Sathya Sai Education is based on Sri Sathya Sai Baba's philosophy and teachings, giving equal importance to spirituality, human values, character, and educational achievements. He guided and blessed the establishment of the Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) program, the Sathya Sai Schools, the Institutes of Sathya Sai Education (ISSE), and the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) programs around the world. Currently, 28 ISSEs and 39 Sathya Sai Schools support educational activities worldwide. In 2017, the Education Committee established a process for accreditation of all Sathya Sai Schools worldwide, involving an ongoing self-review process followed by scheduled visits to the schools. Accreditation is a collaborative and iterative process to support each Sathya Sai School by acknowledging their excellent work and working jointly on areas needing attention. This report briefly summarizes the educational activities in the Sathya Sai Centers, ISSEs, and Sathya Sai Schools operating worldwide under the SSSIO.

Zone 1
West Indies

On December 9, students of Longdenville Sathya Sai Primary School showcased their artwork, themed Love for Nature, prepared using natural materials from the gardens.
On October 20, Longdenville Sathya Sai Primary School students and staff observed Avatar Declaration Day and Diwali. Standard One students developed and presented a poem, That's What Sai Means to Me, to connect Sai with their understanding of human values.
The National Education Team offered virtual training to 28 new teachers over three weekends in January and an in-person training on August 27.
A virtual Canadian SSE festival was held on July 9 with the theme, Fun with SAI- Shine, Act, and Inspire. The festival featured inspiring talks on Nature is the best teacher, Using our SAI compass to guide us through our journey in life, and Always by my SAIde. The festival also showcased the achievements of SSE students across the nation in a video.
The national education team formed a National Study Circle Team of experienced teachers and created study circle materials based on a discourse titled Guidance for Gurus. The first study circle material was offered to Swami for His Blessings on November 21, 2022.

1) About 200 parents attended the First National Sai Parenting Enrichment virtual conference in July 2022. The focus was to
- acknowledge and support the critical role played by parents and well-wishers in a child's spiritual, moral, and character development;
- establish/strengthen existing Sai parenting programs at all levels; and
- create a network of resources for parents of children with special needs.
2) SSE children contributed to service projects, including care for the environment, tutoring, making care packages for refugees, and many more.
Online activities included:
- World Education in Human Values Day in Nigeria;
- Introductory workshop for Young Adults;
- Elimination of Violence against Women and Children in collaboration with the UN and other NGOs;
- Awakening and Practicing our Human Values National Conference;
- SSEHV Presentations for the Minister of Education and others; and
- Human Values Conference with 17 Caribbean Countries in collaboration with West Indies.
SSEHV for Medical Professionals:
- Weekly SSEHV Explicit teaching for six months in the Clinic;
- Population Health Care Lecture PA Students;
- Who Are We? Holistic Human Values, N. Shore Health Sys. & New; Based Medical Practice (18 Workshops) for Employee;
- Introduction for Healthcare Professionals in Brookdale University Hospital (Pediatric Residents); and
- Population Health Care Lecture for PA Students at Valparaiso University.

Zone 2A

A ceremony was held to lay the foundation for the Sri Sathya Sai Middle School in Cuernavaca. Twenty-five teachers attended a virtual course in Human Values between September 2022 and January 2023. Ongoing training was conducted for 40 teachers from the Sathya Sai Schools of Mexico.
Additional facilities were built in Galette, Torcelle, and ABC de la Vie Schools, and musical instruments were purchased. When schools reopened at the end of November, the teachers visited the children to motivate them to return to school. These services were carried out in collaboration with the SSSIO and the Bon Timoun Foundation.
After the pandemic, the Sathya Sai School started in-person classes. The Sathya Sai School won three national awards for academic excellence in September 2022. The school's volleyball team won second place in the Central Americans Games event held in Honduras.
El Salvador
The SSE program reopened in-person classes in April 2022. The Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Education on Human Values classes were conducted for 22 children in high-risk communities of San Salvador in collaboration with the Catholic Church of Cristo Redentor.

