to May.


SSEHV classes for students aged 9 to 15 were held every alternate Saturday in a small house in Athens from September 2022 to July 2023. The students participated in regular lessons and a two-day excursion to Sai Prema during the celebration of the Baptism of Jesus Christ on January 6, 2023. Additionally, the annual SSEHV summer camp at Sai Prema from July 1 to 9 centered around the theme Be the change you want to see in the world, inspired by Mahatma Gandhi.


From February 13 to 15, 2023, Ms. Brigitte Kashtan, Central Coordinator of Zone 6 and member of ISSE SE, participated in a three-day Peace Conference at a spiritual center in Israel. She delivered an uplifting talk and led a study circle. Over 200 participants, including Israelis, Palestinians, Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs, and Druzes, attended the event.


The Italian branch of ISSE SE conducted Unit 3 of its certified training program, Education in Human Values - A Path for Life, for Italian educators. Under the Italian Ministry of Education's auspices, Unit 3 focused on human values and nature. In 10 hours of online sessions and 10 hours of classroom application, 19 teachers were equipped with tools and practices to enhance awareness and responsibility toward nature and all living beings.


The Sunshine School in Belgrade organized two workshops in December. The first, for 30 children aged 7 to 9, focused on the story of Jesus Christ's birth and his positive impact on the world, featuring group singing and dances. The second workshop, for 15 students aged 12 to 14, aimed to help each child find their New Year 'mantra' for strength and hope in the coming year.


SSSIO members conducted various SSEHV programs and workshops, including two 100-hour programs called "Conscious Friendship" in a local public school and the Sathya Sai Centre of Ljubljana. A six-day SSEHV summer camp near the river Kolpa, themed Human Values in Daily Life, involved 17 youth. An SSEHV workshop was also organized for SSSIO members to enhance spiritual progress and Sai Center activities.


The Sathya Sai Center of Tenerife conducted SSE lessons every two weeks for a group of five children aged 6 to 9, with additional classes for 9 to 11-year-olds. In Madrid, three Sathya Sai Educare workshops were held for adults. On December 16, the Education Wing of the Sathya Sai Centre of Las Palmas organized a visit for 14 SSEHV children to the Association of People with Intellectual Disabilities of Las Palmas, where they served food, participated in entertainment, and sang Christmas carols.


In Bern, Geneva, and Zurich, six teachers prepared regular SSEHV lessons for approximately 25 students aged 5 to 17. An Art Exhibition titled ViviValori in Ticino showcased the artwork of over 200 students as part of a year-long school project dedicated to human values. Coordinated by public school teachers and focusing on SSEHV, the exhibition was held in May 2023. In June, during the SSSIO National Meeting, a Theater Festival featured over 20 children from the Sathya Sai Centers of Basel, Bern, and Zurich, presenting three vibrant performances, along with a presentation by the adults.

United Kingdom

Throughout the year, in-person weekly SSE classes continued. In May, Easwaramma Day celebrations included plays and presentations on the birth of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, human values, other topics, and devotional singing. Group 3 students worked on projects related to karma and studied Sai literature on sense control. New lesson plans for Group 3 students were created, covering diverse topics of interest.

Zone 7


A Sai summer course with 10 participants, including two children, studied Swami's teachings on the 5Ds and performed a drama. Thirty people were informed about Sathya Sai's life, teachings, and work, followed by a Q&A and discussion.


This year, 13 participants from Latvia and Estonia completed their Course 2 ESSE training program, resulting in the certification of four participants. Additionally, online seminars were held for teachers in Latvian Primary Schools, Hungary, and Denmark, focusing on program implementation. An online Course 3 was conducted for Zone 8 educators, and an online meeting was held in Denmark to share experiences in public presentations. The online training and mentoring in Haiti's partnership schools has led to the creation of a local team of Haitian Trainers.


The Sai Children's Channel conducted online parenting classes with 10 participants in 2023. Monthly programs with a focus on five human values were offered to devotees' families. SSE classes were also offered during the annual regional retreat at Ammersee near Munich. The ESSE group created a calendar featuring 24 value-based quotations and pictures.


