Bhagawan Baba's Body will lie in state at Sai Kulwant Hall for two days (Monday and Tuesday). Darshan of Bhagawan is expected to continue until 6 p.m. on Tuesday. Here is a short video of Swami lying in state.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi are expected to arrive at Puttaparthi at 4.45PM on Tuesday to pay their last respects and return to New Delhi an hour later.
The funeral is expected to be held between 9.00AM and 9.30AM on Wednesday, and Bhagawan's body is expected to be laid to rest in Sai Kulwant Hall itself.

As the news spread of His leaving His physical body, thousands upon thousands are flocking into the Prasanthi Nilayam to have the darshan of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This includes commoners to celebrities to government dignitaries. As per the announcement, Bhagawan's physical frame will be lying in state for two days, Monday and Tuesday, allowing devotees to have darshan of Bhagawan.

The Divine Body was taken out of the hospital after 1400 hrs and brought to The Divine Abode, Yajur Mandiram at 1425 hrs.

As announced, Bhagawan's physical frame was brought into the Sai Kulwant Hall after 1815 hrs., in a glass case, in a procession led by Vedic chanting and bhajans by students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning.
With Bhagawan's physical frame lying in state for the next two days, bhajans will continue throughout, as thousands upon thousands are expected to flock into the township to have the darshan of their Beloved "Swami".
State Governor and Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh air-dashed to Parthi after hearing the news of Bhagawan's passing away. Many other prominent figures have also joined in, offering condolences at the grave happening.
Elaborate arrangements have been made with thousands of police men keeping a vigil around the township, ensuring avoidance any untoward incident.