Zone 2B

Online SSE meetings were held with the children and their families from Argentina and Peru about the importance of service and putting the values of love and compassion into practice. Other topics included working as a team, sharing time and housework, and respecting and collaborating with each other.
- Six seminars were held virtually in May and June for 12 SSEHV teachers.
- From July to November, seven participants met virtually on the last Saturday of each month to share experiences, challenges, and achievements.
- The SSEHV Team from Buenos Aires virtually delivered the Second Level Training to about 12 teachers. It included a review of the Educare Philosophy, Human Values, training techniques, and practical strategies.
- Mahatma Gandhi School in Argentina conducted meditation, monthly family workshops, solidarity days, and annual educational trips. It continued the Godparents and Godchildren project, where participants interacted on shared projects.
During 2022, primary-level teachers (for 6 to 12 year old children) in public education in the city of Sucre were trained. Training workshops on human values were organized for administrative workers at the University Hospital in Sucre.
On August 26, the Institute was honored for its 22 years of service in a Special Session of the Federal Senate of the Brazilian government.
- In November, several students from the Sathya Sai School of Ribeirão Preto, medalists at the Brazilian Astronomy Olympiad, were honored at the Ribeirão Preto City Council Chamber for their excellent performance.
- A Peace Walk was held near the Sathya Sai School of Vila Isabel. The students made and distributed messages commemorating World Peace Day (September 21) with great joy and pride. The children also visited a nursing home for the elderly, where they sang songs and interacted lovingly with the seniors, filling them with joy.
- Environmental education classes continued at the Sathya Sai School of Goiás, in which they received awards in the Agrinho Program of the Goiás Agriculture Federation, FAEG.
- At the end of the year, the first SSEHV Course, Educate to Transform, was held for parents of students at the Professor Clodomir Teófilo Girão Partnership School.
- SSE Online Meeting – Oka Chinna Katha – a small story was held biweekly or monthly. The stories represented the teachings of Sai and messages from many faiths.
- The Prayer Canticle of the Creatures of Saint Francis of Assisi was presented by the SSE children and youth of Brazil as part of the SSSIO Online Christmas Celebration.

The calendar year ended with 115 graduates from two Diploma Courses. Study circles were conducted on various SSEHV topics, and the educators engaged in joint projects with the SSSIO of Ecuador.
Educators from the two Sathya Sai Schools of Colombia traveled to Ecuador in October to share experiences, learn from each other and discuss SSEHV techniques with educators from the Sathya Sai School of BahÃa de Caraquez.
In April, a Walk was organized to promote caring for water sources in Funza and Mosquera, featuring poems, stories, songs, and quotes about caring for Earth and water.
Important activities in 2022 included:
- Family Day, celebrated on July 16, was a day of tribute to families.
- Parent workshops were held to increase awareness of education in Human Values.
- Prema Sai School was due to start functioning as a primary school in 2023. Three classrooms were built for the First Grade in the first phase, and another three classrooms are scheduled in the second phase.
SSEHV educators in Ecuador were invited to be part of the National Board of Education in Values sponsored by the Ministry of Education. The Sathya Sai School was honored with Ecuador's First Educational Innovation Award by the Minister of Education.
Five International Meetings on Education in Human Values were organized with the ISSEs of Colombia and Mexico.
To celebrate Human Values Day, the Sathya Sai School of Guayaquil, the Sathya Sai Educational Institution of Bahía de Caráquez, the Centenario Sai Center of Loja, and the Santa Clara Sai Center of Quito, organized several Walk for Human Values events.
The Sathya Sai Fiscomisional Educational Unit in Bahía de Caráquez was founded in 2001 with 60 children. It has steadily grown over the years and offers education in 14 grades with 430 students enrolled, effectively meeting local needs.
In April, the pré-Institute of Chile celebrated Human Values Day with SSEHV class, puppet theater, stories, and games in the commune of Ñuñoa in Santiago de Chile. The scope and program elements of SSEHV were also discussed at the Sai Center.
During 2022, the ISSE of Paraguay held online workshops fortnightly with 10-12 participants. In October, three workshops were held at the Sai Center on vegetarian cooking, attended by 14 participants.
The Education Wing of SSSIO of Peru resumed monthly in-person workshops on Human Values with the children of the Villa Sol and San Francisco communities in Villa María del Triunfo on the themes, Connecting with Nature and Living the Human Values.
Two virtual courses, Excellence in the Application of Human Values, were developed for community teachers. Six study circles were held from June to August. On November 26 and 27, a workshop on Leadership, commitment, and teamwork was held for 30 young people from the Illa Social Collective.
The ISSE developed a talk on SSEHV for families. A project was organized for collecting seeds and planting crops. A Walk for Human Values event was held in Trujillo, and trees were planted at the end of the walk in observance of Earth Day.

