Young Adults
As Sai Centers reopened and in-person activities resumed, Sai Young Adults (YAs) actively supported the Centers with bhajans, service activities, study circles, and SSE classes, as well as participation in significant events such as Guru Poornima and the Birthday celebrations of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Furthermore, online and in-person YA meetings and retreats were resumed locally, nationally, and zonally, such as the European Sai YA Camp in Athens, Greece.
The International YA Team conducted workshops with YAs from each zone to strengthen YA connection, better understand local needs, and learn how to adapt to a changing world. Insights gained from these workshops have been invaluable in addressing mental health issues, practical spirituality, and inclusivity.

An International Online Retreat was conducted in May 2022 with the theme Reconnect & Recharge. The program included guest speakers, a panel discussion, interactive activities, and breakout sessions, with translations provided in Russian, Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesia, and Spanish.
An initiative called #ServeSai was launched, encouraging YAs worldwide to participate in local service activities. A guidebook was created to support the planning and implementation of the initiative.
The International YA program has 12 subcommittees for YAs to develop their leadership skills and work in international teams to serve the SSSIO and for their self-transformation.
Serve the Planet (STP)

On Avatar Declaration Day 2022, the STP subcommittee began a new initiative, Love the Planet to Serve the Planet. A six-week social media campaign was launched to promote environmental awareness by spiritually connecting with Nature.
Sri Sathya Sai International Leadership Programme (SSSILP) for Young Adults

The SSSILP is offered in nine online modules and three languages: English, Russian, and Spanish. Since its inception in 2015, nearly 2,200 participants have successfully graduated, and some serve in leadership roles in the SSSIO. Approximately 143 YAs from 30 different countries participated in the program in 2022.
InSAIghts (formerly Young Adults Talent Development)

The InSAIghts subcommittee offers technical support for all YA subcommittees and online YA programs. The subcommittee hosts International YA online meetings every quarter; gave technical support for the International YA Retreat 2022 and a special Gift of Love session. It also provides support by providing live translation in Spanish, Russian, Bahasa Indonesia, and Portuguese for online events to make the programs more inclusive.
Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana of Love (SSSSOL)

The SSSSOL subcommittee guides Sai Young Adults across the world to deepen their understanding of Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings through study, practice, and self-reflection. As part of the Reflections of Sai initiative, YAs shared their experiences and gratitude to Baba on social media platforms.
Pathways (formerly Group 4 to YA Transition)

Besides launching the SSSIO Sri Sathya Sai Compendium in collaboration with the YAIE subcommittee, the Pathways subcommittee also launched Bridges to guide younger YAs aged 18–22 in their transition from SSE Group 4. A series of social media posts were created to promote Bridges.
Ocean of Music (OoM) (formerly 'Love All Serve All')

The OoM subcommittee supported all major worldwide SSSIO online events in 2022. Many YAs recorded bhajans and devotional songs for Maha Shivaratri, Aradhana Mahotsavam, Guru Poornima, SSSILP Online Graduation, and Worldwide Akhanda Bhajans. The devotional songs showcased were less known and from various languages and different musical genres, including original compositions by YAs.
YA Soundcloud (also available on Spotify and YouTube):
- Ocean of Music Volume 2
- Ocean of Music Volume 3
- Players for these are already embedded on link to Ocean of Music album.

Information Management and Analytics Subcommittee (IMAS)
The IMAS supports the International YA Program in making better-informed decisions by acquiring accurate and timely data and insights from various sources. IMAS is reviewing the current strategy of the International YA programs through focus groups and surveys.
Sri Sathya Sai Young Adults International Engagement (YAIE)

In 2022, YAIE released the SSSIO Sri Sathya Sai Compendium for Sai Young Adults in collaboration with the Pathways subcommittee. The Compendium is a comprehensive guidebook on the life, teachings, and mission of Sri Sathya Sai Baba designed for young adults by young adults as they progress on their spiritual journey—the 25 carefully curated FAQs function as starting points for individual introspection and group discussions. The Compendium was well received worldwide.
Sri Sathya Sai International Young Adults Veda Program

The International Young Adults Veda Program Subcommittee launched the Veda training on April 24, 2022, the auspicious day of Aradhana Mahotsavam. The training is an introduction to Vedic chanting as a spiritual discipline. Students of all levels join regular online sessions and practice with experienced teachers who help them with the correct pronunciation and intonation of the Vedic chants.
- The importance of sound in the Vedas – March 2022
- Masterclass on Rudram – June 2022
- Veda chanting workshop – September 2022
- Experience sharing panel discussion – December 2022
Sri Sathya Sai International Young Adults Wellbeing Program

