Zone 2A

Costa Rica

During August and November 2022, eight SSSIO volunteers lovingly prepared and distributed lunch boxes containing apples, fruit juice, vegetarian sandwiches, and cookies to 120 Venezuelan migrants in San José and Heredia.
On May 1, 2022, Dr. Hari Conjeevaram, Co-Chair of the SSSIO Humanitarian Relief Committee, visited San José City and gave an inspiring talk to 25 people. He shared his experiences with Swami and described various SSSIO relief activities.

Dominican Republic

On January 9, 2022, 22 SSSIO volunteers distributed five hundred toys to the children of Katanga as part of the 'Give Me a Toy' program.
In August 2022, 82 people from all over the Dominican Republic attended the SSSIO national meeting at a mountain in Bonao.
On November 26, 2022, three doctors, assisted by ten general volunteers, held a medical camp in the Las Palmas de Herrera community and served 97 patients, including 39 children.
On June 4, 2022, in Santo Domingo, in the Mata Mamón community, four doctors supported by 20 volunteers provided medical services and donated medicines to 125 people.
Eleven SSSIO volunteers celebrated Children's Day on April 30 by serving pizza, soft drinks, and ice cream to more than 20 children and staff at the Gosen Orphanage. They also participated in fun activities like singing, dancing, and playing basketball and volleyball with the children, brightening their day.

El Salvador

More than 30 people attended El Salvador's first in-person retreat called 'Who am I' on April 14 and 15, 2022.
On August 28, 2022, more than 60 people attended a workshop on 'Spiritual Revolution,' where Dr. Ganesh Yadlapalli from the USA and Mr. Oscar Morado from Mexico enthralled the audience with inspiring talks on Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
On December 3, 2022, three SSSIO doctors and six volunteers, including Young Adults, provided loving medical care and gave free medicines to 115 people in the rural community of Jayaque.


The Sathya Sai School in Guatemala won three awards for academic excellence. In addition, the talented volleyball team won second place at the International Central American Games in Honduras.


With the help of the Bon Timoun Foundation, the SSSIO built new facilities at the Galette School, Torcelle School, and ABC de la Vie School, which reopened their doors at the end of November 2022 following the pandemic.


Over 150 SSSIO members attended a National Retreat with the theme 'Back to my Self' from April 14–16, 2022.
On November 26, 100 people enthusiastically participated in the first post-pandemic Walk for Values in Iztapalapa, in Mexico City.

SSSIO volunteers organized numerous medical camps around the country. On October 22, 2022, a medical camp was organized for 50 children at the Sathya Sai School in Cuernavaca.
On October 23, four general practitioners, an otolaryngologist, a dentist, a pharmacist, and 12 volunteers provided medical services with love and compassion to 62 children at the Iztapalapa Community Sai Center.
In Guadalajara, on December 4, 25 people received medical consultations. Reading glasses were given to 23 individuals. SSSIO volunteers also gave free haircuts to 22 people and fed 30 stray dogs.

One of the most notable activities was laying the cornerstone for the Sathya Sai secondary school in Cuernavaca on November 19, 2022.
On October 16, 2022, SSSIO volunteers in Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas, inaugurated a new Sai Center.


SSSIO volunteers delivered 21 food hampers with rice, beans, sugar, cookies, and vegetable oil to street vendors and workers at the La Reynaga landfill in Managua on December 30, 2022. The hampers also included much-needed personal hygiene items, such as laundry soap, dish soap, and toilet paper.


In commemoration of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's 97th Birthday, 60 bags of baby clothes were collected and delivered to the National Hospital in Panama on November 23.
In Panama City, 20 surgeries were successfully performed at the Caribbean Medical Center in the Colon Province in November 2022. In addition, the SSSIO presented a wheelchair to a 90-year-old man.
In October 2022, 18 students and an electrical engineer repaired and refurbished the bathrooms of the En Busca de un mañana School. SSSIO volunteers also helped with construction at the facility.