Zone 3

New Zealand
The calendar year started with virtual SSE classes, which transitioned to in-person classes at the end of May—the year ended with a joyous Christmas celebration. Several values-based activities were conducted, including making gratitude jars and preparing kebabs to learn the value of nutrition, creating miniature Ganesha clay statues, and making human values posters. At the end of 2022, the SSE students received a Values Trophy.
During 2022, about 31 children between ages 2 and 5 were enrolled in the Sathya Sai Preschool Rongomai, 78% hailing from Pacific Island families within the community. The school is supported by three teachers, two support staff, a manager, and SSSIO volunteers.

In New South Wales, the Sai Health Week seminar for parents and the Fun with Sai event for children were held in parallel. In October, the National Retreat was held at the Sathya Sai College in Murwillumbah. It included an SSE event where the children participated in T-shirt and canvas painting, an exciting race, a movie and trivia, morning Zumba, and a production that brought joy to every child in attendance.
The National Parent Engagement portfolio conducted a virtual National Parent Orientation and two webinars – with one on Nurturing Family Values in the Digital Age.
A virtual Teacher Training Course was launched to assist the smaller regions in increasing their pool of SSE teachers.
The Sathya Sai College of Australia had a very progressive year, with 5 out of 7 students entering a university. Flood remedial work continued in the second half of 2022 after devastating floods and was completed in January 2023.
In 2022, Sathya Sai College received two awards. The school was recognized as an environmentally conscious school in the local government area. It also received an award for resilience from the New South Wales (NSW) government for its resilience during and after the devastating floods.

Classes for children were held in nine locations. SSE Group 3 and 4 students were encouraged to participate in service activities, including visits to special homes and hospitals, assisting in blood donation camps, medical camps, and food distribution to the needy. A dietitian and a Young Adult presented a special workshop on food, nutrition, and non-communicable diseases.
The Sathya Sai Primary School has 104 students with 8 teachers and 20 Kindergarten students with one teacher. In recognition of its environmental contribution, the Sathya Sai Primary School won the Rural Division of the Clean School Competition organized by the Lautoka City Council. The award was granted for environmental awareness, composting, and recycling.

Zone 4

Sri Lanka
All adopted school children received stationery, and 46 received school uniforms. Mid-day meals are provided for children in Mullaitivu, Karaitivu, and Veeramunai districts. A few school children were given bicycles, and a tablet device was given to a student pursuing GEC A/L level studies. Monthly financial assistance is given to university students from underprivileged families.
Malaysia has 2,500 SSE children, a Sathya Sai Academy, and a Sathya Sai Primary school. SSE classes were conducted in person and virtually throughout 2022. The 19th SSE/SSEHV Convocation Ceremony was held on September 17, 2022, at the Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation, Kuala Lumpur, with 88 students graduating. The Education Wing conducted a new Teachers Training program for 45 teachers.
The Sathya Sai School of Pillilia continued supporting 129 students with 8 teachers. The ISSE continued to offer a virtual monthly faculty development program for teachers on topics such as English Grammar, Public speaking, the Art of Storytelling, etc. SSE classes were conducted online with four teachers and 26 students in Groups 1 to 3.
The Sathya Sai School of Thailand has 321 students and 47 teachers. SSE classes continued in person and online for 49 students, taught by seven teachers.

The Sathya Sai School of Bali has 40 teachers and 343 students in Kindergarten to secondary levels. SSEHV classes are held every morning, and parents regularly attend parenting sessions.

SSE classes are conducted virtually for 80 students by 20 teachers. In April 2022, SSE students went for nature appreciation at Sentosa Beach. Activities included playing outdoor games and sharing stories about Swami's love for nature and animals.

Zone 5
Postgraduate students from four universities continued monthly online SSEHV training. Due to the Covid-19 lockdowns, all other activities were on hold, with most students continuing their studies from home.
Hong Kong & Japan
Due to Covid-19, all SSE classes were held online.