The wellbeing initiative, started during the pandemic, focuses on the importance of a sound body, mind, and spirit. With the guidance of physicians, this subcommittee developed a Healthy Living web page to provide helpful information on stress, anxiety, depression, and mental health and how to manage them. The program also supports YAs with the tools to lead a healthy and balanced life.
Sai Young Adults Media Team
In 2022, the International YA Media Team was an integral part of all SSSIO online programs. They developed SSSIO graphics and videos on social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, Spotify, and WhatsApp. The Media Team also helped create and promote weekly initiatives based on Swami's teachings to Young Adults worldwide.
Sai Young Adults Editorial Team

The International YA Editorial Team edits, proofreads, and transcribes various materials such as the SSSIO Annual Report, International YA announcements, Veda webinar videos, graphics, landing pages for websites, and videos for worldwide dissemination. In addition, the subcommittee assists all YA subcommittees with proposals, scriptwriting, and captions for various YA initiatives. The Editorial Team also publishes a weekly Letter to Students column and assists with the SSSIO YA online initiatives. In addition, the subcommittee also plays an integral part in the monthly Eternal Companion online magazine by preparing the section Ideal Sai Young Adults.

Zone 1

The YAs of Trinidad and Tobago lead a beach cleanup project at Mayaro Beach. About 130 people, joined by the public, collected 1.3 tons of garbage and sorted it for recycling. The YAs also organized a service for Visually Impaired Persons (VIPs) at St. Ann's Road, Mayaro, with the support of 181 volunteers.
The YAs of Jamaica (West Indies) donated food, care packages, and necessities to children in childcare facilities and seniors in infirmaries once every three months. They also provided students in need in Montego Bay with essential school supplies and school bags for the academic year.
In Canada, 15 YAs participated in an online mental health workshop where they shared the challenges they faced during the pandemic and identified coping tools, including regaining their spiritual connection. Discussions occurred in an open and supportive space where medical professionals could help. A group of 7 YAs also facilitated and led the SSSIO Canada Leadership Workshop over two weekends.
Based on Sathya Sai's maxim "Bend the body, mend the senses, and end the mind," the YAs in the United States of America focused on taking care of body and mind. First, they held a national Mental Health and Wellness series with six monthly sessions. The next initiative focused on the body through the Around the World challenge! where participants were encouraged to invest time daily to stay physically fit. The YAs also explored how one can bend the body by serving more meaningfully in the Sai community.

Zone 2A

YAs in Mexico held morning spiritual practices every weekday via Zoom. In addition, 26 YAs attended a national retreat on Inner Peace from August 5-7, 2022.
The YAs from the Dominican Republic provided over 400 children with food and toys and taught human values classes to over 20 children at the GOSEN orphanage. They also helped to support the construction of the Sri Sathya Sai School. The YAs participated in virtual ceremonies where 60 Sai devotees performed a play about Lord Krishna.

In El Salvador, YAs conducted study circles to learn more about Sri Sathya Sai Baba and organized activities to commemorate Avatar Declaration Day, Father's Day, and other celebrations. In addition, they organized a medical camp serving 107 people.
Similarly, YAs in Guatemala lovingly served food every month to 100 elderly people at a local nursing home.

Zone 2B
The YAs from Argentina organized a virtual Q&A session with Mr. Leonardo Gutter, a member of the Prasanthi Council, about Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings. The inspiring session was broadcast live, with over 340 people watching it online via YouTube and more than a thousand views after release.
The YAs from Ecuador distributed 27 boxes of healthy, non-perishable food to the homeless and those in need in the City of Loja.
The YAs from Bolivia helped clean garbage from the Ecotourism Park. During the Christmas holidays, the YAs brought joy to 150 needy children by presenting each one with a beautiful toy and serving a cup of hot chocolate with cookies.

Zone 3

YA groups across the zone held regular study circles on Sai literature. The YAs launched SENSEI SAI sessions, a series of workshops that shared life skills with YAs. For Guru Poornima, the YAs launched a #SERVESAI challenge for individuals to serve Sri Sathya Sai Baba in their daily lives through Envirocare and service to family, community, and the SSSIO. YAs also actively supported SSE as teachers and assisted with the transition of Group 4 students to the YA program.
YAs in the healthcare field in Fiji, along with other volunteers, held medical camps supported by the YAs from New Zealand.