The Green Nature School in Kaunas conducted monthly online webinars with 9-15 participants, incorporating values in education. A workshop based on Swami's teachings for physical and mental health attracted 47 participants.

The Netherlands

The SSEHV/ESSE team conducted online SSE classes throughout the year, with in-person sessions in the summer. The team celebrated National Sathya Sai Family Day on January 6, 2023, and organized workshops for 20 participants.


The Theatre Studio, Education through Theater, has been providing educational programs for over 15 years in three Cultural Centers near Warsaw. In 2023, four groups of 50 students aged 5-19 participated in a unique age-appropriate program using short films, storytelling, values games, meditation lessons, and mindfulness exercises, with six performances.


In 2023, one weekly online SSEHV classes were held.

Zone 8

ESSE Institute and ESSE Campus trainers conducted online seminars for 59 members of the organization and 14 seminars for 91 members. In 2023, over 350 SSE classes were conducted for 193 children and 650 SSEHV classes for 2051 children. Teachers conducted SSEHV classes, creative workshops, puppet shows, festivals, and sports competitions for 191 children during an international volunteer camp. The 21st Annual Zonal Education Conference attracted 263 participants from 63 cities in 7 countries. The 8th annual Zonal Conference and Festival of Teenagers attracted 141 participants from 47 cities of 7 countries.


On June 3 and 4, 39 people, including children, parents, and youth, attended Purity Day celebrations in four cities of Kazakhstan.


During July 25-29, 2023, a children's summer camp dedicated to human values was organized for ten children of the public.


The Siberian region hosted several events, including a children's festival, a family camp, an online SSE class, a Christmas and New Year holiday, and a sports Olympiad. The children's festival held on July 22-23 focused on the Love of the Motherland, while the family camp, held on July 23 – 29, focused on Ceiling on Desires. On December 24, an online SSE class was held for children in the Siberian region, and the Northwestern region arranged an event with fairy-tale characters and merry dances.


In 2023, an English teacher conducted individual SSEHV online classes for a 5-year-old child and a mother, integrating SSEHV and educational methods into her subject. Additionally, the Beads of Character classes, which focused on character-building for 5-7-year-olds, continued.

Zone 9

Children from across Zone 9 and London participated in a drama during the International Christmas program, highlighting the joy and love of Christ.


The Ghana Education Service ranked the Sai School as the best Basic School in the district and the 3rd best in the region. Parents and guardians received SSEHV lessons. The Sai School community helped cultivate 20 acres of food crops and another 20 acres for Palm Tree Planting. In August, the school organized a Career Day, where 100 students dressed in their chosen career attire created enthusiasm and provided information on various professions.


The Sathya Sai School, Uthiru, is located 17 km from Nairobi's city center. It is a day school for underprivileged and destitute community children, regardless of socioeconomic status, ethnic origin, or religion. It is a model primary school that delivers excellence in academic performance and character development. The school has 170 pupils enrolled up to Standard Six, supported by ten full-time teachers headed by a Headmaster and six other staff.

New teachers at the Sathya Sai School, Kisaju, are actively participating in the SSEHV program, supported by the lead. The school maintains its environment, fruit trees, and crops for aesthetic value and serenity, with fresh organic produce regularly supplied to the kitchen.


Students at Sathya Sai School Tana Madagascar have been beautifying and maintaining the garden on a weekly basis.


Students planted seedlings supplied by the SSSIO Nigeria, including custard apples, tomatoes, neem plants, and various beans.

South Africa

Sathya Sai Schools in Africa have implemented various activities to promote value-based education and boost student and educator confidence. These include study skills workshops for grade 6 children and an educator, a career and market day showcasing entrepreneurial and business skills, creative art displays, sports participation, service projects, an EHV introductory course for 27 teachers, a weekly mentoring program by the ISSE South Africa monitoring team, and a parenting workshop encouraging parents to work closely with the SSEHV Program. An SSE teacher training program was also launched, with 46 participants from various African countries participating. The Newcastle Sai school students were awarded for their exemplary character and academic success.