Zone 6

ISSE South Europe (ISSE-SE) team of 14 members, which includes trainers, SSEHV educators, and ISSE referents from Croatia, Greece, Israel, Italy, Serbia, Spain, and Switzerland, continued with the training seminars of its first-ever online Course 1 on SSEHV. A YouTube channel,, has been created to access the recordings of all sessions.
Peace Friends is a virtual walk for peace that fosters unity, friendship, and inherent goodness. For details, please visit this video link.
The Sathya Sai Center in Bjelovar organized a lecture and workshops on storytelling for primary school teachers, grandmothers, and kindergarten teachers. At a regional level, online lectures and workshops were held with the theme Wisdom of Living. Additionally, ISSE SE teachers prepared Module 1 of the first SSEHV seminar in Croatian.

From October 2021 to June 2022, six dedicated teachers conducted SSEHV lessons every alternate Saturday in the suburbs of Athens for about 14 children aged 9 to 14. A positive change has been observed in their character, and they are more joyous. The SSEHV lessons concluded with a Human Values Summer Camp in Sai Prema, near Athens, from July 2–10, 2022.

In May 2022, Group 1 students performed a skit named Child's Angel to celebrate Easwaramma Day. Group 2 children spoke on the importance of chanting Om, Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teaching on 'W-A-T-C-H,' the story of Pundalika (an ardent devotee of God), and a dialogue between the Inner SAI and the monkey mind.

ISSE SE conducted the tenth and eleventh SSEHV training seminars on June 3 and December 3, 2022, at the Culture House of Ein Hod, with presentations on the topics of Leadership Skills and Human Values and Divine Love: the Eternal Yearning for Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. It also included practical workshops and memorable songs dedicated to peace in Hebrew and Arabic taught by a professional choir director.
In September 2022, SSEHV activities, including study circles and creative, artistic, and musical workshops, resumed face-to-face for children and adults in Mother Sai in Varallo Pombia, near Milan, with approximately 30 participants every month. A certified team of trainers of the Italian branch of the ISSE SE continued with the second unit of the online SSEHV training program, titled Education in Human Values - A Path for Life, under the auspices of the Italian Ministry of Education.

In May and June 2022, the children and teachers of Sunshine School in Belgrade participated in the Peace Friends project launched by the ISSE SE. Students spoke about the virtues needed for attaining peace, and the school was full of smiling 'peace walkers.' A workshop was organized for 50 children aged 7 to 9 during Christmas.
A 125-hour program, Conscious Friendship, was held weekly throughout the year in the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Ljubljana. A six-day SSEHV Summer Camp themed Human Values in Daily Life was organized in Ankaran. Also, an SSEHV workshop called Courage was conducted in a public school in Velenje.
The Education Wing of the Sathya Sai Centre in Madrid organized study circles and SSEHV workshops monthly for adults from February to June and October to December 2022. The topics explored included the five human values, selfless service, and a culture based on pure love. On April 22, Earth Day, Swami's quotes on Envirocare were prepared and shared along with ten hand-made booklets with five stories on human values connected with Envirocare.

In 2022, study circles dedicated to Human Values and Sathya Sai Education were organized nationwide. Seven teachers conducted SSEHV lessons for 35 children aged 5 to 17 in Zurich and Berne. Additionally, a two-day Poetry Festival was held in the beautiful mountain village of Charmey in June. Time was also dedicated to the Peace Friends project; the children used colorful characters to highlight the value they wished for in bringing peace to the world.
United Kingdom
In May 2022, Easwaramma Day was celebrated at the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Pinner, where each SSE class presented a program on Nature. Additionally, in July, 12-year-old children took written examinations, and 14 and 15-year-olds wrote excellent reports on Karma, the power of speech, and selfless service. During a meeting in August, they were reminded to memorize spiritual verses, quotations, and songs as these will act subtly and silently to refine and purify their conduct and improve their concentration.

Zone 7
ESSE Institute trained educators in Latvia and Estonia in SSEHV online – 13 people participated in the first three modules of Course 2.
Primary school teachers in Latvia continued their seminars to understand how to implement the program in their schools.
An online Course 1 training was initiated in Hungary with 20 participants. The 26 teachers of the three partnership schools in Haiti have received three online training sessions from the ESSE Institute. Topics included stress management, pedagogy, and discipline with love.
Two human values clubs also served community children on Saturdays.
Two new Self-Awareness study groups started in two different towns in Estonia with 15 participants from the public. Meetings were held both in-person and online.

