International Conferences


International Conference in Sai Prema Nilayam, USA
The International Conference on ‘Love and Service,’ a significant event organized by the SSSIO from April 20 to 23, 2023, in Riverside, California, USA, drew more than 700 participants from 35 countries. The Conference was held at Sai Prema Nilayam, a newly acquired venue, which was formally opened on April 20 by Dr. Narendranath Reddy, Chairman, SSSIO.
The Conference commenced with a diverse panel of six distinguished representatives from major faiths, including Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism. Each speaker elaborated on the universal theme of love and service, echoing Swami's message of the inherent unity of all faiths based on divine love.

On April 21, a flag procession opened the proceedings. Flag bearers representing 35 countries served by the SSSIO marched in and placed their national flags at the altar amidst thunderous applause. Welcoming the audience, Dr. Narendranath Reddy gave the opening address, recounting many Sai experiences to drive home Swami’s message about love and service. Mr. Leonardo Gutter, a member of the Prasanthi Council, reiterated the preciousness of human birth and our incredible opportunity to redeem our lives by dedicating ourselves to Swami, His mission, and service.
On April 22, the SSSIO Zone chairs presented a variety of impactful service activities from the 114 countries served by the SSSIO. In the evening, the Young Adults staged a thought-provoking play titled The Journey towards AI, AI standing for Atmic Intelligence, which depicted a practical way to transform ourselves.

The Conference attendees were rewarded with a unique opportunity to participate in inspiring workshops on wide-ranging topics such as (i) Organizational Excellence, (ii) Healthcare Services and Preventive Healthcare, (iii) Environmental Sustainability, (iv) Communication and Media, (v) Women: the Beacons of Nations, (vi) Education in Human Values, Sathya Sai Schools and Institutes, (vii) Public Meetings & Community Support, and (viii) Sai Spiritual Education – What We Practice, We Become!
On the evening of April 22, the SSE children treated the audience to a lively multifaith drama.

Finally, it was time to recognize and honor Sai devotees who had dedicated their lives to serving in the Organization for more than four decades. As their names were read out, they walked onto the stage to be felicitated with the gift of a shawl and a prayer box.
The Conference also included uplifting bhajans, short video excerpts from Bhagawan's discourse, and musical presentations such as a lyrical opera sung with piano accompaniment. Many other activities were also facilitated during the memorable event.
The valedictory address by Dr. Narendranath Reddy brought the 4-day Conference to a memorable conclusion. He reiterated Swami's clarion call to make our lives His message and integrate what we learned in the Conference into our lives.
More details on the Conference can be found HERE.

Sri Lanka

International Conference in Sri Lanka: My Life, His Message
SSSIO Zones 4 and 5 held an international conference in September 2023 at the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, attracting over a thousand participants from 16 countries. The Conference began with an auspicious welcome procession of Vedam chanting, a flag-hoisting ceremony, and a lamp-lighting ceremony.
Mr. Manoj Singh, Chairman of SSSIO Zone 4, welcomed the august assembly. Dr. Narendranath Reddy opened the Conference with the keynote address. He drew attention to Bhagawan's divine discourse of May 17, 1968, and emphasized that the purpose of the SSSIO was to help us realize and manifest our inherent divinity and to help others reach the same goal. He also discussed the importance of the Gayatri Mantra.

A magnificent flag procession with flags from 16 countries carried by SSSIO members from those countries enthralled the delegates. Dr. Ramadevi Sankaran, a physician from the USA, then introduced the Exercise Regularly, Attitude Positively, Sleep Deeply, and Eat Responsibly (EASE) program for one's overall well-being.
Later in the morning, a practical and innovative exhibition by the Young Adults was officially opened.

YAs from Malaysia then offered a joyful play production, "Rasa Sayang," meaning 'Feel The Love.' They were followed by the wonderful SSE children of Sri Lanka, who put on a beautiful and moving play.

The second day commenced with early morning Nagarsankeertan. In his opening talk that day, Mr. Billy Fong, Central Coordinator of Zone 4, reminded the audience about the importance of practicing Swami's teachings and chanting the prayers given by Him.
Dr. Suresh Govind, a member of the Prasanthi Council, showed videos of outstanding work performed in the various countries of Zone 4. He enthusiastically discussed various projects and encouraged others to emulate these practices. Ms. Anuradha Venkateswaran, an alumnus of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL) and Regional Devotional Coordinator, SSSIO USA, Region 3, then spoke on Living a Balanced Life.

A special convocation ceremony was also held for YAs from Zones 4 and 5, who received certificates for completing the leadership training program from Dr. Narendranath Reddy and Dr. Mrs. Hyma Reddy.

