Garden of Cuernavaca, Mexico

Zone 2A

Dominican Republic

The Bacuisito River, which provides water to the community of 22,000 people in Loma de los Angeles, is located 900 meters above sea level, in the Province of La Vega. As the river was drying up due to the loss of trees that line its watershed, SSSIO Young Adults started reforestation of the river basin to help protect the water supply for the community. On Sunday, August 29, 2021, 25 young adults planted 200 saplings in the Bacuisito river basin, in consultation with environmental experts. The project ended with prayers for rain to sustain the trees as well as provide water to the drought-stricken community. It rained in the ensuing days, which was a welcome sign of divine grace and blessings.

El Salvador

In June 2021, SSSIO members at Portal La Dalia, in downtown San Salvador, resumed serving food to about 100 homeless people every Saturday morning. This project was originally started in the 1980s but was put on hold in 2020 due to the pandemic.

On September 18, 2021, eight volunteers cleaned the Eco-Park, in observance of World Cleaning Day.

In October 2021 a new project was initiated to distribute refreshments on Monday evenings to around 150 parents of children at the Benjamin Bloom public hospital for Children. 

On December 18, 2021, Christmas gifts were distributed to more than 100 children in the community of La Barra de Santiago.


SSSIO volunteers in Haiti have worked tirelessly with dedication to provide access to quality education combined with education in human values to develop character, self-confidence, and integrity of nearly 550 underprivileged children. Despite enormous challenges restricting the full operation of the schools, the teachers have kept the three schools operational every day. In 2021, each student received a backpack, books, school supplies, and a T-shirt. Breakfast was served to 95 students every day. Further, infrastructure improvements were made in the schools, including the installation of cement floors in four (4) of the 20 classrooms. The volunteers also distributed drinking water from the well in the Galette school to the residents.


On April 24, 2021, SSSIO volunteers from the Sri Sathya Sai Community Center of Iztapalapa in Mexico City distributed saplings of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, red cabbage, broccoli, and huauzontle (an herb native to Mexico) to 40 families from the city’s most needy communities, as part of the Seeds of Love for the Community project. The recipients nurtured the saplings in their homes, enjoying an urban vegetable garden.

To commemorate World Environment Day on June 5, 2021, 15 volunteers from Sri Sathya Sai Centers of Mexico City and Toluca planted 15 weeping willow trees near the Almoloya River and collected waste along the river in Rancho de San Antonio. The participants learned about planting trees and the important role of trees and water in sustaining the environment.


On August 8, 2021, SSSIO volunteers from the Sai Group of Chiriquí, a province on the western coast of Panama, brought joy to the Doña Carmen de Barroso Nursing-home residents in the community of Sortova by distributing personal hygiene items, clothing, footwear, food, medicine, and blankets to the elderly residents of the Nursing Home.