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			Om Tat Sat Sri Narayana Thoo, Purushotthama Guru Thoo
			Siddha Buddha Thoo, Skanda Vinaayaka, Savitha Paavaka Thoo
			Brahma Mazda Thoo, Yahva Shakthi Thoo, Esu Pitha Prabhu Thoo
			Rudhra Vishnu Thoo, Ramakrishna Thoo, Rahim Tao Thoo
			Vasudeva Go Viswaroopa Thoo, Chidaananda Hari Thoo
			Advitheeya Thoo, Akaala Nirbhaya Aatmalinga Shiva Thoo 

Om Thou art that, Thou art Narayana, God in the form of man;
Thou art the Embodiment of perfection and the perfect master. Thou art enlightened Buddha;
Thou art Subramanya and Ganesha, the remover of obstacles; Thou art the Sun-fire
Thou art Brahma, the Creator; Mazda, the Great One;
Thou art Jehovah and the Divine Mother, the creative Energy.  O Lord! Thou art the Father of Jesus.
Thou art Rudhra, the Transformer, and Vishnu, the Preserver; Thou art Rama and Krishna;
Thou art Rahim, all kindness, always giving and expanding; Thou art the Tao.
Thou art Vasudeva, the Sustenance of all, omnipotent and omnipresent;
Thou art Hari, Destroyer of illusion, the blissful Spirit.
Thou art unparallelled, beyond time and fearless of adversities;
Thou art Shiva, Creator of the lingam, Symbol of the formless Absolute.