On the third day, in the auspicious early morning hours, at 4:45 AM, delegates made their way to the beach for Sunrise Prayers. Sitting on the sand before Swami's chair, at sunrise, they chanted the auspicious Gayatri Mantra in unison.

On the third day of the conference, the Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) children, seven years and older, went on a memorable tour of the coastal region of Mathagal.
In the auditorium later that morning, Dr. A.R. Ganeshamoorthy, a member of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust of Sri Lanka, spoke of the inspiring and selfless work being done in his country. This was followed by a ceremony honoring several senior devotees from Zones 4 and 5, who received certificates to acknowledge their long years of service in the divine mission.
In the afternoon, the YAs worldwide jointly offered a musical rendition, Sai Melodies—The Language of the Heart, and received a well-deserved standing ovation. As the program came to a close, Dr. Suresh Govind offered a Vision for the Sai Mission. In an inspiring, energetic speech, he urged everyone to take Swami's love and message to all corners of the world and relieve human suffering.
Senior Prof. S. Srisathkunarajah, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Jaffna, the gracious host of the venue, spoke about his faith, spirituality, and awareness of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The countries of Zone 4 then declared their resolutions for the 100th Birthday celebrations of Bhagawan in 2025 in the areas of educational, devotional, and service activities.
Dr. Narendranath Reddy delivered the valedictory address in which he shared a prayer for all leaders: Oh Lord, make me the servant of the servant of the servant. In his closing remarks, Mr. Ashok K. Sakhrani, Chairman of SSSIO Zone 5, provided an overview of the conference proceedings, identifying highlights.
The SSSIO Sri Lanka also graciously organized grama seva, or service in villages, and tree-planting. The delegates were in for a pleasant surprise when the villagers entertained them with a cultural program in gratitude!
More details on the Conference can be found HERE.


International Education Conference, Barbados: Transformative Power of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values
The International Conference on Strengthening Values Education was conducted from October 12 to 14, 2023, by the Sai Institute of Education, West Indies (SIEWI) in partnership with the Institute of Sathya Sai Education, USA (ISSE-USA), along with input from the Canadian Institute of Sathya Sai Education (CISSE) in Barbados, West Indies. The goal of the conference was to raise awareness about the holistic SSEHV program in the Caribbean, a long-term vision and goal of the SIEWI.
The event at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Conference Center drew more than two hundred government officials, policymakers, and educators from nine Caribbean countries. Over two hundred people also logged in online from Belgrade, Croatia, Italy, the Virgin Islands, Uganda, and other countries.

The conference was off to an inspiring start when Dr. George Bebedelis from Greece, the co-chair of the SSSIO Education Committee, spoke in his inaugural address about how anyone can join this great movement. Then, the past President of the Caribbean Association of Principals of Public Secondary Schools, Barbados, spoke on a vision for peace and prosperity in the Caribbean and the role of human values.
Mrs. Doris Hampton (USA) and Mr. Lalu Vaswani (Barbados) presented the inspirational story of the 'Miracle School of Ndola,' Zambia. Mrs. Juanita Villa, Director of the Sai Institute of Colombia, and Mr. Alfredo Harmsen, Founder-Director of Sathya Sai School of Ecuador, presented stories of transformation and love from Latin American schools. Equally enlightening and inspiring was the brief presentation by Mr. Rawle Heralalal, Principal of Sathya Sai Primary School Trinidad/Tobago, on the impact of SSEHV in schools.
Mr. Anthony (The Mighty Gabby) Carter, Cultural Ambassador of Barbados, presented a specially composed song on the five human values that brought the entire audience to its feet in applause.

Dr. Shantal Munro-Knight, Barbados Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, delivered the keynote address. She spoke on enhancing the practice of human values in the Caribbean to achieve unity, prosperity, and opportunity for all and called on leaders in Barbados and across the region to take action to strengthen values at home, school, workplace, and communities.
The conference featured six 90-minute break-out sessions on topics dealing with human values. Dr. Ramadevi Sankaran, MD (USA), delivered an informative talk on how human values are central to a holistic approach to mental well-being, followed by a highly appreciated Q&A session. Mrs. Kalika Grana, Director, ISSE-USA, Miss Pavani Pathirana, ISSE-USA, and Mrs. Ann Lady Hewitt, retired chair of Erdiston Teachers' Training College in Barbados, shared their experiences in human values education and the spiritual journey.

The Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Lalu N. Vaswani, and all presenters ensured that every presentation included audience reflections, comments, and Q&A sessions.
Multiple newspapers carried reports of the successful SSEHV conference. More details on the Conference can be found HERE.