Zone 4

The Zone 4 YA team hosted a podcast titled InSAIde Scoop to show YAs, in an honest, simple, and light-hearted way, how Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings could address their challenges in life.
In early 2022, 40 YAs in Sri Lanka organized beach cleanup service activities.

Indonesian YAs volunteered at three public kitchens, serving 500 people displaced by the Cianjur earthquake that struck Indonesia in November 2022.
In July 2022, over 150 YAs and students from Malaysia took part in a packed daylong event which included devotional singing, serving food to over 200 people, and distributing bags, filled with hygiene items to the residents of seniors' homes and orphanages.

Zone 5

In February 2022, during the Chinese New Year celebrations, YAs of Hong Kong distributed red packets containing a greeting card with an inspiring Sathya Sai quote and an uplifting message from the YAs to 30 residents of an elderly home. In March 2022, they distributed fruit juice, biscuits, milk, and N-95 masks to 60 visually impaired children. Lentils, rice, wheat flour, hand sanitizers, and Covid-19 test kits were distributed to over 108 low-income families.

Additionally, YAs in Hong Kong organized two nature cleanups in July and October 2022, collecting more than 50 bags of trash. In November 2022, they arranged a Thanksgiving dinner service for the homeless and distributed 80 dinner boxes containing vegetarian burgers, cupcakes, biscuits, and a cup of noodles. Finally, in December 2022, the YAs organized a Christmas event, 'Tis the Season to Give Thanks, with Christmas-themed games and activities, for domestic helpers and their employers as a way to express gratitude and appreciation.

Zone 6

The YAs in Zone 6, 7, and 8 organized the 4th European Sai Young Adults Camp in person at the Sai Prema facility near Athens, Greece. Around 14 YAs from 9 countries (UK, USA, Germany, Spain, Latvia, Serbia, Greece, Czech Republic, and Poland) participated in the 5-day camp. Various activities were organized around the theme - Life Is Challenge, Meet It. Life is Love, Share It.
YAs in Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in an interreligious faith meeting, We are all brothers, organized at the St. Ante church in Sarajevo on November 5, 2022, where they discussed various SSSIO service activities.

In the United Kingdom, YAs actively participated in Sai Center activities. They were an integral part of the National Birthday Celebration of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Worldwide Akhanda Bhajans, and Christmas events. Meanwhile, YAs in Italy conducted an online Satsang on spiritual challenges.
The YAs in Dublin, Ireland, collaborated with local community volunteers to conduct a beach cleanup project in Rathdown, Dublin in April 2022. In June 2022, they participated in the Wexford Retreat in South-East Ireland. YAs also performed a drama during the National Birthday celebration of Sri Sathya Sai Baba in Ireland.

Zone 7

In Latvia, the YAs made candles, ornaments, and mandalas for the war-affected people of Ukraine. They also participated in breathing exercise classes every Thursday before bhajans, where they learned about Light Meditation and discussed Sathya Sai's inspirational teachings. Meanwhile, in Sweden, the YAs participated in two food service activities. The YAs of Poland organized a summer camp for families with storytelling, singing, and interactive games. The YAs of the Czech Republic participated in service programs and online study circles.

Zone 8

In Zone 8, YAs organized an online Youth Leadership Meeting in January 2022, with workshops on the challenges faced by the YAs and shared personal experiences. YAs prepared an online module for the Annual Zonal Conference in May 2022. They also organized three Zonal Sai Olympics in the summer of 2022, where devotees from all Zone 8 countries participated. They also organized trips and other outdoor activities.

Zone 9
In January 2022, YAs in Kenya removed Parthenium plants, an invasive species extremely dangerous and toxic to wild animals, from some regions of the Nairobi National Park—50 participants assisted in the cleanup, removing 5,000 kilograms of the toxic material.
Meanwhile, the YAs of South Africa delivered dry pet food to the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Durban. YAs also conducted a beach cleanup in February 2022 at the Blue Lagoon and in March 2022 at the Country Club, working alongside the local community. They also planted 50 trees on June 11, 2022, to commemorate World Environmental Day.

Over 70 YAs from Mauritius hiked the Le Pounce Mountain and bonded with Mother Nature as they discovered the exceptional fauna and flora. In December 2022, the YAs organized a one-day fun camp and team-building event. Two YAs recounted their numerous interactions with Swami, which were inspiring and moving.
The Zone 9 YAs actively participated in many national events such as Aradhana Mahotsavam, serving food to the needy, blood donation initiative, tree planting activities, etc.