The Sai Children's Channel continued to offer monthly programs for families on the five human values. Cleaning the Environment, Art Festivals, and Theater performances were arranged during the year.
Parenting sessions based on Sai teaching were offered as webinars, with topics addressing everyday challenges and how to stabilize family life through spiritual education.
Webinars were held about the practice of human values in the workplace.

Ten monthly workshops were held on the topic, Love is the way to realize the Self. The study guide on Love was translated into Lithuanian and shared at the national meeting; it will be added to the website.
The Green Nature School, started in 2018, continued to provide education based on the teachings of Sathya Sai to 36 children, both in person and online.

The Netherlands
The online SSE classes with five children and three teachers continued twice monthly, with a live family day celebration on Easwaramma Day.
The Dutch ESSE team of six trainers offered workshops on the five human values in relation to the five primary religions in the Netherlands.
A Course on Holy Books is an active collaboration between an SSEHV trainer and leaders of local faith communities. Compassion was the theme linking the four major religions.

The Theatre Studio in Poland by Maria Quoos has continued to offer SSEHV education through theater to the children of the public – 11 children, ages 13 to 18, presented a drama about helping those in need, titled Casablanca, to convey the message that with determination and courage, it's never too late to make your dreams come true. Link to video.
A film-drama titled 'Fairy-tale Trouble' with 12 children (ages 3-11) focused on one's dharma. Link to video.
Three traditional Christmas plays were performed by 14 children, ages 9-12.

Zone 8
An online Course 3 was conducted for Zone 8 educators by the Zone 8 ESSE Campus Trainers.
On 26-27 March 2022, the 20th Annual Zonal Educational Conference was held online with the theme, Sathya Sai Spiritual Education Leads One to the Realization of One's Divine Nature.
Ten teacher training courses were held with Education Wing officials from all Zone 8 countries.
During January 6–7, the 7th Zonal Conference and Festival for Adolescents titled Good Character -Good Destiny was held for teenagers and children under 12.
Over 280 children, parents, and teachers from six countries actively participated in the Clean Planet Zonal Project. They lovingly cared for plants, picked up rubbish, planted over 930 trees and shrubs, fed birds and animals, and served food to the needy. During the year, four Clean Planet Zonal Holidays were organized.
Around 190 adults and 143 children participated in 15 camps for the Active Summer 2022 project, where the children enjoyed drawing, handicrafts, photo, and video competitions.
SSSIO members and nine teachers held a summer camp in Gusary with workshops and lessons on Kindness
Four teachers conducted 6 SSE and 32 SSEHV classes.

Five teachers conducted 7 SSE and 32 SSEHV classes.
In 2022, week-long classes were held during the school holidays on the theme, Human Values in the Family. Four regional seminars were held for parents on the spiritual and moral education of children in the family. Twenty-eight SSSIO members are professional teachers who formally integrate the values and methods of Sathya Sai Education in educational institutions.
Forty-seven SSEHV classes were held for preschool children.

Zone 9

South Africa
The ISSE South Africa created a tripartite partnership by collaborating with the teacher, parents, and learners of the two Sathya Sai Schools – Newcastle and Chatsworth. Study Skills workshops were held at the Chatsworth School to empower learners to become better students. Virtual SSEHV programs were conducted for both schools. A Christmas party was organized on November 18 by the South African Feeding Scheme for the whole school, in which a play titled Power of Love was presented.
Five schools participated in an intra-zonal competition on art and essay with the theme of unity, love, and peace. Both storytelling and art were used as techniques leading to transformation.
An online drama was presented by the school children of Zone 9, titled The Greatest Gift of All: God is Love. This musical was an example of the lives of children from an African perspective.
Parenting programs were held in some schools. Workshops were conducted on lesson planning and integrating SSEHV into mathematics.
Twenty-one educators across Zone 9 from Sathya Sai Schools graduated from the introductory SSEHV course.

The Sathya Sai School provided free education, meals, and lodging for 272 marginalized children with the help of 17 teachers and supporting staff. They celebrated their ancestral roots and culture on July 23 with traditional dances and poems. Students and staff also visited elders in the community to understand the culture from their perspective. Parent-teacher meetings were held every third Friday of the month to share and understand the children's needs at home and school.
During the second term, the children and teachers of the school participated in a Walk for Values with songs and carrying placards of quotations to create awareness of the five human values. The walk concluded with community service at Mawoito Health Centre and the neighboring hospital.